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Do you think it's okay for a 15 year old to date an 18 year old?

Now there are more problems to this than meets the eye. My best friend Tayler (girl) is dating a boy (18) and has been for a month now. Now this boy is the best friend (now ex best friend) of the last boy she dated (17 year old). The reason is is that the guy she is dating now (Kyle) was telling her that her ex (Justin) was telling him that she was meaningless to him etc. So he manipulated her to dump her ex and start dating him. Maybe the ex was saying those things too, but he did other things to manipulate her. Kyle (the guy she is dating) also has a baby, and Tayler tells me she loves the baby (and her awful boyfriend) And she considers herself the "mother" of the baby. She is driving me insane and doesn't listen to me on how worried I am about her! I have told her, I am worried she is attatched to the baby and feels bad the baby's real mother left and will stay with the guy because she thinks she needs to protect the baby. She thinks this is baloney, but that is the type of person she is. She is a too caring person and won't let herself see that the boy could actually be abusing her. Even if she new the boy was hurting her, she would still stay with him. The 18 year old that she is dating has not "legally" hurt her, yet, but because he is 18 he can be charged for sexual assault on a miner. It's even worse because she says "well I'm ready to have sex, it's not a big deal". She comes from a very bad family of drugs and violence and is now dating someone of the same type and I am truly worried for her.

If you skipped to the end, just answer if you think a minor girl should date an 18 year old boy. Who has a drinking problem and a child.

5 Answers

  • 9 years ago
    Favorite Answer

    That is ridiculous. She should not be alloud to date an 18 year old ... Shes only 15! Maybe if she was closer to 16 or 17 it'd be okay. But the guy has a KID and a DRINKING PROBLEM ? Yikes. Where is this girl's parents at? You need to tell her shes going to end up with the kid next and shes not even close to being ready. You just need to be a good friend to her. I know it's hard, and she probally won't listen but get all the dirt you can on that guy and prove to her he's not a good person or a good boyfriend. Shes going to just end up hurt. I feel sorry for her. Just be the best friend that you can be. good luck guys.

  • 5 years ago

    properly whilst i became sixteen I dated a 20 3 hundred and sixty 5 days old lady and it ended badly. We did have intercourse and a toddler. i does not advise it using fact the adulthood tiers are sure to be a great situation. It became with me and my ex. We lasted a pair of years, yet we stored breaking apart and getting back at the same time(adulthood became the main important situation). he will brag and you gets made relaxing of, yet once you do no longer care approximately something I purely reported bypass forward and do it.

  • 9 years ago

    Well sorry to say.. There is nothing you can do.. Yes you are concerned about your friend but she has to see for herself... Nobody in the world can try to convince her out of this... It's best that you do not get involved... She will eventually see on her own.. Once this guy beats the crap our of her..

  • 9 years ago

    Now, i do think it is okay to a extent. If they actually "love" each other than go for it because no one can break apart true love, but teenagers these day only want sex and don't realize that sex is not all about pleasure, it is about showing love and passion for your companion. Like i said if they love each other then i think it is okay, but if one of them is after sex.. God Bless Them

    Source(s): Life
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  • 9 years ago

    A feminist will tell you yes, it's okay. I personally think it's sick. Either ways, it's illegal.


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