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Eastenders - What have I missed since July 24th?

Just back from holiday and won't have time to catch up. Can someone give me a summary please?

Last one I saw was billy in the torch relay and the baby being born.......



hereisno..... thanks!, that's saved me a couple of hours! . I would normally have the time - but what with the olympics.........

2 Answers

  • 9 years ago
    Favorite Answer

    The most interesting thing is that Lauren found Ian Beale living on the streets. He has a big beard and rags for clothes and he looks like he is mentally ill. He came back and Lucy rejected him and he still hasnt said a word since he has been back, he has just been rocking back and forth.

    Kat is still having her affair but we dont know whos it is.

    Billy is looking after the baby and whats her face is not showing much interest in it.

    Thats about it.

  • 4 years ago

    Max and Stacy have been uncovered Bradly finished a bunk Stacy collapsed in scientific institution, Sean and Tanya have been given it on then finished, deno come out of detention center had a prostitute and attacked Shirley (his mum) jack slept along with his ex spouse who has his disabled new child (hit by ability of automobile ) so him and Ronnie chop up, max is making an attempt to get the DVD of Tanya as she is using it against him for the divorce, Jim nevertheless not in it, heather pretended to be hazel to the magazine so minty ought to nevertheless enter after hazel did a bunk after thinking she replaced into pregnant in spite of the undeniable fact that it grew to become out to be the menopause HOW unhappy AM I LOL

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