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how to make a suggestion?

Listen you Nazi's, you have again prevented me from answering a valid, respectful and polite again said it violated yahoo community guidelines..ummm do you actually have any logistical argument of merit? I think not. You are really aggravating me, not that it matters to your biased, brain dead monitors. If you were actually rational for once, it might give you all a coronary. One can only hope. At any rate I'm not happy, and moreover I'm REALLY not happy. So put that in your extreme liberal pipe and smoke it you foul non-Americans. Pffttt...if you don't like this post, sue me...I'll be waiting for your weak response. Ps I have lawyers...Ugh.


This was not a question was addressed to yahoo community BS guidelines. They think they are slick...those anti-freedom ultra liberal mongrels. At any rate..they can ban me..and I'll then ban them...nitwits with no morals nor integrity. C'mon yahoo...make my day..and tell your CEO to make sure he makes us all proud (eye roll) at his next Bilderberg meeting. Pfft.

Update 2:

Chris I take it you are yahoo community friendly? ..Well save YOUR extremist liberal friendly diatribe for elsewhere...for someone that actually gives a damn....again it's lost on me and you're not just wasting my time, but also yours...sooo, I suggest you contact some liberal nut ball, surely they'll steer you in the right (lol) direction...right up Obama's butt (I hear he has room up in there) : )

Update 3:

By the way Chris, you ingrate...I'm a conservative..can you actually read you liberal ***.

Update 4:

Who gives a damn about the yahoo ultra liberal, pro-Muslim fascists, except for you Chris? Try playing someone are way, way out of your intellectual and courageous league...Boo hoo. You nit wit playing the role of some super, what a joke...

Update 5:

Yes Chris I do know about liberalism...let me make it simple for is the plague on our free in effect, represents all that is immoral in our once beautiful and free America currently. It is the evil of abortion, reverse racism and all other current ills. So go away, and attend a Bohemian grove homosexual idiot.

2 Answers

  • Anonymous
    9 years ago
    Favorite Answer

    Anyone can 'report abuse'...atheists, 'homosexuals', even 'Christians' because you know

    there are many kinds of 'Christians', some follow the bible often many don't.

    I always ask Yahoo to review the question.

    I have two in the works, have heard NOTHING in months. There is SUCH

    a backlog, and maybe they can't figure this out.

    Yahoo does have bias. They have gone against me siding with mainstream

    though, and I asked them to point out my error, they did not, just cited

    'rules'. I broke none of them.

    So that WILL happen. What I do when it happens in a question, is post

    3 or 4 MORE on that topic. It must be good to get reported, so more

    are needed, right?

    Answers are harder because you don't get that chance, but putting

    it up here in the form of a question is wise:

    eg. why did this answer get reported? (and then put in the answer)

  • Chris
    Lv 7
    9 years ago

    Yeah, take that you anti-freedom ultra liberal ... wait, lol, you have no idea what Liberalism is, do you?

    I bet the yahoo guys who have the pleasure of reading this illiterate rant are quaking in their boots.

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