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Discussion of the idea on dolls; toys or sprit vessels.?

Is there anyone with a degree on mythical and cultural studies that can answer some questions? I have seen a lot of discussion on dolls and sprits. I get it to be there are two types of dolls, one purposely made for harboring a sprit and one for entertainment. There are some sprits that hang around because of the cherished item, but this is rare.

My question is where is the evidence of dolls made specifically for holding the sprit? I do understand Egypt is an example with the statues of the pharaohs. What are other cultures and evidence?

And dolls normally do not hold souls because if they did then any little girl with a Barbie would have ghost hanging around their rooms. So, is there evidence to dolls being processed by a sprit? Or is it more there are souls hanging around a doll?

I looked into it even here with questions like “What are spirit dolls?” and “Do dolls attract spirits of the dead?” . Any ideas.

3 Answers

  • ?
    Lv 5
    9 years ago
    Favorite Answer

    Hi Matthew,

    I don't know if this helps or not, but have you ever heard of Living Dead Dolls? They're manufactured by Mezco and I used to collect them.

    Well, at the moment I have a total of around thirteen dolls or so I think. I swear to you that, for whatever reason, every single one of those I get is possessed, which is why I stopped purchasing them. I just couldn't take it anymore, and the ones I have now are stuffed into a bag and sit on the shelf inside of my closet. I would have probably sold them by now, except I feel some sort of strange attachment to them. Plus I have no bank account, and there is no way I could sell on eBay due to this (not to mention I'm only sixteen).

    Anyways, the first doll I got seemed OK. A little weird, but they're *meant to be weird, you know? The second one, however, is when I really started to wonder. She felt different somehow. Point blank, I left the first doll named Sadie (as Alice from Wonderland) at my grandmother's because I was staying over there a lot. The next time I went to my grandmother's, my uncle was there. He asked me where my doll was when I came back. I said "On the dresser where I left her, why?"

    Apparently my uncle and cousin drove to my cousin's house and threw the doll away when they saw it because my cousin thought it was evil. The next day the doll was back on the dresser somehow. I didn't really believe him, but I *could believe him simply because the dolls did weird stuff, like fall over for no reason and they seemed to move positions. The second doll, Orchid, ended up being given to my friend when I was mad at my mom.

    The next time I went over to my friend's house after giving her the doll, I explained to her I needed it back because my mom was angry that I had given it away. My friend was more than glad to give it back (and she collected them, too, so BELIEVE me that was unlike her to want to give it back like that). Anyways, she claimed her family went on vacation and she had left the doll sitting on her bed. When she came back, supposedly the first one in the house, the doll was standing straight up in the middle of her floor. When I came to get the doll she removed it from her dresser drawer where she had been keeping it since the incident, and I honestly think she was telling the truth about the whole thing (on a side note, regrettably so, we are no longer best friends due to certain issues that could not be resolved).

    Anyways, I had typed a lot more on the subject but apparently my answer was too long according to yahoo!answers. If you wish to contact me, my email is feel free to do so.

    I'm not entirely sure what you meant with your questions, but I think you should check into "Robert the Haunted Doll". The doll is old and actually kept in a museum, so maybe you've heard of him. People actually leave the doll letters and apologize when they take photos of him. It's all taken very seriously. It's never particularly interested me as the guy who owned the doll just sounded like he was mentally ill, but many people find interested in the subject.

    I think some dolls become possessed because a spirit is not yet ready to give up life on Earth and a doll is a human-like object, plus more likely to be given notice. It is also giving them a solid form, and perhaps they don't like feeling like they aren't there, if you know what I mean.

    A lot of people claim they conjure up souls and place them in dolls and other objects (eBay is a great example of this, it's usual rings). I don't know if this is possible or if I believe in it, but I do think that it is very wrong in most instances.

    Hope this helped somehow and that I didn't bore you to death,


  • 9 years ago

    There's a documentary on the History channel about Hades and the worship of Hades. I remember seeing that they used certain formulas and dolls that would encase spirits. It told of it going all the way

    back to ancient sumeria/mesopotamia to the Greco-Roman era. You might want to look at divination and forms of necromancy. You will definitely find your answer in any book about Witchcraft.

    Spirits can harbor themselves around people, places and objects. If you were fooling with any occult propaganda or trying necromancy then certain things can get possessed. I had a few things that I had to burn once, because of this very situation.

    Source(s): Experience.
  • ?
    Lv 4
    5 years ago

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