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Lv 6
jalady asked in SportsOlympics · 9 years ago

I don't think that NBC knows how annoying it is when they interview just the American winners mostly.?

A Jamaican won the GOLD and the BRONZE in a race. The fastest woman 100 meter. Who is interviews after the race? Just the American who received the SILVER.

Sometimes after the race you have to wait for the results because the American athlete is all they talk about.

Guess what....This is an international competition where athletes from ALL OVER THE WORLD participate.

Please can the NBC interviewers be more respectful to all the other winners.

10 Answers

  • 9 years ago
    Favorite Answer

    U.S. imperialism is an ugly thing to watch from many perspectives. Seeing it on TV constantly during the Olympics is just nauseating.

  • Pippin
    Lv 7
    9 years ago

    A few non-Americans have been interviewed. They talked to the guy from Grenada, and Bolt after he won the 100. And probalby some others I haven't seen. They've also profiled quite a few non-Americans in their 'human interest' pieces.

    And many non-Americans probably don't speak much English.

    But yes, NBC coverage has been problematic forever. And CBS was bad before that. At least we now have the option of watching on our computers. (I'm currently watching synchronized swimming.)

  • 9 years ago

    I share your frustration with NBC. NBC doesn't care how lopsided its coverage is. It believes the Olympics must sanitized for our consumption, and that means pretty much ignoring the performances by all non-Americans.

    Here's the way I think of it. NBC is not covering the Olympics. NBC is covering Americans at the Olympics.

    Incidentally, I think the fairest announcers NBC has are the ones covering boxing and cycling. Kudos to them for calling it as they see it.

    Source(s): I'm an Olympics junkie.
  • 9 years ago

    I agree, too. What I've found is, if you're not American or an overwhelming gold medal favorite that's well-known in the United States (i.e. Usain Bolt), in order to have a chance to be covered by NBC, you either have to win the first medal in your country's history or be a double-leg amputee.

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  • Elvis
    Lv 5
    9 years ago

    But, quite often they do get post race interviews with winners from other countries. Did you happen to think that perhaps the winner did not bother to be interviewed by NBC? they do have their own countries media to do interviews with.

    It is not all a big conspiracy.

    Source(s): Sometimes it isn't all about the United States.
  • 9 years ago

    I agree. I want to hear from the winner because the winner is what matters not where somebody happens to be born. Then they can talk to the American and ask him why they lost to the foreigner and remind him of how much of a failure he is.

  • 9 years ago

    From what I've heard this week, NBC sounds like the worst TV network in history. Nobody ever has a good thing to say about it, lol.

  • 9 years ago

    I don't mind it only reason why i watch the Olympics is to see the Americans win, i couldn't care less if china won gold rather hear about how American won silver.

  • Anonymous
    9 years ago

    You've always been a nation that didn't care about anyone else and thankfully the rest of the world including natural allies in Europe are following suit in not caring about America

  • They're horrible.I think people would love to hear from other gymnasts too.

    Oh but hey, they have shown about 37 hours of the dude with no legs!

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