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Who are you voting for in the Presidential election and why?

I've already decided who I'm voting for, but I am curious as to how other people made their decision.

Note: This question includes third party candidates as well.

8 Answers

  • 9 years ago
    Favorite Answer



    BO's got to


  • 9 years ago

    It is with shame that if Obama is reelected by his unflinching support from the fourth estate that the America as we know it will perish.

    For Almost 250 years America has flourished and has been strong but then a man came and he said "I AM GOING TO FUNDAMENTALLY CHANGE AMERICA." Under his watch an Ambassador was murdered and he called it "A BUMP IN THE ROAD." Then this man spent thousands of dollars to apologize to Pakistan for our freedom of speech.

    Yes, Pakistan, who hid Bin Laden for years and then jailed the doctor who helped us find Bin Laden, the same doctor the president threw under the bus by leaking information about him to make the president look better. Now the president with the help of other democrats in California have arrested the marker of the video that nobody saw. Freedom of speech is dead in America.

    This same president allows guns to go to Mexico getting an American hero killed and hundreds of Innocent Mexicans. This same president then hides behind his desk and claims executive privilege when all along it was to attack your second amendment. In four more years your second amendment rights will be murdered.

    America I feel sorry for you. And the worst thing he has done, 8.1% unemployment

    Yes, he has Fundamentally changed America and I want the old America back. Small government not an Additional 6 trillion in debt.

  • 9 years ago


  • ?
    Lv 7
    9 years ago

    * $5+ Trillion Debt in 3 years

    * $1.3 Trillion average deficit/year

    * $818 Billion wasted "stimulus"

    * Obamacare and its taxes

    * 8.1% declared unemployment (Real one 14%+)

    * 17% declared underemployment

    * 2 US Economy downgrades

    * 1300+ days without a budget (last three voted DOWN 97-0, 414-0, 99-0)

    "If Mr. Obama wins re-election, and his budget projections prove accurate, the National Debt will top $20 trillion in 2016, the final year of his second term. That would mean the Debt increased by 87 percent, or $9.34 trillion, during his two terms."

    "The general unemployment rate in June 2012 would have been ***10.9 percent*** if the labor force participation rate had remained at the 65.7 percent in place when Obama became president."

    ... Romney

  • 9 years ago

    Being that I am the 47%...

    OBAMA fo YO MAMA!!

    Oh and by the way.. Obama IS going to win! Come on, he has the BEST campaign: Romney's mouth!

    I love you Romney, you rock! (We need more hidden camera's around so we can hear more of your great Obama campaigning tactics!)

    Obama 2013!

  • 9 years ago

    Mitt Romney. 4 years more of Barack Obama equals financial ruin.

  • 9 years ago

    I've already voted for Obama ...

    ... all politicians are liars by trade ... but Romney/Ryan are even worse liars than Obama, and only want to help the rich get richer.

    I don't agree with either candidate on EVERYTHING, but I agree with Obama slightly more than Romney.

    Source(s): Oregon Mail-In Ballot
  • Anonymous
    9 years ago

    ROMNEY. Our freedom will be lost if obama wins again.

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