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Benefits to landlord to not make repairs?

Aside from not having the immediate expense of paying for repairs (though they will cost more later), why would a landlord choose to let his investment in a building deteriorate? Is there some kind of advantage to diminishing your property value by refusing to make repairs? I'm at a loss as to why the new owner of my building seems determined to not fix anything.


Not in this case. The landlord has tried and failed to evict after I reported major violations to the building inspector. Repairs made were shoddy, and will definitely cost more to re-repair later, including caulking over an open hole in the shower, which trapped moisture and is showing signs of mold and tile damage inside the wall. The only thing keeping me here this long is my credit rating.

2 Answers

  • ?
    Lv 7
    9 years ago
    Favorite Answer

    Not making repairs inside an apartment does not lower the value automatically. If he sells it, he will fix it up first.

    What is your problem? You can do the repairs yourself or hire someone.

    Landlord can terminate your lease if he pays you or give you notice to leave when your lease expires. He doesnt have to evict.

  • 9 years ago

    Unless it is something major or a code violation that they can get in trouble for, some landlords will let things go in hopes that the tenant will just fix them themselves. This saves him the money altogether. Most damage that will cost more if let go, they will get corrected. If they will not get worse, then they may not cost more later. Really depends on the market.

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