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Emma asked in HealthMental Health · 9 years ago

The love of my life died and I feel like it's my fault?

It's a long story, but to make it short...she was severely depressed and she told me she didn't know if she could go on anymore, but I made her life a little better and that she would never hurt herself because she doesn't wanna leave me. But two weeks ago, when she needed me most, I couldn't be there for her because I was going out with friends and I couldn't talk to her. She begged me to stay with her and talk to her but I told her we would do it later.

Turns out, she was so sad, she ended up committing suicide later that day because she "couldn't take it anymore". When I found out, I literally fell to the ground, screaming and crying in agony. I literally loved her so much, I would've given everything up for her, she was my soul mate and literally the only person who understood me. We lost our virginities to each other and we wanted to get married after College and now she's gone and I feel like it's all my fault. Maybe if I had stopped being so selfish and actually talked to her that day, she'd still be here.

Her birthday is next week and I don't know if I can take it. I cry every single day all day and all night long and I look at her pictures and listen to our songs all the time. I feel like dying too. What do I do?

7 Answers

  • Anonymous
    9 years ago
    Favorite Answer

    Aww!! I'm sorry about your girlfriend passing away,it's so sad and I know it's hard for you but it is not your fault that she died she was just too depressed and she just couldn't take all the pain.You did nothing wrong so try not to feel that way,you didn't know what was gonna happen.I know that your heart has been torn out of your chest and you miss her terribly but don't blame yourself.

    Your girlfriend wouldn't want you to do that to yourself,it'll take a little time but your broken heart will heal.You should talk to a therapist about how you are feeling or if you don't want to do that maybe join a support group for people grieving over loss of a loved one. If you are not into support groups you should talk to a close relative or a friend that you know you can trust and count on.

    Her death had nothing to do with you being selfish because you were not being selfish.The only thing I can tell you to do is to surround yourself with loving and supporting people and grieve when you need to grieve.Take it one day at a time,and when you think of your girlfriend don't think of the two of you being far apart,because everytime you think about her she's right there in your heart...forever and ever!! I hope this helps you feel a tad better.

  • Anonymous
    9 years ago

    It's not your fault. You couldn't have predicted or halted her decision. By talking to her, it would have made her feel better, for the time being. Many people feel life isn't worth living, and it's natural to feel sad for your loss, I can't imagine how this must feel, but you're a good partner for staying with her even with her mentality. I'm not speaking for her, but it sound like if she loved you so much, the best thing you can do for her now is to keep living,not just for her, but for your own sanity. You can't just stay inside and weep, I know it hurts, but you have to enjoy life, like she never had the chance to. I'm sorry for your loss, this must be devastating, so I recommend a councilor or a phycologist if you need someone to talk to.

  • 9 years ago

    It is not your fault, and it was selfish of her to leave you. she just gave up, and it sounds like she's been going down hill for awhile. Don't do to others what she did to you. Strive for life, and live better than she did. If she did not kill herself that night, maybe another.

    The pain will ease it's burden on you, it will get easier, but will never quite go away, but oneday you may think of her with found memorys, as well. She needed to do that too, please, life is worth living.

  • Anonymous
    9 years ago

    Er thats intense but ur not responsible for other peoples actions,im not saying forget but just ignore . Do any of u people have families to turn too. It makes u feel slightly sick. If someone needs be there but u cant see in the future so focus on the the present not for whats to fraser,age 13,england.

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  • Anonymous
    9 years ago

    D; I almost cryed from reading this.

    It's not your fault, you didn't know that would happen.

    And I know how you feel.

    Talk to someone to cheer yourself up.

    And if you need to, cry. It lets stress out.

    But don't kill yourself, imagine how sad she'd be if you died?

    Hope I was helpful, and best of luck to you.


    Source(s): D;
  • 9 years ago

    she was sick. it was not your fault. she needed help. if she didn't do it that night while you were there she would have done it a different night... never blame your self.if anything she is the selfish one leaving you with this to deal with. that sounds harsh. but it is true.

  • 9 years ago

    I'm sorry for your lost, it's very sad to hear that. I know how u feel. But it's not your fault... :( don't think that.

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