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How do I evict my partner from my home?

I live in a rented property and have been doing so since the end of June. I want to separate from my partner but he refuses to leave and is telling me that I am the one that is going to go, I can't do this as I have nowhere to go as my family love miles away and I have my job to think about. His family only live 15 minutes away which is also closet to his job so it's not as if he has nowhere to go. When we applied for the property the estate agents put the property in my name as my partner has a ccj so I am the one solely responsible for paying the rent which I can afford to do even with him not here. The only thing I don't know is how I get him out. I have had enough and want my life back.

Thankyou in advance


He doesnt pay any rent at all it is a standing order straight out if my bank on the day I get paid, which I can prove with statements

7 Answers

  • 9 years ago
    Favorite Answer

    You can't. He is on the lease and has the legal right to live there. Only the landlord can evict him.

    The idiot that suggested you pretend to own the place and evict him is telling you to commit bo9th a felony and perjury.

  • ?
    Lv 6
    9 years ago

    Only the manager or landlord/lady can evict him. You cannot evict him yourself because YOU are only a renter, and you therefore do not OWN the property. However, if he does not pay any rent, then HE is not a renter, so technically he CAN be evicted by the manager, especially because of the fact that his name is not on the lease.

  • 9 years ago

    You will need to get the sheriff to evict him if he will not leave on his own.

    All the reasons you have mentioned are not important.

    If he is not on the lease, he has no legal foot to stand on.

    I do not know what a ccj is, but whatever, do not allow him to bully you into believing that he

    would be entitled to remain. He is not.

    Go to the sheriff's office and explain what you need. Do not tell him you are going.Do not let him

    read this.

    Good luck.

    Source(s): Knowledge.
  • ?
    Lv 7
    9 years ago

    You treat him as a renter and give him 30 days written notice to vacate and if he does not comply you file eviction papers. The local municipal court will help you with this filing.

  • 9 years ago

    Since everything is in your name you have a right to tell him to leave and if he doesn't call the police

  • ?
    Lv 7
    9 years ago

    IF his name is on the lease there is nothing you can do except maybe get a restraining order put on him.

  • 9 years ago

    sorry but he rented the place too/was approved by the landlord and therefore he has the legal right to live there as long as he pays his rent and the landlord lets him stay...legally you have no leg to stand on with this one.

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