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Psychedalek asked in HealthWomen's Health · 9 years ago

Constipated, but nothing works... what do I do?

I'm a seventeen year old female who weighs about 125lbs and I have really bad chronic constipation. I know, gross. But that's not my point. Anyway, if you're squeamish, don't read on. I just need help as my parents don't care and won't help.

For the past few weeks, I've been having trouble passing stool. I take Restoralax (stool softener) every day anyway thanks to the doctors, but all it does it make me bloated. It has no effect on me otherwise. Then, about a week ago I was unable to have a BM for about 5 days, so I took laxatives. Dulcolax, the monster. After throwing up and writhing in pain for 4 hours, I did have a BM, but it didn't solve the problem. It felt as if I was just going around an obstruction. I was still as bunged up afterwards too, so I took an enema. Once again, small BM, but really no improvement. The next day, I took laxatives again, and... absolutely nothing. Apparently I'm resistant to them already. My father has been making me drink so much water that I throw up, because he thinks this will "fix it". I can tell there is an impaction in there, I've had them before, so I called the doctor myself, a new doctor for us, and he said he'd see me in a week or so. But just to do nothing until then. Maybe exercise, because you're probably just fat. He's evidently not read my files, but my parents still believe him.

Last time I did nothing, I ended up in the hospital for a week with a tube town my nose and a wheelchair for half of it, because I could barely SIT UP without collapsing. I hadn't eaten in a week because everything came back up. Right now, I've got horrible stomach cramps and bloating that makes me look fat and pregnant; I can't even fit into my clothes. This is exactly how it began last time. I know there is an impaction in there but nobody will let me go to the hospital, and I don't want it to get as bad as before. I'm from Canada, too, so it's free to go! I can't even eat, because I have 0 appetite and I feel horrible, like eating is just adding to the big problem. I've missed so much school already due to my horrible health, and can't afford to miss any more :'(

Someone please tell me what I should do?

3 Answers

  • ?
    Lv 4
    9 years ago
    Favorite Answer


    I, too have been hopitalized with fecal imactions. I am empathetic with your situation. I am from the US, so I'm not familiar with Canadian medical rules. If you went to the Emergency Room of your neares hospital, would they be able to treat or at least diagnose you before or without your parent's consent? If so, is there a time when your parents are NOT available that you could visit the ER?

    Question...Was the enema a saline enema (Fleets, etc) or from an enema bag? If it was Fleets and you do have an impaction, I would not expect very good results.

    Question again....Do you pass any watery stool when you have the urge to have a bowel movement? This is a common symptom of a fecal impaction and sometime accompanied by fever and nausea.

    (Gross) Question... Have you tried inserting a lubricated finger into your rectum and attempted to break it up for easier passage?

    The only way to prove to your parents that you have an obstruction is for the ER to take an X-ray. It is possible too, that it is an obstruction other than fecal, but only they could diagnose that.

    The most potent treatment I have been given for an impaction is called a milk and molasses enema. It is a warmed mixture of a 12 oz bottle of molasses and 2 cups of milk. It is given slowly as it can cause cramping but will, most assuredly produce a bowel movement.

    The most common treatment while hopitalized has been a mineral oil enema to soften the stool followed by a series of soapsuds enemas until clear. Manual dis-impaction (finger in butt) was also required on one occassion.

    I hope this helps but more than anything, wish your parents would take you to the ER for a proper diagnosis. Good luck!


    Source(s): Personal experience with fecal impactions
  • Ana
    Lv 4
    9 years ago

    Aw you poor girl, I feel so sorry for you :/

    I know how it feels like, I've been constipated for 5 days longest in my life. So bloated, and so heavy, that's how I felt. Oh yeah, and the pain too. And the not fitting in your own clothes part, yes. >.<

    Anyhow, I don't think there's much you can do now, considering you can only prevent constipation by regular exercise, eating healthy food and taking enough fluids. I'd suggest drinking chamomile tea, it helps me get it done, and completely STUFF yourself with fruits, they'll make you "go".

    I have never tried it, but I've read on the internet a lot of people use prune juice to get things going and it's helpful, I've heard.

    Good luck sweetie! If nothing gets better, go to your doctor, alone if you must, but get better! xoxo

  • 5 years ago

    Sounds as should you have to have an endoscopy and/or colonoscopy performed to higher check the motive, so one can avail you to higher healing choices. If laxatives do this little, the concern would be so much better within the digestive tract. I stored having issues, and stored taking fiber, and eventually (no pun supposed) the concern used to be that I had a duodenal hernia which effected my bile output.... Go determine, a gall bladder therapy constant the concern.... I most effective supply the instance to demonstrate that simply on account that you may have a concern with one frame process, doesnt imply that process is the only with the concern, and also you definitely owe it to your self to have the problem investigated extra...

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