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Lv 7
? asked in Politics & GovernmentPolitics · 9 years ago

Will Mitt Romney be excommunicated from his Mormon church for lying over the past 9 months?

He's been proven to be a liar regarding President Obama's supposed 'gutting' of the Work for Welfare program.

Plus - during the primaries - EVERY Republican accused him of lying.

This included ...

- Rick Santorum

- Rick Perry

- Ron Paul

- Newt Gingrich.

So, will Mitt Romney be excommunicated from Mormonism? Or do they endorse lying for political gain?


@ Litter Red Hen - It's not that Americans were saying it's 'none of your business' in response to Righties LYING about President Obama being a Muslim.

It was more like Americans were horrified at the Moral Perversion of Righties DENYING the man's Christian Beliefs.

Of course, - Righties - are NOT Christian. Righties are 'christian' Conservatives - a PERVERSION of Jesus Christ's teachings.

I think this is what makes 'christian' Conservatives such Flag Spitting Perverts.

Update 2:


@Jinglehead. I've obviously touched a nerve with you. Because I'm OBVIOUSLY NOT attacking Mormonism. I'm simply asking if the Mormon Church will Excommunicate Romney for his persistent lying.

But I guess to you - the end always justifies the means. Thanks, I appreciate your candor in endorsing that Mitt Romney Lies.


14 Answers

  • 9 years ago
    Favorite Answer

    Lying for political purposes is not an ex communicable offense. However, if it is proved that he has indeed lied, he may have to repent before doing more in the Church.

    But, what I find funny is that if Romney had been the Democratic nominee, the Republicans would be all over him about lying, and not showing his tax returns. He did show his cerified birth certificate, but it was like Obama's, a Certificate of Live Birth, which the government now has the states issue rather than the long form. But, nothing has been said about that, even though they claim Obama's is illegal because it doesn't say Birth Certificate.

  • 9 years ago

    They do not endorse it, but they would never excommunicate the first soon to be Mormon president. Media controls who your choices are for president as sheep need guidance, then they control the polls they publish showing you the leader and influence you who to vote for. Controlling the Mormon church is simple compared to that.

    After all look at obama, blatantly fake BC, SS card issued on the east coast at 15 when he had never been there, went to a Madrasa that only Malaysian Muslim citizens can attend, sealed college records and spent millions to keep that way or would show he we went to law school under a foreign exchange student program, Obamas own book saying he was born in Kenya, but was a typo by publisher, hundreds interviewed who where in Obama's classes at law school, not one could say they knew him or even saw him, etc. All of this ignored by the media and hundreds of paid posters on the internet to label anyone who posts a comment like mine as a nut or birther.. Never do they argue blatant facts above as they are free for all to research and conclude it is fact.

  • ?
    Lv 6
    9 years ago

    No.. because the only lies he tells are those which ignorant people percieve as lies.

    He actually tells the truth most of the time like the rest of us, your perception is clouded by your liberal rose colored glasses.

  • Ammon
    Lv 7
    9 years ago

    Members of THE Church Of JESUS CHRIST Of Latter Day Saints believe in being honest and true in all that they do.

    Latter Day Saints believe in celebrating life not the sins of the world. Chat.

    God bless.

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  • Everyone accuses everyone of being a lying. Being a politician it is in the job description. Obamas hands are not clean either.

    Republicans accused Romney more of being a flip-flopper since he has swayed from liberal to conservative at times. Romneycare being one of the main issues.

    PS - u show a slimy personality by attacking the Mormon religion

  • Anonymous
    9 years ago

    I don't know the Mormon rules but he sure does lie a lot .

  • Di
    Lv 7
    9 years ago

    Nah, but Obama will be shown the door for not telling the truth these past four years.

  • Anonymous
    9 years ago

    NO, if lying in a political campaign was a sin Obama would be hit by lighting..

    Romney's new platform.

    I WILL approve the keystone pipeline and create thousands of jobs.

    I WILL lift the moratorium on off shore drilling and create thousands of jobs.

    I WILL permit shale oil production and create thousands of jobs.

    I WILL permit drilling in Anwar and create Thousands of jobs.

    I WILL permit more coal production and create thousands of jobs in mining as well as manufacturing jobs to build equipment that enhance clean technology and promote more coal usage.

    I WILL permit and promote technology to use Natural Gas in transportation and create thousands of jobs in production and manufacturing.

    I WILL Form a committee of entrepreneurs to study, promote, and build viable green sources with Wind, solar, and water and create thousands of jobs.


  • 9 years ago

    Boy, religion sure is important to you guys all of a sudden. Remember in '08 when people wondered if Obama was a Muslim and you all screeched that it was nobody's business?

  • ?
    Lv 6
    9 years ago

    But thats not a lie. Take your head out of obamas *** just for one second. He took 716 BILLION dollars from medicare.

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