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bankaway asked in PetsHorses · 9 years ago

How do I sell my horse?

I am selling a very gentle trail trained Morab horse. Unfortunately, I seem to be comming across very strange people, even after screening people over the phone. I do have a release everyone must sign. Every day even after a phone screening to weed out those that are just looking for a free ride, I meet someone that gives me the jitters. Today, a "very experienced" horsewoman with over 30 yrs of experience came on out, and wanted to go for a ride, right away. Whiel I was out in the field grabbing my other horse so I could go along with her, she already had my horse (for sale) fully tacked was riding around the paved driveway trotting up and down and all around. Her feet were 2" from the stirrups, her hands had no control on the reins, she looked like a pasesnger not a rider. I told her if the horse spins she is going to come flying out of the saddle but she ignored me. She complained non stop that my horse was not moving fast enough for her. Never asked for the horses cues. Didn't have much of a seat. Did not care about the terraine (rough and hard). She just wanted my horse to go fast. Good thing it was my Lila, who could read this woman as a non rider and Lila well, took care of her. I made a casual joke that it was a good thing she was not riding my Paso, who was flipping around twisting around having a fit (hates my other mare that is for sale). Not sure she understood my point, she would have been on the ground in a split second, maybe dead. This woman had NO riding skills that I could see, other than knowledge of tacking, jumping on and wanting to go off into the sunset on a horse you don't know in fields you don't know, etc.

For those that sell horses, can you help me out here. This is the first horse I have ever sold:

Q1: What are your "RULES" for showing a horse to prospective buyers?

Q2: What do you do when it is clear they don't know the front of the horse from the back of the horse and want the horse to just guess what they want and go fast

Q3: Do you allow prospective buyers to trail ride on the first time they see your horse?

Q4: Do you tell them how fast they can go, I suggest going slow until you know the horse but well, that is me, and I do not consider myself an expert rider by any means, rather safe than sorry

Q5: Do you make them ride in the arena first?

Q6: Do you even let them just jump on your horse when they don't even ask the right questions like "how does she cue, how does she rein, what should I watch out for..."

Q7: Do you demand they use the stirrups, anchor themselves and ride with their seat, choke up and not use such a loose rein when they don't know the horse?

Q8: At what point (other than abuse) do you say sorry, no can do?

I really need to sell my baby (Lila) and want her to go to a really good home, she is a super sweet docile horse and yes, she can go really fast but she can tell when she has a passanger on her back, and will mosey about. Give her an active rider, she moves.

Suggestions? I am getting really frustrated. I need to sell her as board has doubled, and I don't want to keep paying board

I have lowered her price so much it is a joke, is that the problem?

I am in MI and there are so many horses no one wants, huge auctions, etc. Amish are dumping, I would not send her to auction, she is way too good of a horse.



My ad is very specific with 2 youtube videos. She is a 15h horse, kids horse, takes care of her rider (good thing given the idiots I have met). She will mosey about but pick up the pace upon cue. She is gentle and very lovey-dovey. Doesn't mean an idiot can ride her. She has her cues, commands, and is easy going enough to have someone on her back new on the trail. She can "read her rider". Amazing give her a real rider she acts like a real riding horse. Give her a passenger she tip toes around making sure the rider is OK but she is not going to go running in rough area - she is gosh darn smart horse. Thanks for your input. Guess I am getting the 99 percent "Experts" that either just want to go for a ride on a nice fall day, keep buying and selling as they untrain every horse they buy, or don't know the tail from the nose.

Update 2:

THANK YOU. I appreciate everyones help. Wrote it down. Thats my new operating standard. Love the Q on horse backin up. Thanks

Update 3:

THANK YOU. I appreciate everyones help. Wrote it down. Thats my new operating standard. Love the Q on horse backin up. Thanks

5 Answers

  • Finley
    Lv 7
    9 years ago
    Favorite Answer

    When the person gets there, I meet up with them and the horse is in a pen ready to be caught. The tack is near BUT I am with that person all the time. If I'm going to go get another horse, I'll ask the person to come walk with me and we'll chat more while I'm getting the other horse.

    I would not allow the stranger to do as she pleases.


    I ask a lot of questions (what kind of riding do you do? what kind of bit do you use? <--this one tells you tons about the person! ETc...)....

    If it's clear by their answers they don't know anything, I'd cut it short right there. "You know, my horse is for X and I'm being very picky as to who gets to buy her. I don't think you're a match, but thanks for coming."

    If they are unhappy, tough crap. It's MY horse and I'm going to be picky for her sake.


    If they can handle themselves in an arena or round pen or whatever I've got to ride in at home, then yes we'll trail ride....if it's convenient for me. Otherwise, I'll have made a video of the horse riding on a trail and just show that to them to prove she's good on the trail.


