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Lv 4
? asked in Society & CultureHolidaysRamadan · 9 years ago

If God wanted all men circumcised, why did He create them with the foreskin to begin with?

Why did He even bother to create them with the foreskin? Why not just create men with no foreskin?

5 Answers

  • 9 years ago
    Favorite Answer

    This q was under my recommended q's. I don't generally have reason to venture into this section since Ramadan isn't a part of my religious beliefs, however I'm here to answer this question that asks about something that is very important in Judaism.Your question is a false premise. God did not declare that all men should be circumcised. It is an obligation for the eternal covenant nation, Israel alone. (the Jewish people) Other religions may have their own reasons, but for the commandment in the book of Genesis, if you would read it, you'd see this. The eternal Torah states that the eternal covenant between God and Avraham, and then through Yitzak and Yakov ( who became Yisrael ) and reestablished out of the idolatry of Sinai through Moses when ALL the children of Yisrael were witness to the Divine presence, is that it is an eternal symbol of this eternal covenant.

    Thus, this is an obligation for all men who choose to live as a member of the eternal covenant of Israel according to God. God is never exclusive to the members of the eternal covenant of Israel who are obligated to strive to live as a light unto the nations in justice, mercy, compassion and righteousness to work as partners with God and the righteous of ALL nations to restore this world to holiness and righteousness.

    The laws of the eteranl covenant were set up as a way to be a constant reminder of Israel's dedication to be separate from the idolatrous peoples who surrounded them..the peoples who worshipped their rulers as incarnate manifestations of gods, who sacrificed their children to gods to appease them, whose kings were above the laws and whose words of whim were laws, where justice and mercy were only for the priviledged who sought favor to their incarnate man/god rulers..

    The laws of kashrut, of family purity, of clothing, laws prohibiting tattooing ( which in the ancient world marked one as dedicated to a particular deity whether mangod or animal god, made no difference) were ALL constant and daily reminders for themselves and others that Israel was to be DIFFERENT.

    Torah teaches that the righteous of all nations merit blessing..circumcised or not..but obligates every Jewish male to be circumcised.

    Your question has a mistaken premise. Now, as to "why did he create them with foreskin to begin with" could just as easily ask, why do we have a tailbone, or why do we have wisdom teeth?

    I'm not going to even approach such a hypothetical question that has more to do with evolutionary biology than anything to do with the purpose of the laws of a people dedicated to justice above all else.

    The removal of the foreskin was a permanent reminder that couldn't be avoided to be noticed by the male growing up that he was obligated to a particular people and purpose to live a moral life striving to restore the world to justice...for his own generation and the next..when his own son will be dedicated to this eternal covenant at 8 days of age as God commanded in the eteranl Torah.

    The Brit Milah, the covenant of the word, remains an eternal obligation to be an eternal symbol of this eternal covenant. :)

    Am Yisrael Chai.

    The People Yisrael Live.

    Shalom y'all.

    Source(s): Begin reading here through the end of Chapter 18 for the larger picture. The actual circumcision is commanded in Ch 17. Read it in context. It isn't for ALL men. It is an obligation for all of Abraham's descendents through Sarah and all who come into the covenant through adoption of its obligations.
  • 5 years ago

    fake! He made the foreskin for a objective! carry out somewhat study, human beings in simple terms began eliminating the foreskin a lot less then 2 hundred years in the past as a thanks to steer away from masturbation! Biblically in simple terms the end become cut back, sufficient to bleed and then heal back. "Dr. John Harvey Kellogg cautioned circumcision of boys stuck masturbating, writing: "A clinical take care of masturbation it extremely is truly a lot continually effectual in small boys is circumcision, highly at the same time as there is any degree of phimosis. The operation should be carried out via a healthcare professional without administering anaesthetic, because the soreness attending the operation ought to have a salutary result upon the recommendations, highly if or not it is appropriate with the conception of punishment." "at the same time as God instituted previous Covenant circumcision, the small incision on the end of the foreskin become under no circumstances meant to reason soreness or suffering, yet extremely the various drops of shed blood served only as a demonstration or image of the covenant. subsequently, large measures were taken to insure that the toddler felt no soreness in besides. First, the body become numbed internally via giving the toddler a honest quantity of wine (God must have guided them on the quantity that become secure.) 2d, the body become numbed topically via rubbing the secretions from an historic plant, ordinary for its anesthetical homes, quickly onto the end of the genitals. The gel from this Mediterranean plant served as a numbing agent and kept the positioning painless for various minutes, in accordance to archaeologists."

  • LMAO
    Lv 5
    9 years ago

    The good will circumcise, the bad won't.

  • 9 years ago

    God never makes mistakes lol, except that little piece of skin around the tip a males penis, in that case, oops, made a mistake lol...

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  • 9 years ago

    he's not real

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