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? asked in Politics & GovernmentPolitics · 9 years ago

Why do republicans complain about Black people voting for Obama when they never vote republican anyway?

Idiots saying how racist it is they all vote for Obama. Ummmmmm but the thing is they never vote for republicans because their racist, ignorant, and bigoted. All you have to do is read their post right here on Y/A to figure that much out.


John Kerry received 88% of the Black vote in 2004 and other WHITE presidents have received such large votes in the past also.

Update 2:

Ahhhh just as I said look at all the ignorant, racist little republican comments. Need I saw more the major reason you guys only get the white vote.

15 Answers

  • 9 years ago
    Favorite Answer

    The real reason about the complaints is not that the majority of black people voted Democrat, or even that the majority of them voted for a black candidate. The reason Republicans claimed racism is because having a black candidate caused more of the black eligible voters to actually cast a vote. Republicans often use different forms of voter disenfranchisement and exclusionary tactics to inhibit minorities and the poor from casting their votes. The first black Presidential candidate from a major party mobilized hundreds of thousands who might not have voted under different circumstances, and this caused a landslide in the electoral college where it otherwise would've been a close race (considering that McCain was actually a solid candidate for the Republican party compare to Romney).

    Most of the other comments just validate the notion about racism. When a national party can consider someone totally unqualified just because he's a black Republican (i.e. Herman Cain), that is racism. When people put bumper stickers on their cars that say, "My candidate is blacker than your candidate", that is racism. When someone says they would never vote for a black person, that is racism. Even wanting to be a good person but believing every single slanderous thing said about someone because they don't look like you or their name doesn't sound like yours, that is racism. If you're usually a reasonable person driven by logic, but suddenly you're a "birther" who calls our POTUS "Osama" or some other racially charged derivitive, that is racism.

  • 9 years ago

    No, this is not correct; it is more complicated than that.

    Republicans used to have social concerns and values and were instrumental in Truman's integrating of the armed forces, and LBJ's Voting Rights legislation.

    It is only in the last forty years, since they have had to absorb the Racist, Southern Conservative Democrats (couldn't be a member of Lincoln's party) that they have really lost their soul.

    There are still many older Blacks that remember the 'old days' and can't get themselves to become Democrats.

  • 9 years ago

    The ignorance of your question and many of these answers is stupefying. There is such a thing as a Black republican, Herman Cain, Alan Keyes, Michael Steele...any of those names ring a bell in your dome? They have supporters as well. Now before you go call other people ignorant you may want to learn the difference between "their" and "they're", which I myself learned in grade school.

  • Anonymous
    9 years ago

    Didn't you know, those of us who talk the greatest show are often the greatest thieves.?

    And it's not until we reach earths end that we get caught selling snow to Eskimos.

    It's easy to get caught up in a formatory world of ignorance and not see what is really going on.

    The slave trade has always been, some say this goes back to the biblical time of Ishmael and Isaac, and even to the liers before this time.

    Culture and color is totally irrelevant and subjective.

    Galations Chapter 4.

    29 But as then he that was born after the flesh persecuted him that was born after the Spirit, even so it is now.


    All nations and cultures are founded on the pursuit of wealth and ideologically driven treacherous conquests; also it can be said in an act of self-preservation in the pursuit of surreptitiously acquiring false pervasive power over others.

    Original tribes/peoples of what is now the united states were subdued, subjugated and rendered servitude by the sword the gun and monotheism.

    They were then enslaved to work for prime markets rendered dependable to capitalism, (Or they were killed by acts of genocide and civil war)

    The likes of Christopher Columbus (1451-1506) and Sir Walter Raleigh (1554-1618) (Raleigh was a soldier, courtier, spy, and explorer to Elizabeth I, and the Spanish and Portuguese in South America all who enslaved, murdered, stole all the gold, and rendered people dependable upon capitalism.

    Christianity and Catholicism was also introduced, and Heresy is why people wrongly identify religion with adversity leading to delusion and identifying with materialism/objects of wealth. (Man becomes a false God), robbery and murder in 1494 which went on for 400 years.

    The irony is black and white or not actually colours.

    Identifying life and human beings in a formatory and subjective way gives rise to misery, it also indicates the possibility of still being subjugated/subverted with words and deluded from the days of colonial rule.

    Colour is literally in the eye of the beholder,

    Colours do not exist, they are mental constructs.

    Some tribes can't differentiate the difference between shades of blue and green, they even use the same word for the two colours.

    Humans see 3 colours through the R.G & B spectrum.

    The Mantis shrimp see's through a 12 colour spectrum.

    In fact all the senses construct this materially pervading paradigm.

    Case in point: the Himba tribe of remote northern Namibia, to whom water looks “white” like milk and the sky looks “black” like coal, and who struggle to distinguish between blue and green, yet can easily pick out micro-shades which Americans cannot see.

    Human beings have mindful volition and free will, consciousness and conscience.

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  • 9 years ago

    It's really just a way to deflect their embarrassment at losing in 2008. They don't want to acknowledge that the vote was far more a rejection of their policies and George Bush than it was "white guilt" or "racial voting."

  • 9 years ago

    You are the typical whining leftist who thinks Barack Hussein Obongo is the second coming of JC. Why, you can't even spell !! Is that a requirement for half-commie liberals now a days ? FYI ( that means ' for your information ' ) there are more blacks every day who are seeing the light, and will vote for Romney. I hope you are happy in your " La La Land ",...hey, why don't you travel to Tampa and be a protester ? Yeah, I recommend chartering a boat from New Orleans to Tampa,..leaving maybe, around 6 AM on Monday ? ( smile )

  • ?
    Lv 7
    9 years ago

    Two reasons:

    (1) many have publically stated that they are happy to see a "black candidate" on the ballot. Were a white to say that about a white candidate, we would never hear the end of iit.

    (2) Obama really hasn't done all that much for them. He is an Ivy League graduate, but they think he knows their struggles. That's laughable.

  • Zaza
    Lv 7
    9 years ago

    African Americans voted solid Republican prior to the "Great Society" welfare programs. LBJ is quoted as saying, "I'll have those ******* voting solid Democrat........."

    Look it up!

    Most African Americans are STUPID and have been following Democrats straight over a cliff since.

    Prior to welfare........90% of AA homes had two parents.

    Since welfare.......73% of AA children are born to single mothers.

    Is it a coincidence that when first implemented in the 60's there could be only one parent in the home in order to get welfare?

    Is that progress?

    Source(s): Herman Cain "They Think You're Stupid"
  • 9 years ago

    Who do Caine, West, and Keyes vote for?

  • 9 years ago

    In my all so humble opinion, I think they're foolish for voting for Obama just because of his skin color, he has done absolutely nothing to improve their lot....and if you think giving them free stuff is OK, then you're just as foolish...

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