    If the person is riding like an idiot in the round pen/arena, then we're not going on the trail. If they seem stupid and act it, we're not going anywhere and the test ends immediately.

    Some trotting or loping up a hill may be ok. If the person is mature.


    Q6: Do you even let them just jump on your horse when they don't even ask the right questions like "how does she cue, how does she rein, what should I watch out for..."

    I interview the person first, find out what they know, then I ride the horse first. Then the person rides.

    The cardinal rule of selling is Seller rides first. Always. You are showing off the horse.


    Q7: Do you demand they use the stirrups, anchor themselves and ride with their seat, choke up and not use such a loose rein when they don't know the horse?

    If I thought they need to anchor themselves and choke up on the reins, my horse would obviously not be a suitable horse to be sold. I would not sell a horse that needs better training, unless I show the person first by riding the horse, then they ride in the arena/round pen

    If they don't mind flying around on a horse that needs more training, I'm not going to give them a riding lessons. Let them ride as they want....but in the arena/round pen. Where I can stop them and tell them to step off if things are not going well.


    Q8: At what point (other than abuse) do you say sorry, no can do?

    Anytime my gut says, this is going bad.

    For example, that woman who you say just tacked up and got aboard.

    The moment I saw her get aboard my horse without my consent, I would run up there and demand the reins. Then I'd kick her off the property.

    Simply say, "I know you're here to test my horse, but she's still my horse and this is my barn and you're not showing any respect for either, so I'm going to have to ask you to leave."

    If she's being rude, I'm certainly not going to be nice about it. I'll be cordial, but certainly not soft.


    >>>>>>Stop lowering her price and be patient.<<<<

    You are expecting her to sell overnight and that's not going to happen in most cases.

    I would suggest leasing her out instead or lending her out to a therapy riding place (they pay for everything)

    Look, selling is VERY hard. 99% of the buyers are twits. Just like buying is hard, because 99% of the sellers are liars.

    It can take a year or more for her to find a good home. Meantime, I'd lease her out with the option to buy or lend her to a therapy place.

    Get lots of videos of her being ridden on the trail, etc... and put them up on youtube and a link on your ad.

  • Snezzy
    Lv 7
    9 years ago

    Ask this touchstone question:

    "So, you're on my horse, trying her out, and you want to go forward, but the horse is backing up. What do you do?"

    The answer tells you all you need:

    (1) "I'd pull back on the reins and make her stop." NOT A RIDER, BUT THINKS HE IS.

    (2) "I'd loosen the reins and put in leg." RIDER.

    (3) "I honestly don't know." HONEST NON-RIDER.

    (4) "What the heck do you mean by that?" NON-RIDER WITH HIDDEN AGENDA.

    (5) "What's wrong with the horse that she would do that?" WILL ASK FOR BIG PRICE REDUCTION.

    (6) "Look, I'll give you $xxx but not a penny more." WRONG PERSON FOR YOUR HORSE.

    (7) Anything else... probably not someone you want to see.

    Do not bother with anyone except (2) and (3). "Sorry, the horse is not available." Don't say why!!!

    MORE <><><>

    Oh yes, like Bubbles says, don't lower the price. RAISE IT. A low price attracts the wrong people and says the horse is no good and is being dumped. "The price is part of the product."

  • 9 years ago

    Depending on where you advertise the will get many unsophistictaed respondants. Good for you for making them sign a release. In my mind I would make them prove to me that they were possible candidates to buy my horse. Never, Never let someone ride outside the arena the first time they come. If they want to hack out....make sure you go with them, and if peole are asking about how fast she can go that is your first clue that they dont know much about horses and send them on their way...(nicely).

    If they act like they dont know better... THEY DONT KNOW BETTER, and keep looking for a good home. It sounds like you ride western????? If so, you may get a more sophisticated , knowledgable owner if you sell her as an english prospect if she has that kind of movement. You say nothing about what this horse really is... how tall, what discipline etc.... which makes me think your ads are drawing walt disney folk and not real horse people. Keep it simple. are her gaits english or western is she a straight mover or does she paddle or wing. Is she a pony , or small or large horse? how old is she. Have you taken her off the prperty? Does she tie well? Load ona trailer? Bathe? Avoid taking about how anyone can ride and she is real fast...etc, and you will avoid most of the walt disney folk lookin fer a horse...:)

  • Anonymous
    5 years ago

    i best recognize one million internet site that's referred to as , "pets4sale" , you'll be able to variety it in on google , after which variety in/or click on the facet while it says anything like , "what puppy are you watching for" , click on the dropzone , after which click on horse . And all of the horses from the U.K must arise after you could have click on seek .

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  • 9 years ago


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