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Why do Jehovahs Witnesses think meditation is demonic?

Meditation has no origins unlike religion, why would it be considered demonic?

15 Answers

  • 9 years ago
    Favorite Answer

    These are people who aren't allowed to watched rated R movies, vote, participate in organized sports, martial arts, yoga, donate/accept blood, join the police/military, grow facial hair, go on dates without chaperons, and discouraged from higher education because they think satan will get you.

    So I am not surprised by the whole meditation thing.

  • Anonymous
    4 years ago


    Source(s): Unlock Chakras
  • 6 years ago

    If you only feed your mind on the Bible, instead of also on reality and on nature, how can you be sure your motivations and actions are appropriate? How can you feed your mind on reality and nature, on the present moment instead of the past and future, except by putting a hold on your thoughts, as brief as it might be? How can you put a hold on your thoughts except by practice?

    And I'm not even mentioning that western civilization is completely dependent on the mind, and that protestant religions seem to thing that this is the correct way to live a fullfilled life. You don't believe in philosophies of men but your motto is 'Cogito ergo sum'. And that doesn't confuse you. How?

    It's obvious that JWs don't ponder enough about meditation instead of following explanations from people that are considered scholars but who also don't really understand what meditation is about.

    Emptying your head is the beggining. Any idea is a starting point, not something in which you will base your life forever. You empty your head to be in contact with your basic goodness witch will motivate and to put the thought processes and actions in the right order, for the horse must be before the cart. You just stop the waterfall of thinking and better see what is inside you.

    "Empty your mind, and Satan will most certainly find something to fill it with." Really? You empty your mind and the only thing that could possibly 'fill the void' is Satan? Where is Jehovah? Can't you ask him to provide insight to your mind instead? Can't you pray before meditating?

    If demons are constantly near you I don't think meditation is the problem.

  • Anonymous
    9 years ago


    Jehovah’s Witnesses do not think that the *right type* of meditation is demonic. Just as the *wrong* type of “thinking” can be demonic, we think that the *wrong* type of meditation can be demonic. Christians must be careful not to confuse proper meditation with non-Christian concepts of meditation.

    The Bible actually encourages meditation as does our literature. However, Christian meditation is an active meditation, pondering on upbuilding and beneficial matters. (Ps.63:6; Pro.15:28; Php.4:8)

    Proper meditation is defined as: "The kind of deep, concentrated thinking in which a person seriously reflects on past experiences, ponders and muses over current matters, or thoughtfully contemplates possible future events" (it-2 363)

    Particularly problematical is yoga-type meditation.

    Buddhists and Hindu types of meditation advocates concentration on a single object, a certain part of the body, or a phrase or riddle. In this way the mind is eventually emptied of all other thoughts and feelings. In time the one meditating may no longer desire life or any pleasure associated with life.

    "The soul's essence, pure intelligence, is obscured by mental activities, whose suppression is the main purpose of Yoga. The mind is to be controlled by constant practice of meditation and nonattachment to material objects. The ultimate result is the suppression of all mental tendencies, conscious or latent."—The Encyclopedia Americana.

    Is such emptying of the mind healthy? The demons can take advantage of a mind that is empty and fill it with their own thoughts. Note the principle at Mt.12:43-45 & Lk 11:24-26). Such meditation is not compatible with the Bible, for by emptying the mind of all conscious thought, a person opens himself up to demon influence.

    In proper meditation both the heart and the mind should be involved (Pr 15:28).



  • Anonymous
    7 years ago

    You really need to check out "The Depth Factor" meditation program, it's the best, it's been voted as the number 1 meditation program made so far. Here is their official web-site:

    It combines binaural beats and ancient meditation techniques to deliver the best meditation experience. This is perfect course for a beginner or an intermediate. Good luck!

  • 9 years ago

    Not sure whom you spoke with, or why you're saying it's demonic. We certainly don't believe that, because we are constantly encouraged to meditate on the scriptures. One of my favorite Kingdom Melodies is "The Meditation of My Heart" ...which all Witnesses now reading this will start singing out loud :-) ... and speaks of meditation as something expected of Jehovah.

    Meditation as a means to "empty the mind" as opposed to filling it with the righteous understanding of Jehovah and his divine principles is what we are opposed to. Empty your mind, and Satan will most certainly find something to fill it with.

  • 9 years ago

    Because meditation originates from buddhism and it states you have to clear your mind completely to become one with your surroundings. This is demonic because it makes you depend on yourself rather than Jehovah. The bible states you meditate only by prayer and studying the bible. This is the only thing that will keep you truely happy. I strongly believe this and have seen how happy people are with my own eyes when they do this and the people who don't meditate correctly end up in a place with many sins.

    Source(s): I am a Jehovah's Witness and study the bible regularly.
  • 9 years ago

    Are we all that surprised?

    The reason is because at some point, some bright mind at the Watchtower society decided that this was demonic, that's it. There is no other logic behind it.

    Charles Russel thought that locomotives were demonic as well. There is no rhyme or reason for these decisions, what is funny is that JWs just buy into it, without thinking too much about it.

  • Anonymous
    7 years ago

    I use to be a JDub and this nonsense is one of the MANY reasons I left. Everything I was taught about Satan the Devil sounded exactly like this Jehovah God that I was brainwashed to be a slave to. The greatest deceiver has duped not only yall but all but the rest of organized religion

  • Anonymous
    9 years ago

    Who said that?

    We are encouraged to meditate all the time.

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