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What does Mitt Romney plan to "replace" Obamacare with?

I haven't heard any proposal.... just this subliminal message keeps popping up.


@LiberalsRNutz: Thanks for the link.

I like the idea of "In place of Obamacare, Mitt will pursue policies that give each state the power to craft a health care reform plan that is best for its own citizens." I don't like the idea of "The federal government’s role will be to help markets work by creating a level playing field for competition." ... this isn't the role of the Federal Govt. The Commerce Clause has been abused worse than a bottle of Grey Goose by Lindsay Lohan.

We need the Federal Govt to GET OUT of commerce, especially in this industry.

Romney's site goes on to say "States will have both the incentive and the flexibility to experiment, learn from one another, and craft the approaches best suited to their own citizens." ....I don't like the word 'incentive' ... I just hope he means market-based incentives, rather than tax-based, or govt-based incentives.

Not a fan of Romney (or Obama), I'm the indepen

18 Answers

  • 9 years ago
    Favorite Answer

    Ronmey knows he can't just throw out Obamacare, and he probably doesn't want to. If he gets elected, Romney's not about to spend his political capital fighting Congress over something that's already been passed. He just wants people who dislike Obamacare to vote for him, so he makes promises he can't keep.

  • 9 years ago

    As it stands no other govt. healthcare plan is closer to 0bamacare than Romneycare. I fully believe Romneycare was beta testing for 0bamacare.

    If you look at Romney, and 0bama's beliefs and voting history, it's a strong argument that no two politicians in our government are more alike. Adding to this who really thinks Romney or 0bama (who are both as dumb as a box of rocks) could explain the details of their health care plans, much less write the bills? Big Pharma, Big Chemical, Big Oil, and Big Banks have total oligarch control over our govt., and they are the ones behind govt. healthcare, and who wrote both plans. Are these the people we want controlling our health? Really?!

    While Romney and 0bama are labeled as being from separate camps, just a slight bit of research reveals their solid ties to a common agenda...Ann Romney is CFR. Hillary Clinton is CFR. Either way, either choice, same result.

    Far as govt. healthcare goes... this is the most Fascist law ever to fall upon the American people. A couple years ago the govt. was having a chit fit because they couldn't force us all to get H1N1 vaccinations for the flu that never was. Now they can force us.

    Big Pharma has already broken our health care system with incentives for doctors to treat practically every illness with anti depressants. This isn't even scratching the surface of how bad and evil this will be.

    Aside from all of the above...When has any government agency been more efficient than private sector?

    Source(s): Personal responsibility
  • Dan H
    Lv 7
    9 years ago

    A very good question that I haven't heard any answers to. In most cases, when they do say anything, they want to institute things like staying longer on parent's health insurance, more health protections for kids, expanded medicare and medicare reform, more accessibility to health insurance for everyone.

    Amazingly, these proposals look just like Obamacare! Maybe that's why they don't want to talk about them.

    The reality is, if they get a repeal of Obamacare, there will be NO reform coming from the Republicans - ever.

  • 9 years ago

    I truly think he will fiscally modify it and take the burden off the taxpayer. Have you really looked at it yet. It's a debacle and Romney is a bored financial genius. Lets put him at the helm with the Tea Party on his butt.

    Monday, July 2, 2012Here's How Much The Obamacare Penalty Tax Will Cost You...

    In most cases, the penalty/tax for not buying Obama designed medical insurance will be cheaper than buying medical insurance. Henry Blodget has a good breakdown:

    Here are some key points, from

    The penalty/tax will be phased in from 2014 to 2016.

    The minimum penalty/tax in 2016 will be $695 per person and up to 3-times that per family. After 2016, these amounts will increase at the rate of inflation.

    The minimum penalty/tax per person will start at $95 in 2014 (and then increase through 2016)

    No family will ever pay more than 3X the per-person penalty, regardless of how many people are in the family.

    The $695 per-person penalty is only for those who make between $9,500 and ~$37,000 per year. If you make less than ~$9.500, you're exempt. If you make more than ~$37,000, your penalty is calculated by the following formula...

    The penalty is 2.5% of any household income above the level at which you are required to file a tax return. That level is currently $9,500 per person and $19,000 per couple. The penalty on any income above that is 2.5%. So the penalty can get expensive quickly if you make a lot of money.

    However, the penalty can never be more than the cost of a "Bronze" heath insurance plan purchased through one of the state "exchanges" that will be created as part of Obamacare. The CBO estimates that these policies will cost $4,500-$5,000 per person and $12,000-$12,500 per family in 2016, with the costs rising thereafter.

    So, basically, you're looking at penalties of approximately the following at the following income levels:

    Less than $9,500 income = $0

    $9,500 - $37,000 income = $695

    $50,000 income = $1,000

    $75,000 income = $1,600

    $100,000 income = $2,250

    $125,000 income = $2,900

    $150,000 income = $3,500

    $175,000 income = $4,100

    $200,000 income = $4,700

    Over $200,000 = The cost of a "bronze" health-insurance plan.

    Read more here.

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  • 9 years ago

    He will replace Obamadoesn'tcare with Romneydoescare

    Romney has said he he will initiate a policy of returning Health Care Plans back to each state like he did in Massachusetts when he knew that what was good for Massachusetts........was not necessarily good in Arkansas

    Romney knows that Health Care is NOT " one size fits all " as Obama would have you believe

  • ?
    Lv 7
    9 years ago

    Probably something like Romneycare - but before the veto-proof Massachusetts Democrats made so many changes to it.

    > Allowing you to get actual INSURANCE that Democrats made illegal for all but a politically-chosen few. This is EASILY AFFORDABLE for virtually everyone and is long-proved to drive DOWN costs.

    > Allowing you to make YOUR OWN choices about coverage instead of forcing you to buy packages you are guaranteed NEVER to need/use.

    > Eliminating the tax-preferences for inserting third parties between you and your care by making YOUR OWN health spending deductible instead of making ONLY "employer-provided" plans deductible.

    In short, the things virtually everyone says they would LIKE TO HAVE but which is forbidden to us by Democrats.

  • Anonymous
    9 years ago

    I'd be satisfied with what we had under W…but then were you an honest person (you're not!) you'd admit that ObamaCare is your starting point, and anything that doesn't include a government takeover of medicine is going to be demagogued unmercifully by you…

  • 9 years ago

    Less Burden on the American taxpayer.

    Perhaps REAL reform to medical care vs forcing a tax on people for not having (insurance).

    Funny I've been to the emergency room when I didn't have Insurance-----they always sent ME a bill I had to pay.

  • Anonymous
    9 years ago

    He supports the Ryan budget which ends Medicare and gives people a voucher ( coupon ) for the insurance vultures . Health for profit needs the money .

  • Anonymous
    9 years ago

    Trickle Down Health Care

    Free Health Care for all Billionaires

    Cause you know if they are sick, they cannot create jobs!

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