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Lv 5
? asked in Pregnancy & ParentingNewborn & Baby · 9 years ago

How is is it feels to have a baby?

is it make you unbelieveable happy? did it change your vision about life?

well i really love to have one :D


thank you so much for the time you spent to answers, its really give me new information. And yes i do believe someone should be married first before having or make a baby lol.

4 Answers

  • 9 years ago
    Favorite Answer

    At the risk of stating the obvious, different women react different ways. Some people are immediately delighted and feel an instant connection to their baby, they are walking on air for the first few days. Some (me, for example), take time to come to these feelings. I took a couple of weeks to feel confident enough in my parenting skills to get rid of the nervousness and embrace the joy. Some suffer from post-natal depression and become very sad and frustrated. This is common and there is lots of support for women who feel this way.

    There is, to me, nothing as wonderful as holding your happy, cuddly baby. When my children fed and slept in my arms, I never wanted to let go. They are the centre of my life and I can't imagine being without them, even though I was nervous and unsure at first.


    You are no longer the centre of your life. Your baby comes first. It needs you to do EVERYTHING for it and this can be extremely tiring. You are their legs and arms, they can't change themselves, feed themselves, comfort themselves, express themselves. You will not sleep well for months, possibly years, because you will be woken up a lot in the night and if you've never been sleep-deprived before, well, try waking up five times a night for three nights on end and then you will start to understand.

    Having a baby is also emotionally wearing. There will be times when your baby cries and cries for no reason and all you can do is hold them and try to feed them and rock them and you will suffer great distress and a desperation for them to stop. There will be times of joy and endless giggling and cuddles and deep content. There are times of pride and excitement - the first steps, the first word - and times of worry and fretting - the first fever, the first rash. Also, babies and children are little bundles of emotion. They go up and down faster than a yo-yo. They can be screaming blue murder one moment and swearing they hate you and two minutes later they are perfectly happy, it's all forgotten and they are cuddling you and showing you their toy. THIS IS TRUE EVEN IF THEY DON'T GET WHAT THEY WANT SO HOLD STRONG. Don't give in or they will think that screaming is the way to get what they want and it will never stop.

    Moreover, this goes on twenty-four hours a day, seven days a week, 365 days a year.

    Because of this, do not go into parenthood alone. Always make sure you have a strong support network - a partner or spouse, mother, aunt, mother-in-law, close friends - who will help you and comfort you and give you time off. You will need it.

    Motherhood is truly wonderful but go into it with your eyes open. It is hard, tiring, emotional work. But in the long-run, if you want children, just as they are, you will be very happy.

  • 9 years ago

    Don't have a baby because you want to change your vision about life! It is asking a lot from them. Having my baby made me very happy, because I was married, we were at a stage to be able to support one, and the pregnancy was planned.

    If I had - say got pregnant when in high-school , I don't think I would have been so happy. Or I would have resisted against bonding if I knew adoption was on the cards.

  • 9 years ago

    Before i had my baby i wasnt going down the best path, i had no motivation to do anything with my life. Since i had my daughter i am a completely different person! Iam happy, i want to succeed in life and be the best i can to make the best life for her! I love my life, she is my reason for living! Greatest joy in my life. Words can not describe the amount of love i have for her :)

  • 9 years ago

    U get every happy, its amazing!

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