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Okay, what is world of warcraft?

I konw it's late since WoW released quite some time ago. I've been playing Rpg games for a while such as skyrim, dragon age and Pokemon(DS) and i really found them to be a lot of fun. And, i'm totally new to this MMorpg genre. And i wanted to start playing mmorpg games. I've heard that wow is no.1 and since i've played warcraft ii, i'm quite looking forward to it. so, it would be really helpful if you can tell me about it such as its features and awesomeness.

oh and p.s how does it compare with skyrim??


10 Answers

  • 9 years ago
    Favorite Answer

    At first, it's a great gaming experience. But after that initial introduction, it becomes a chore. Especially in today's World of Warcraft. Everything in streamlined to you. Most of your time is spent sitting in your major city waiting a dungeon or battleground queue (a waiting list, essentially) to pop. Sitting around in raids, listening to annoying people talk about the most dumbest thing you can imagine.

    The world itself is pretty dead and you almost never run into people while questing, effectively taking out the "MMO". This wasn't the case years ago before they introduced all the streamlining features of just sitting and getting teleported everywhere.

    Skyrim offers a much better story with better characters. It doesn't feel anywhere near as grindy as World of Warcraft does (e.g. collect 10 collars, kill 30 of these, loot 50 of these). It's also meant to be a single-player game so it is built with that in mind. World of Warcraft is meant to be MMO but yet Acti-Blizz has created a seemingly single-player world.

  • Anonymous
    7 years ago

    I've been in love with Blizzard games since I was 14 years old. I remember starting with Starcraft, moving onto Diablo, then finally finding my true love and passion, World of Warcraft. I've been absolutely addicted to this game for the past few years now. It's such a beautiful, mysterious, but often complex and complicated world of mystery and intrigue. I have, at many times, found myself where you may be now... confused or stumped in some way- and not knowing exactly where to turn or what to do. Or maybe just unsure of how to advance, or reach the next level in my gaming experience. These road-blocks ranged from very simple, basic, or otherwise minor problems to complicated and complex issues. Both technical and in-game. I did and still do find GREAT help, on ANYTHING WoW related, within the infamous Zygor guides at .. These guides are like the Bible of WoW, the Encyclopedia Britannica for anything World of Warcraft. My go-to guide for just about anything and everything. And unlike others, these guides are integrated IN-GAME. Listed below are some of the things that currently come to mind:

    -1-90 In-Game Leveling and Loremaster Guide

    -Dailies and Events Guide

    -Dungeon and Gear Guide

    -Professions and Achievements Guide

    -Pets and Mounts Guide

    -Titles, Reputation, and Macros Guide

    ...The list goes on and on.

    Anyways, I hope I was of some help to you. Above all, my greatest recommendation to you from personal experience, is DON'T FORGET that there is still a REAL world out there! Lol. The biggest problem for me that I've come across is my absolute addiction to this game. Like many others out there, WoW has taken over much of my life and free-time. Proceed with caution! FOR THE HORDE! :P

    Source(s): WoW Addict, and Blizzard gamer since 98'
  • 9 years ago

    Wow is a awesome game where you complete quest, Pvp, Dungeon, and just hang out with friends you choose a race and class. There are two factions the Horde and the Alliance, you can also Raid where you go to a other factions main city and just kill the other players they have their own holidays, you can make a guild there are also alot of new places to explore such as hidden places. How it compares with skyrim i say a bit better graphics a little worse then skyrim also there emotes where you make your character dance and other things

    P.S My character name in Wow is Malafor if you get the game look me up :)

    hope i've been of help.

