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Lv 7
11UN asked in News & EventsCurrent Events · 9 years ago

Will you be having a little celebration tonight?

I know I said I wouldn't celebrate until Hamza was on American soil, but the police convoy has left Long Lartin prison and is bound for an airbase, where the five men will be handing over to US Marshals. I'm sure the Americans will treat him kindly. *Smirk*

Maybe, just maybe this farce will finally come to an end.


Tell me, A-Team, given your use of quotation marks, where in my question did I say we would be safer?

Update 2:

David GH, Hamza and the other four left the prison at 19:15. The route of the convoy is unknown, but according to Google Maps, he should be at RAF Mildenhall and handed over to US Marshals before the hour is up. Aerodrome sounds terribly nostalgic.

14 Answers

  • Anonymous
    9 years ago
    Favorite Answer

    i got a fine bottle of scotch, wanna share a wee dram ?l

  • Anonymous
    9 years ago

    How this terrorist was ever allowed to have a London road closed and preach racial hatred ill never know. England is a joke for enabling him. Imagine a group of white non Muslim blokes preaching anti Islamic hate on their street, how long would they last? Lets hope we get to see him in a fetching orange boiler suit and chains, so in gitmo vogue this season.

  • ?
    Lv 4
    4 years ago

    nicely, i'm in all probability accountable of letting a lot of those moments slip through too, yet I attempt to not. The older i'm getting and extra of my family contributors leaves me to combat it out on my own here the extra i think of returned to each and all of the moments I had whilst they have been alive and how i wanted i'm going to have them returned returned. yet, i can't so I could desire to savor what I even have here and now. I artwork with babies on a on an popular basis foundation so those moments come often whilst i'm not cleansing up spilled milk or play doh floor into the carpet...yet even nonetheless, those are in all probability the same forms of issues i could omit if the youngsters weren't there. I get excitement from your question. thank you for the possibility to supply my 2 cents' nicely worth. Have an incredible day!

  • 9 years ago

    I have already lifted a glass to the judge Sir John Thomas, what the Americans do with Hamza does not interest long as they don't send him back here

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  • chris
    Lv 6
    9 years ago

    Or was that a decoy?

    Probably not as ConAir is warming up its engines, chained to the floor in cages, the 5 can preach all they like now, I think its secretly being flown to Guantanamo Bay.

  • Anonymous
    9 years ago

    I dont know where you have got that about a police convoy leaving long lartin ? he isnt going for days,if ever. And we say aerodrome. Airbase is very American.. I would have thought at the askers age he would have been liberal?

    I dont really care one way or another.There is plenty to take his place. EDIT if the asker is privy to information us lesser mortals arent , bully for him.As long as Hanza is gone.

  • ?
    Lv 5
    9 years ago

    Have to be careful when i'm opening the champagne incase the cork pops out too fast and takes the bastards other eye out

  • com.18
    Lv 6
    9 years ago

    i have been since i heard,i need more fok Hamza the 1 eyed 1 armed bandit...enjoy your your trip to the never,never zone hahahahahaha

    @ A-Team im from Glasgow and any muslim shite will be delt with swiftly ya prick ...remember the Airport carry on....wit kind of booze you got S-M

  • Anonymous
    9 years ago

    poor bloke such a shame - tomorrow's headline in the socialist worker

  • 9 years ago

    So you think we are "safer" now that Hamza has been deported. I'd like to see your logic behind that one. Personally I'd be worried about all the inner city gang violence than some one handed preacher.

    But if you think you are safer now why don't you take a walk through Brixton or an estate in Glasgow at night and see how "safe" you feel.

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