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olive oil to dissolve ear wax?

Anyone ever hear of this as a remedy to get rid of ear wax? My son has a bit of ear wax that seems to bother him, and I don't want to stick anything in his ear to try and clear it out. He freaked out at the dr's office when the dr tried to pick it out, so he recommended a drop of olive oil, saying it would dissolve the ear wax. Just wondering if any of you have tried it and how it worked out for you. Thanks.

3 Answers

  • ?
    Lv 7
    9 years ago
    Favorite Answer

    No, it is "Sweet Oil," it's an old fashioned remedy that mom used to swear by. She heated the bottle under warm running water, and followed this proceduer nightly for 3 or 4 days. Then after the srd or 4th day, the ear is syringed (baby syringe) with warm water. Place a towel around the neck and use a small basin to catch the drippings.

    Today we use Debrox ear drops, and the directions are on hte label. if this doesn't work the doc should see him. They often use a water pik, but it must be used carefully. Too much pressure can rupture the ear drum.


    Source(s): RN
  • ?
    Lv 4
    4 years ago

    What Dissolves Ear Wax

  • 9 years ago

    Ever since we were tiny, my mum put oil in our ears when we had wax... it wasn't always olive oil: vegetable oil or sunflower oil also seemed to work. She would put a few drops in before bed, and we would lay on some kitchen roll to protect our pillows. I guess it's just lubrication to help wax to disperse. Even now that i am much older, if I'm suffering with wax, I do that. :D

    Certainly, it has not done me any harm at all :) Although when she put it in (and nowadays, when i do) I always do this involuntary shudder... it tickles :P

    The only thing is, if you decide to heat it a bit first (you really don't need to though) make sure it isn't too hot!!!!!!!

    Good luck :)

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