    Source(s): Have Game
  • Anonymous
    9 years ago

    it's more like pokemon than skyrim or dragon age

    ok so the combat is all hotkey based you just have to point at the person you want to attack and start mashing numbers, basically an imaginary dice rolls and there's a chance your attack misses a chance it hits and a chance it crits

    the graphics are piss poor. it come out in 2004 so they are extremely dated

    the majority of quests are just go here kill things or go here and pick up things

    the only thing that i have considered fun in it was getting a flying mount then getting bored of it in 5 mins

    i got level 60(which took about 5 sessions of <6 hours. that was with RAF tho) and will most likely never touch the game again

    no comparison to skyrim i guess the similarity is that it's an RPG nothing else really

    i mean yea there's a ton of people that enjoy the game and you might be one of those people but don't buy it try the trial first

    it's just skillless hotkey bashing.

    just my opinion.

    Source(s): the first time i heard of WoW i was excited then i saw it being played and played it to find out how boring it is. have hated it ever since. then a mate pushed me to buy it so i did got to 60 and hate it more
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  • ?
    Lv 4
    5 years ago

    I have no idea why all people appears to be loving your computer, however they're very misinformed. That laptop has an integrated Intel HD pics 3000 pictures card, which shares memory with RAM. It's not powerful, but it's going to be equipped to play at MEDIUM settings at around forty-forty five frames per 2nd. See supply for proof. I'd personally endorse getting a computing device with a dedicated graphics card (which has committed reminiscence). This will be much better for gaming. If this charges an excessive amount of, ditch the i7 and go along with the i5 processor with a good photos card. A excellent snap shots card is the major aspect for gaming. It can imply the change between 10 FPS and 50 FPS.

  • 9 years ago

    WoW for me has been really really fun.

    Its a really great game with tons of servers, meaning you'll choose one server to put a character on and you will never see other players from other servers (unless you pay to transfer).

    You chose your character from 2 factions, alliance or horde, 12m races (Human, Dwarf, Night Elf, Gnome, Draenei, Worgen...Orc, Undead, Tauren, Troll, Blood Elf, Goblin) and 10 Classes (Warrior, Paladin, Rogue, Hunter, Priest, Shaman, Mage, Warlock, Druid, Death Knight). Your race isn't heavily important aside from a few racial bonuses, you can look those up for each when you create a character right on the create screen.

    In WoW, you're going to be either a tank, healer, or damage player. You probably already know what they mean, tank keeps enemies attacking them, not allies, healer heals, damage damages..

    Different classes can be different 3 specializations some choosing what role they play or what kind of damage they are, or what kind of healer.

    You can quest, do pvp, dungeons, raids, etc. There's an auction House, bank, mounts, achievements, guilds you can join...There's a bunch

    That summarizes it pretty quickly. You'll pretty much always find something to do. Oh, i forgot there are proffessions you can learn and level up to help you level, or at max level. Or you can use them for profit!

    And Classic WoW gets you to level 60. The expansions....Burning Crusade~lvl 70, Wrath of the Lich King~lvl 80, Cataclysm~lvl 85...And when Mists of Pandaria comes out~lvl 90

    Anyway i hope that answers things you were looking for! Its a fun game!

    And about comparing it to Skyrim, i've never played Skyrim but my brother has, and he plays WoW more often so.....haha

    Anymore WoW questions email me

    Source(s): ♥ WoW
  • 9 years ago

    An MMO is nothing like you have played before. It will take all your time and if you "take a break" you will fall far behind your friends. There will ALWAYS be hundreds of people so far above you they kill you without effort and you wil die dozens of times to groups of attakers or people jumping you when you are wounded or fighting something else. Its really not for you if you hate being frustrated.

  • Anonymous
    9 years ago

    Hey there!

    If you are new to the genre, then here is a couple of good reads for you:

    What is an MMO:


    The History of MMO Games:

    hope this helps you a little, have fun!

  • ?
    Lv 4
    6 years ago

    Good Game

  • Anonymous
    7 years ago

    You can download Dragon Age 2 for free here:

    no surveys, no scams, just the full game!

    This program takes you directly to the ruins of ancient cities, where you must fight for your survival.

    Enjoy it.

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