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Lv 7
D asked in PetsHorses · 9 years ago

companies/ trailers to rent for transporting hay long distance?

I am looking for ideas on how to transport 100-150 bales of hay from Wisconsin to Indiana. I am in a drought area right now, but thankfully have some hay waiting for me at my parent's house.

We do not have a hay wagon, and I only figured about 72 bales would fit on the largest U-haul truck.

Are there commercial shippers for an individual one time transport? Can someone point me in the direction of hay transporters/ individual transporters that are not too expensive?



I have hay already, just need to move it. Thankfully, still $3 a bale in Wisconsin, because where I am, they are charging $10 per small bale pure grass hay

2 Answers

  • 9 years ago
    Favorite Answer

    Post an ad on craigslist. Its an easy transport and not very far. Some semi driver might do it very cheep

  • 9 years ago

    You can order Oxbow hay in2 25-50 lb. loads and they deliver.

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