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advice on attracting women?

male of 26 hopeless with women would like some advice in building up my confidence and attracting women when i'm out. I have a big low confidence issue around women and its stopping me moving on in life i seem to be able to talk to women in certain situations like when i'm working i have to visit many different places and seem to be fine in communicating with women then but when it comes to pubs or clubs things change and i build up a wall around myself and go into my shell some percieve me as rude but thats not the case. Friends can't see why i am single maybee women might be interested but i am blind to see it. I like playing sports and do socialise and workout but at the moment my mind is one tracked to finding a potential girlfriend. Friends seem to find it easy to pull but i;m left wondering what have i done wrong. I would not say i was ugly but then you see some average guy with a stunning girl and think if he can pull her where am i going wrong. Now deppresion is setting in from the pressure i am putting on myself.

People keep telling me my lack of height is not the issue but i tend to disagree. If i can get past the introduction stage i should be fine i can be very wity but they don't even appraoch me. I am trying internet dating but a few interests but not gone any further than emails back and forth no hint of wanting to meet up.

my stats



10 stone 3

athletic build

7 Answers

  • 9 years ago
    Favorite Answer

    You've already identified the main problem here and that is your confidence or rather, lack of it. Eating healthy and exercise are two big parts of confidence, sounds like you already have that down so be happy about that because beleive me, being overweight and unhealthy combined with low confidence is a bloody nightmare!

    There are a few ways I managed to severely boost my confidence aside from losing weight and eating healthily. The first thing I did was look up body language, this tells everyone who sees you who you are before you get a chance to open your mouth. I can never stress how important body language is. Try looking up body language on google, read about it. People will decide without thinking whether they like you or if they find you potentially attractive in the first few seconds they see you. It's vital to dress smart as has been mentioned above, you need to look respectable and well groomed, this will make you feel confident and if you feel confident your chances are already on the up. Certain body language mistakes people with confidence issues display are closed hands, hands in pockets, sitting forward, looking at the ground etc. These things say so much about a person.

    What did I do? I started to look up confident body language techniques, what is it that displays confidence, what do women subconscsiously notice? Whenever I was in social situations I would find myself thinking about how I was sitting, how I was standing, where I was looking. I started leaning back, keeping my hands apart, keeping my head up when walking and not only do others then see you as more confident, you feel more confident too. I honestly think it's the key to everything.

    The only other things you can then do is throw yourself into social situations, as much as possible even when you don't feel like you want to. People with confidence issues often tend to start refusing social invites or hiding away in doors or making excuses. This is the worst thing you can do and will only make things worse. To build your confidence you need to practice your social skills, practice small talk. Look up small talk techniques and practice on everyone, male, female, it doesn't matter. Every conversation is training.

    You can do it, just work at it and remember to look up body language techniques. Try googling methods to boost confidence as well, there is so much to read on the internet that is invaluable.

    Best of luck!

  • 9 years ago

    dress smart,looks good,nice short hair,tidy,don't dress like a tramp,ask a female she will tell you whats in and whats out.,have look around see what other guys your age are wearing,also clean,don't smell and nice trendy aftershaves go down well with the ladies.

    be yourself when your out,look for eye contact and that second,but ye contact its very important,if your getting this she likes what she see,s,,,you have to look for the signs,,,and not be afraid to strike up a conversation,that could be about anything,don't be afraid to ask what there dod at the weekends,or ask about a boyfriend,you mix this in with the conversation its called fishing.,,,and ask them if the fancy a drink some night,females will always wait till you ask this,its the way its been done for years all over the world,you ask her !! but don't be put off if they say no or make an excuse,that's the way it goes and you just move onto another if she is not into you she,s not into you,just leave it....there are 1000,s of single female,s out there...and when you dod take one out don't over drink and you pay for everything,hold a door open for her and make sure she gets home at the end of the night,or ask her back to your place,if she says no just say some other time maybe,not all female will jump right into bed,many like to date a few times to get to know you.

    the miss right will come along when you least expect it,trust me,i would have never thought i na million years that my wife would be interested in me,we had nothing in common,she was 5 yrs older than me at 29 i was 24,but she had liked me for over 8 months while we worked in the same shop together,but we hardly talked during that time and when we were at a works night out we hit it off and just clicked,she was a 5ft little buxom brunette and very good looking female,she was real head turner i tell you,i was a very lucky guy,as i was skinny,long hair and into heavy metal,what she seen in me i don't know,but she said i made her laugh and that was very important,we could talk about everything and anything we just got on so well,we didn't sleep together for the fist 2 months,a first for both of us,and we got to know each other really well before the bedroom stuff,she says i showed her respect and that made me shine,,,,so there you have it,its all down to you,you can change it you just need to take a deep breath and get some confidence and take some knocks,but the female will not jump all over you as more often than not you have to make the first move...go for it !!!

    Source(s): 45 male married 21 yrs to one amazing female
  • 5 years ago

    Wow, your interests sound what any woman would like to date (not the interests, but the person with the interests lol) and the description of your personality... any woman would be crazy not to be with you.

    Well in my advice... It is not so much about the way you look, it's not so much about your weight. Though these things are important to attracting a partner, what really shines through is confidence.

    Honestly. You stated that you are shy. I would just say fake the confidence.

    A wise old teacher of mine once said "fake it till you make it".

    When you do lift that chin up, and feel proud to be who you are.. and think... hell yeah i am sexy!! after a while you start to feel it, even after you do it once it lifts you up a bit... and that is the most attractive thing about a person... they have to like and love themselves first.

    For your weight. It is a good thing to slim down. Its not just for the way you look physically, but when you shee a change in your weight you feel really good, like you have something to be proud of, an acievement. (trust me i know, i lost 25kg and have helped many people lose weight).

    Since working out isnt really an option, i would look at your eating habits, and you know 20% of fat loss comes from exercise, while the rest comes from diet.

    You want to focus on small portions, protein and veges... cut back fruit, simple carbohydrates, eat regularly, drink heaps of water.

    As for clothes. Look online to see what suits your bodyshape, skin tone etc.

    Ask a sales person for advice on what to wear when you are in a shop. Dont be afraid to ask, that is what they are there for.

    I think that you can do it.

    Just be yourself, and express confidence, happiness and a bit of pride :)

  • 9 years ago

    Dont go looking for a gf/wife. My older sister taugh me that. U dont go looking for that special someone, but when u find them u will know and they will accept u for u not for the person those shallow dater r. U will find someone who loves u and accepts u some day. I know a 28 year old who isnt married yet. Ur day will come. Check out my questions too. Hope i helped! ;)

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  • Martin
    Lv 5
    9 years ago

    Nothing to do with looks, how big is your wallet.

    What is the point of grooming yourself when you have no cash, meaningless dude.

    You ever seen ugly old bold men with a nice lady, there is your answer.

  • ?
    Lv 4
    5 years ago

    Congratulations you met a sag lady, they´re unique specimens, no wonder you feel so attracted.

  • Anonymous
    9 years ago

    make lots of $$$$$$$$$$$$$$

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