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Getting rid of a (possible) demon in a dorm room?

A friend of mine (Lia) moved into a dorm for school a couple weeks ago and told me last night that her room is haunted by a dark shadow. He talks to her roommate and moves things from one side of the room to the other, and from what they've heard from talking to the girls in adjoining rooms, he comes and goes between two of the rooms, always making his presence known and his shadow seen. She said he makes her extremely nervous. I didn't think too much of it, but what caught my attention was when she told me it had said to them "Do not burn sage." Seemed an odd request of your generic, run-of-the-mill dorm ghost. I told her to burn the sage anyway, to ignore the spirit and whatever it does and DO NOT talk to it anymore. She and her roommate were discussing the burning of sage last night, and he appeared in their room and began growling at them. I'm very afraid that this may be a demon.

Problem is, she reminded me that since they live in a dorm, burning things is frowned upon and the plethora of smoke detectors makes that just short of impossible. So I'm turning to you guys for the solution for my dear friend. How can she rid her dorm room of this negative spirit without burning anything? I'm afraid that since they haven't put up much of a fight against him so far, just ordering him to leave won't work. (Has always worked with those sketchy shadows that come into my house!)

Thank you for any and all help.

9 Answers

  • 9 years ago
    Favorite Answer

    Do not burn sage. Sage will not work in the way you think it will. Often times it makes things worse. I have seen sage burned and it seemed to work for a few days. Then the haunting came right back only more severe than before.

    **This demon on the other hand is trying to get you to burn sage so it can possess who ever burns the sage.** I suggest you ask for advice from the forum listed below.

  • ?
    Lv 4
    5 years ago

    mixture some vanilla extract or possibly some drops of your fragrance with some baking soda. the aggregate might desire to nonetheless be dry and powdery, no longer moist and pasty. Pour this mixture on the area with the scent. enable it to take a seat down in one day and vaccuum or sweep it up. Stick a saucer of vinegar with some drops of lemon on your table to soak up something of the odors interior the room from the spill. I keep a deep saucer of vinegar with lemon in it around continuously to maintain the room smelling clean. I positioned some stones interior the dish and make contact with it a ornament. extremely, curiously great and is clever, too!

  • Anonymous
    9 years ago

    try the fallowing..

    crosses holywater bibles(even if ur a nonebeleaver) keep sage out in plain sight or hang over doors, prays of archangles DO NOT TRY OUJI BOURDS !!! or how ever its spelt it will make it worst. u can try puting rosemary on the floor and leave open ur window. hmmmmm. if all else fails get a priest to bless the drom and claim its for religous perpose.

    Source(s): dont ask wont tell
  • 9 years ago

    Getting rid of demons is sketchy by all costs because if your serious about it then you need a well trained witch to get rid of it. The burning of sage is generally used to cleanse the home of negativity so its understandable if it doesn't like it so dont do it, it wont damage the demon and besides you dont know what your dealing with so dont piss it off. One thing I would suggest is speak to someone who knows more about it but not some idiot, find someone who trains in the craft. If you can get your hands on some quartz stone then tell her to place them at each corner of her room or the bed to ward off evil, it acts as a barrier to lesser demons.

    Source(s): The craft.
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  • CF
    Lv 7
    9 years ago

    Evil spirits do exist. In one essay a promoter of witchcraft warns: “The Shadows are out there: They exist, in the invisible world that parallels our own, living creatures. . . . The terms ‘Imp’, ‘Evil Spirit’ and ‘Demon’ are fairly accurate. They are very strong. . . . The most intelligent variety . . . are capable (if someone is helpful enough to open a doorway for them) of entering our world. . . . They can enter your body . . . , even asserting a degree of control over you. Yes, this is exactly like the old stories of Demon possession.”

    But she won´t rid her dorm by resorting to superstition such as burning sage, spells, amulets and the like.

    First, they should get rid of anything related to the occult and spiritism in case they have those in their possession: books, movies, cartoons, DVS etc.

    Second, suggest that they study the Bible so that they can strength their faith in God.

    Third, “With every form of prayer and supplication . . . (they should) carry on prayer on every occasion in spirit.” (Ephesians 6:18)

    Praying to Jehovah God is essential in resisting wicked spirits.

    Proverbs 18:10:

    The name of Jehovah is a strong tower. Into it the righteous runs and is given protection.

    They should keep on praying to God "to deliver them from the wicked one. -Matthew 6:13.

    Psalm 145:19:

    The desire of those fearing him he will perform,

    And their cry for help he will hear, and he will save them.

  • 9 years ago

    I got freaked out just by reading this! I really feel for your friends if there is a demon in their dorm room. They should just try to ignore it the best they can, that way maybe it'll go by it's business and do whatever demon ghosts like to do apart from watch young girls in dorm rooms and scare them. Don't aggitate it! Haven't you seen the movies? It'll go on an all caps rage...

    Source(s): Me
  • Dr. NG
    Lv 7
    9 years ago

    It's nice to know our students are so open minded and caring. It's obvious this evil entity is keeping you and your dear friends away from your studies. I recommend a Ouija for all your dorm demon removal needs. I recommend a course on critical thinking for your not appearing to be a fool needs.

  • Anonymous
    9 years ago

    tell your friend to set up cameras to capture the demon moving stuff around. if she can prove demons exist, she can become rich and famous selling the video to t.v. stations. who wouldn't want to see video proof of a demon. she can also write a book about living with a demon. $$$ there might even be a t.v. series based on her encounters.

  • Anonymous
    9 years ago

    Your friend is either hallucinating or pulling your leg, or maybe you are trolling. Which is it?

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