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? asked in Politics & GovernmentLaw & Ethics · 9 years ago

Mandatory Work Activity - Your views?

So, for those that don't know what this is.....

MWA involves people on benefits, currently Jobseekers but being rolled out to include others soon, working for 30 hours a week for 1 month in a "community service" role. These include charity shops and things such as maintaing parks and public areas.

They recieve no additional benefit for doing this and must continue to attend Job centre appointments and search for jobs at the same time.

Any refusal to work or failure to attend will result in the person getting no benefits for 13 weeks..

These placements can be up to 90 minutes away by public transport and while the fares can be reimbursed this is done weekly after you have already paid.

So, this is Forced labour. Work for us or we withdraw you basic means to survive, the basic means this government is duty-bound to provide.

Does doing the work for the community make it better? No.

This is basically community service, the same jobs are involved. Is it now a crime to not find a job?

Maybe some people on JSA really are just lazy but if there are not jobs for them then how do you prove that? With every job having a host of applicants it really is a hard market to find a job in.

Does something need to be done? Certainly, but forced labour is not the answer and people need to make that clear.

Your opinions?


The benefit you get is your basic entitlement as a citizen of this country. Or would you rather people who cant help themselves are left to die on the side of the road?

Most of us would bite your hand off for real job, we cant help the current situation but that does not mean we are there as free labour. We already have the criminals for that.

As for getting paid already, it works out to about £2 an hour.....real fair that. Why not really give them a work ethic and show them whats its like to get minmum wage? Might encourage a few more back to work.

Update 2:

The benefit you get is your basic entitlement as a citizen of this country. Or would you rather people who cant help themselves are left to die on the side of the road?

Most of us would bite your hand off for real job, we cant help the current situation but that does not mean we are there as free labour. We already have the criminals for that.

As for getting paid already, it works out to about £2 an hour.....real fair that. Why not really give them a work ethic and show them whats its like to get minmum wage? Might encourage a few more back to work.

Update 3:

Yeah, clicked wrong link, meant to go on the uk page, but oh well im getting some good opinions here :)

Community service in England is a criminal punishment. The same roles exactly are now being expected of people looking for a job. So we are saying that not having a job is a crime?

Voluntary work should be just that......voluntary not forced upon you on pain of losing your basic means to live.

Also, is having no money for 3 months going to improve anyones chance of getting a job?

Maybe we need to look at why there are no jobs for us?

Update 4:

Yeah, clicked wrong link, meant to go on the uk page, but oh well im getting some good opinions here :)

Community service in England is a criminal punishment. The same roles exactly are now being expected of people looking for a job. So we are saying that not having a job is a crime?

Voluntary work should be just that......voluntary not forced upon you on pain of losing your basic means to live.

Also, is having no money for 3 months going to improve anyones chance of getting a job?

Maybe we need to look at why there are no jobs for us?

5 Answers

  • 9 years ago
    Favorite Answer

    Maybe the the other answerers agree that people on benefits should be working for peanuts? Lol, well I don't. I wonder how they'd like to be paid around £2 an hour for 30 hours a week (technically it's only £1-something; 30 hours at £2/hr would be £60 - JSA for an 18-25 y/o is currently £50-something, I signed off in March, so I'm not sure of the current rate)?

    Benefits are a basic right. Getting a job is difficult. If you have 2 GCSEs, no references and no previous work experience, you can't even get a basic cleaning job. References are hard to get if you left school several years ago, and don't really know anyone in a professional capacity (employers usually want professional references, not character references).

    Yeah, some people on JSA are lazy, but forcing them to do 30 hr/week for so many weeks is not gonna make them any less lazy. If anything, it'll make them worse. Even people on Apprenticeships get paid £2.60/hr. I nearly became a Dental Assistant apprentice just to get off JSA (but then I found out I was gonna start college in September, so I never started). It's not technically slave labor, but it almost is. No one should be made to work for £1.90/hr.

    Here, "community service" is a punishment. Working in a charity shop is "voluntary work" not "community service".

    Being forced to undertake what should otherwise be voluntary is forced labor, it stops being voluntary from the moment they tell you that you have to do it. If I wanted to work in a charity shop, I would go and ask to volunteer at the charity shop - I wouldn't do it if I was being told "do it or get no benefits". Are we supposed to be punished for not having a job, no. I don't think so.

    If I ever find myself unemployed again (that is to say, before I finish college/university), I will be applying to the RAF - something I plan to do after university anyway. I plan on becoming a nursing officer, and never having to work a menial job or claim benefits ever again.

    MWA is a load of rubbish. Being forced to work for your benefit is pathetic. It is forced labor. It's not voluntary if you're being told "do it or lose your benefit".

  • 9 years ago

    Based on your spelling, I'm guessing you're in the UK. So, my perspective may be a bit off, since I'm on the other side of the Atlantic. However, I'm not sure what your complaint is. Performing community services is a bad thing... how?

    It doesn't seem like forced labor to me. It's a requirement to obtain certain benefits - at some level, we all have to do something to earn money, and since there are service jobs that need to be done, this seems a natural fit.

    That said, I do have a question. Say a person has a low-income job, but a job that pays regularly nonetheless. A job where, they still need a little help in getting on. In that scenario, would they still be required to work the 30 hours of community service as well? That would seem unfair, since it's not a case where the person receiving benefits is simply not working at all. (This is all assuming the case of a well-bodied person who is not disabled or otherwise prevented from working).

    I ask that because in some US states, those receiving benefits are required to show proof of employment (any employment will do, really) in order to continue receiving benefits.

  • 9 years ago

    Working in charity shops, maintaining parks and public areas are considered 'communtiy service' and you do NOT get paid for's a bit like volunteering.....therefore, NOT 'forced labor'!

    Yes, 'community service' work does make a person give them a better perspective of life and to appreciate things more plus it gives you some 'work experience'.

    When applying for jobs; list the community service work.....even though you don't get paid - it's still experience.

  • Lisa A
    Lv 7
    9 years ago

    They receive no additional benefit? How about the benefit that they already receive? They are already getting paid. To sit on their arses. So now they will be paid to work instead. It sounds fair to me.

    This is not forced labor. Nobody has you in handcuffs. Nobody has a gun to your head. You do not have to participate. If you want the money, you show up. It's your choice.

    Or is my job forced labor too? I work in a concentration camp? Because if I don't show up, they don't pay me my wages. Oh my god! I never knew! It's the Gestapo! They have me in a forced labor camp!

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  • 9 years ago

    He who does not work does not eat!

    Source(s): Comrade Stalin
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