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what do you think about the debate on autism linked with aggression/violence?

there is a huge debate whether it is linked directly or it is 'coincidence' and likely to happen to anyone regardless of autism or any other related problem, or non related

i stand on the it is inextricably linked side

where are you? and why?


psy, i have to disagree with you there, its been documented that the majority of thse kinds of 'autistic' killers are highly intelligent

the ability to not empathise and low toleration for certain things ( smells, noises etc) along with other symptoms of autism can lead to tviolence and agression, not low iq

tho those with low iq will be agressive and violent, they wouldnt have the ability to plan the same violence as say this latest

Update 2:

very true blue dream, but the reason i ask about its link to autism is i believe its a larger problem than is known,and i find the need is there to link these so we can understand it and help it, and the peopleinvolved

Update 3:

tim, tho i understand what your saying, i dont agree, i see a link that is there and needs to be accepted and dealt with, you know my boyf has it so im hardly trying to "demonise" autism

and to me the problem is that with a lot of people thats what is jumped to, "demonising" it, you can also demonise anything negative if you dont accept its there, what im trying to do is accept it

Update 4:

if i was someone who didnt understand it at all i might see how you could say that, but i do and i love someome with it, so i dont know how youd jump to saying im "demonisng"

this isnt about "finding a link", its about learning what it is, as the link is there,and this link isnt just randomly stated here by me, this is somethng that experts study and im just taking what they say and what i have learned on board about the brain, empathy, autism, and the frontal cortex

this is biology, not demonisng

Update 5:

if i was someone who didnt understand it at all i might see how you could say that, but i do and i love someome with it, so i dont know how youd jump to saying im "demonisng"

this isnt about "finding a link", its about learning what it is, as the link is there,and this link isnt just randomly stated here by me, this is somethng that experts study and im just taking what they say and what i have learned on board about the brain, empathy, autism, and the frontal cortex

this is biology, not demonisng

Update 6:

well, i have to disagree with you there tim, i dont feel ive "fallen into a trap"

, and i got there on my own, i havent had anyone tell me this is linked, this is me, and my boyf, researching and taking on board what we learn

he sees the same link

and belive you me, if its not there he wont see it and he will say he doesnt,

and given that people more inteligent than you or i who have studied autism etc their whole life are saying this, i dont see these people as "autism establishment", which to be honest tim sounds a wee bit weird, i actually have no idea what that means

its fair to say everything is linked to it, if your a human or animal you will have violence etc

but its also fair to say a lot DONT act onit, and those who do have a link, autism is one of those links

and in my opinion its better for everyone if we accept and understand it rather than argue whether it even exists or not, if it doesnt exist then ther would be no reason to consider it

dont yo

Update 7:

i understand, and i agree, infact most of my answers and even this q, revolves around the issue of what we CAN DO to make these things less problematic

and i know as a logical sort you will probably agree, you cant do that if you dont even know or accept something is happening

Update 8:

im speaking on behalf of autism AND people with other biological problems that are not understood

from MY own experience and understanding

we will just have to agree to disagree tim, all i can say is im not demonising, not fallinginto traps, im just learning

i want my boyfs life , and all autistic and other people with biological issues lives to be better, and if that means accepting the negative parts, then i dont see why i wouldnt

Update 9:

in my opinion, the only way to focus on "ways to break down the arbitrary social expectations instead of on ways to demonize us" is deal with the actual reality of autism

Update 10:

ignorance is usually the reason for 'demonising' something, i prefer knowledge, even when 'the truth hurts', i learned to do that from my brilliant boyf

3 Answers

  • 9 years ago
    Favorite Answer

    i think people can find whatever link they're looking for when they want to demonize a group of people.

    human history is full of examples. a lot of nazi germany's propaganda against jews is still accepted as fact by a lot of people, even tho it's always been provable as untrue.

    autism isn't a disease, it's a naturally-occurring variant in neurological processing. 'high functioning' autistics usually have higher than average IQs.

    given the fact that society is built in a way that makes our lives difficult, there can't be an objective study on any supposed link between autism and violence. people of any neurological condition will act out when frustrated. how about focusing on ways to break down the arbitrary social expectations instead of on ways to demonize us?

    edit: i understand that you're coming from a compassionate point of view, but i think you're falling into the trap of the auti$m establishment that makes buttloads of money off of scaring parents and family members of autistics.

    how can they say there's an inherent link between violence and autism, when scarce little has been done to help autistics cope in the world. of course we get upset, the world is built to overwhelm us. i don't think a violent reaction to deep frustration is unique to autism, and i don't see how they can prove there's a link as long as no accommodation is made for our needs.

    yes, i sometimes act out physical when i get overwhelmed, but guess what? so do my NT brothers in similar circumstances. it just takes more to get them to that level than it does me. that doesn't prove that my physical violence is linked to my autism. it only proves that frustrated people are prone to strike. i believe it's a natural defense mechanism in the human species, not a 'symptom' of a 'disease'.

  • 9 years ago

    Being human is linked directly to violence, but the reasoning or lack therein differs accordingly. The autistic spectrum of its highest value starts at the middle of the I.Q. spectrum and continues down from there to extreme retardation. As the I.Q. in a group goes down, the rate of compulsiveness goes up. So, generally, the probability for violence goes up as the rate for compulsion goes up.

  • 9 years ago

    Hi frou,

    I think it very likely that aggression/violence will (or eventually can) be linked with nearly anything that can be understood to be unhealthy. I doubt that many people would argue that autism is not unhealthy.

    We live in a very sick society. When there's chronic illness, it usually requires that the person realize and admit that they are ill, before they can be helped and hopefully cured. And to cure illness, it is necessary to examine and thwart the cause of it.

    Too many in our society do not want to admit the ways in which we are ill, and too many do not want to see what's really causing it.

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