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Would it hurt to walk on a leg that has been shot?

If you were shot with say a 9mm regular bullet (not a hollowpoint or anything ) through the calf, just flesh, no bone contact, what would it feel like walking on that? How about a day after the gunshot? Would a person limp on the injured leg if it was just a flesh wound? A day after getting shot, would the leg have healed enough for a person to be able to run full speed on that leg?

And I mean pain besides the obvious pain of the gunshot wound, would that pain or the wound itself impede ones ability to walk or run?

I'm asking it here because I figure you guys might know, or know someone who knows what it's like to be shot in the leg or something. I asked this in the health section, but 9/10 people giving answers there are morons and have no health expertise and give completely irrelevant common sense responses.


Wow you guys are dense as ****

Do you know how to read? Would. Getting. Shot. In. The. Leg. With. No. Bone. Contact. Hurt. Enough. To. Impede. Ones. Ability. To. Walk. Or. Run

Update 2:

It's for a story, yes :)

12 Answers

  • 9 years ago
    Favorite Answer

    At first it hurts like a charley horse, like a really bad muscle cramp. If you keep walking on it, it gets worse. If you don't bandage it, you will most likely be incapacitated in an hour or two. Mine got bandaged in about 40 minutes and I was transported, so I didn't walk on it farther than about 10 yards or so.

    It hurt like hell for five weeks, immobilized without walking on it. I can only speculate that if forced to walk on it, I'd only get about an hour or two of use out of it before I'd need to rest, pain killer, or both. Also, walking on it inhibits healing, so whereas it was five weeks for me, it would probably be double that for some poor bastard in the field with such a wound, and that's WITH competent wound care.

    I would not like to imagine what would have happened if it had gotten infected. It was bad enough when it didn't.

    Source(s): Personal experience.
  • Chris
    Lv 5
    9 years ago

    There is no yes or no answer to this. If what ross said does not cover it enough for you, then I have an idea why the health section did not satisfy you.

    It the question is, "Is is possible that a person walk the next day after a through and through to the calf?" then yes. It is possible. Very unlikely and the person would have to be highly motivated and have a high pain threshold. But it has happened before and it will surely happen again. It all depends on how much calf got hit, who the person is and why they need to walk or run. For sure running would reopen any slight healing that happened overnight through.

  • 9 years ago

    1) I've heard from some people that immediately after being shot, especially in extremities, that they don't really know they've even been shot. So immediately, they would probably be startled, but they likely wouldn't experience any pain until after the incident.

    2) A day after the gunshot they would still be in a lot of pain. Even in a life or death situation, they wouldnt probably be able to run anywhere near full speed. If it was just skin, and little muscle damage, they could probably run just fine.

    3)If it actually passed through muscle, it would be extremely difficult to run, but possible. If it severed a muscle or tendon, they obviously wouldn't be able to run.

    4) But the way, your question can be entirely answered with common sense. You'd have to be completely un-intuitive to not come up with the answer on your own. What the heck do you think it feels like to get shot in the leg?? It doesnt matter where you get shot or with what calibre- YOU WILL LIMP IF YOU GET SHOT IN THE LEG. And "heal enough" in one day?????? Since hwen does a gunshot wound heal measurably in a day? The swelling and immune response would make it considerably worse.

  • Anonymous
    9 years ago

    As weird as it sounds, it is uncomfortable, but I wouldn't say "hurts". I once had a bad blister/burn on the side of my calf from the tailpipe of a motorcycle. The major discomfort was when I had been lying down and stood up, or had been in one position for a while. I had to take a few "gingerly" steps before I could walk without much discomfort.

    Having been shot in pretty much the same place, it reminds me a lot of the same type of pain. After about a week, mostly soreness and stiffness more than any stabbing or sharp pain.

