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Anyone aware of Osbornes new tax loophole for the rich?

Just another helping hand for the wealthy from Osborne.


nlv. The Mirror was the only paper that got everything spot on when leading up to the last election. The informed people the Tories were going to raise VAT to 20%, it happened. They told people the Tories had plans to privatise the NHS, it's happening. They said it planned to attack the disabled, it's happening. They said they would stop the winter fuel payments, they have so far cut it by £100 a year. They warned that cutting 250,000 jobs wouldn't save a penny, nothing saved so far and borrowing even more money. So not bad for a paper you don't seem to rate as credible.

Update 2:

Just one story run by the Mirror concerning Cameron in talks with NFR, a body wishing to privatise the NHS.

9 Answers

  • Alan
    Lv 7
    9 years ago
    Favorite Answer

    @ Joe Harris, this is a shared forum. All English speaking countries share the same forum on Y/A unless you specifically choose to click on your flag at the foot of the page, in which case you will only get questions and answers from your own country. As for Britain being third world, well even the third world has universal health care in many of those nations and they accept and realise the benefit of it. Unlike the States where you have to pay a kings ransom for surgery. And by the way, we in our little third world country hosted the Olympics and are helping your war mongering country to fight against terrorism in Afghanistan, and made a large contribution to your illegal war in Iraq. May you be blessed with 4 more years of Obama for your insults to those your country often consider to be your closest allies. With friends like you, who needs enemies?

    The Tories will always find excuses and tax loop holes. On PM's questions last week, it was put to the PM that they should return the £300,000 donation the party had received from a convicted criminal, (his name escapes me at this moment). His answer was to ask Labour if they were going to return the donations made by the Unions of £12 million. Two points here. First of all, the Union money was not STOLEN, and secondly, the Labour party will gladly return the money given by unions, if the Tory party return their massive donations given by Lord Ashcroft, another criminal who avoids paying tax by having all his wealth stashed away in tax havens. Once again we see the Tory party trying to claim they are whiter than white while condemning Labour. The pot calling the kettle black yet again!

  • Anonymous
    9 years ago

    Utterly indefensible & not in the least bit surprising.

    The saddest thing is that there was a time I would have said this was shocking. I'm not in the least bit shocked by this.

    I know labour were crap (& I also know you disagree with that statement Mac!), but the more that Gideon does, the more I understand why people voted labour just to try & keep the tories out. I voted conservative in '97, '01 & '05 - purely to try & oust labour. Things like this make me glad that I was unsuccessful in getting the tories in.

    Every time I compare the 2 parties I find the tories even worse (overall) than labour. A fair call given my hostility towards labour.


    On your other points - predicting that the tories planned to privatise the NHS is a bit like predicting that if I stand in a field & drop an apple, it will fall to the ground. Even labour privatised it, the tories were never going to re-nationalise it even if they could afford. That's not what tories do.

    The VAT rise, I still agree with that policy overall. Sure, it could do with some tweaking so as to better serve the country's economic needs without creating too great an environmental & social cost (particularly, VAT should be reduced on on entertainment). Still, it's better than cutting out that tax stream without having the means to pay for it, or raising the money from those least able to afford... The tory policy is the lesser of 2 evils.

    On the disabled - again, indefensible. Labour were profligate with the money they gave out in benefits (I know a few people who benefitted that really, really didn't need to. Whether they still do or not I don't know) - but even there, I'd rather they threw money at those who didn't need it than deny it to those who do. The labour policy is by far the lesser of 2 evils.

    On winter fuel payments, my understanding is that the money pensioners get has just been restructured, less winter fuel payment & larger state pension. I may be wrong there though.

    On not saving a penny - again, I can't comment. The figures being released are so varied that it's difficult to sift through the misinformation to find that which is accurate & relevant. I've not had the time or inclination to try.

    Either way, it'll take a huge sea-change to get me voting tory again.

    (edited for spelling & to make it a bit less libellous!! lol)

  • 9 years ago

    Doesn't surprise me, nor would I be surprised if the same trick was pulled by the megarich and successful lobbying the last Government - New Labour, I think it was called, meaning the stinking rich (which Mandelson has no problem with) are the new type of workers that count in society, and the riff-raff can go to hell. Osborne is just another of many who has been got at, except that maybe he has been in on the conspiracy since his Bullingdon days. Even the voting public are far more interested in celebrity culture, representing those very folk, and turn their noses up at what they perceive as "losers".

    So what are we going to do about it?

  • 9 years ago

    Osbourne is guilty of losing taxes from the rich hand over fist, and favouring his cronie Tory supporting mates, I absolutely agree with you on that one. But, no more guilty than the last Liebour govt were of waste, blindly letting any man and Abdullah into the country, creating two million non jobs and shafting poor working mens pension schemes that will now have to spend their retirement in poverty. AND, Liebour, while we're on about tax, still allowed those sort of loop holes to happen (it's not 'just' happened since Camo's lot came in). Labour spent 13 years running this country into the ground and doing nothing much more than feathering their own grubby little nests.

    Source(s): Vote for UKIP, you know it makes sense.
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  • 9 years ago

    If that's true, it's indefensible, and as such I'm not going to defend it. Everything else you said with the exception of VAT is untrue, or merely your assertion, and easily arguable the other way.

  • nlv
    Lv 6
    9 years ago

    Amazon are doing it already it's hardly new.

    The mirror hardly a recommended source!

    Amazon: £7bn sales, no UK corporation tax

  • Anonymous
    9 years ago

    George Osbourne is a noxious piece of sh*t. I pray for a bloody revolution so we can take vermin like this and hack them to death.

  • Anonymous
    9 years ago

    Yeah without that extra 1 billion how are they supposed to install more security cameras!!!!!!!!!

  • Anonymous
    9 years ago

    we are mostly Americans here. we don't care about your 3rd world hoodoo.

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