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I have a one pence uk coin, It is silver in the middle and the usual bronze on the outside.?

What I would like to know, could this be a misprinted coin as I cannot see it being a forgery due to its low value. I have tried to scratch off the silver but seems to be imbeded into the bronze and do not like to gouge too deep incase I damage the coin, just in case it is worth something


It's a relatively new coin, so not an ageing process, the silver colour is perfectly cymetrical heads and tails on the coin. just wondered if this was possible to mix silver and bronze colours when minting the coins,

3 Answers

  • DavidK
    Lv 6
    9 years ago
    Favorite Answer

    I have just done a search and can find nothing that relates to your coin. I think the best thing to do, in the first instance, would be to ring a coin dealer and see what they say.

  • JOHN G
    Lv 7
    9 years ago

    What size is it ? , does it have any writing on it or a date ? , what is the picture on the tail side ?, with more information someone maybe able to help.

  • 9 years ago

    i hope ur descrbing the colour and not its compound nature. otherwise it sounds more like something old, like old jewelery, u shud get tony robinson and the crew on it

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