    Note entry wound on upper left shin, towards the back, non-expanding bullet, clean exit opposite side. Everyone is different as is their tolerance to pain, and an inch of difference in area can make a world of difference in pain. Walking would be difficult the next day if for no other reason than bleeding. Using Israeli patches, that is not so much an issue.

    Noted: A couple of you have no idea about the subject, yet you insist on saying what will or will not happen. Bleed out in 30 minutes? Sure, if an artery is hit, it can and does happne, but otherwise, you simply apply pressure and bleeding stops. People who are shot "go down and stay down"? Maybe on video games, but in the real world, people take multiple hits even lethal hits that destroy the heart and STILL live long enough to return fire effectively. "Wouldn't walk for a month"? Sure, it can and does happen as do ALL these things, but stating them as a fact in any shooting is just ignorance.

    A young man was a victim of crime about a mile from where I live. He was shot. Two rounds in the chest, one of which tore through a lung. The third was in the thigh. Guess what champ. He was shot on Monday, and in intensive care on Tuesday. He was home WITHOUT MAJOR SURGERY, that Friday and is doing well.

    A student of mine took a round through the upper torso,. He bled to death before the medics could stop the bleeding. The point is, nothing is guaranteed when it comes to gunshot wounds.

    As an instructor in practical pistol training, I have dozens of stories, all verifiable of criminals who were shot several times and continued to fight, as well as stories of someone who died from what should NOT have been a lethal wound.

    Guns are not "magical death rays", and it may surprise you to know that the majority (by far) or gunshot victims survive.

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  • Anonymous
    5 years ago

    Yes, the gunshot can compromise muscles, making it hard or even impossible to walk, not to mention damaging nerves -- remember President Kennedy's elbows going up after he was shot? That was the result of a nerve bundle being hit -- you can lose control of voluntary movement. How long it takes to heal depends on a lot of factors, including the damage surgery does if required to (for example) control bleeding.

  • Anonymous
    9 years ago

    when i broke my ankle i did nothing but scream in pain for about 15 minutes...

    2 weeks later (now) i still can't walk on it.

    it was blinding pain. now if I was shot, and unless someone helps me I'll just scream for about 10 minutes, pass out then bleed to death. a hole like that, most people will bleed enough to pass out in 30 minutes, and in another 30 minutes they'd be dead from excessive blood loss.

    it would take someone that is tough as nails to survive that kind of thing.

    most people are not super soldiers like you see in the movies. if they get shot they go down and stay down (and scream for about 15 minutes). unless you're way hopped up on something very powerful there's no way in hell you'll be able to use that leg for at least a week. putting weight on it wouldn't be possible for a few weeks, walking wouldn't happen for at least a month.

    Source(s): how people died prior to emergency medical services on the battlefields. they'd get shot and if no help arrives in about 30 minutes they'd bleed to death.
  • 9 years ago

    Intensely. It only becomes more painful as the wounded area becomes inflamed over the passing hours and days. So says my personal family expert on getting shot. It sucks.

    Writing a novel or morbid curiosity?


    OK you obnoxious troll. Since you're obviously too dense to aggregate the data presented or do a friggin' Google search...

    Usually. Hurts. Like. Hell.

    Maybe. You. Can. Walk.

    Maybe. You. Can't.

    Depends. On. The. Damage. And. The. Victims. Tolerance. For. Pain. And. Level. Of. Determination.

    Now. Bugger. Off.

  • Jeff
    Lv 7
    9 years ago

    Are Popes Catholic?

    Do hairy bears crap in the woods?

    Yes it would hurt. Don't be suprised if the head of the calf or other major muscle is toast... nerve damage and pain, major bruising and trauma. You may walk with assistance... but it ain't like the movies.

  • 9 years ago

    If. You. Don't. Like. The. Answers. Don't. Ask. The. Question.

    Reported for insults and implied obscenity.

  • 9 years ago

    Under MOST conditions, YES.

    Source(s): Experience. BUT, I AM the one still walking around. HE had a nice funeral!
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