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James asked in HealthDiet & Fitness · 9 years ago

Trying to get a Six pack?

Ok, so im 14. And i would like to get a sixpack for various reasons. Im not skinny but im definetly not fat. Im 1.58 m tall. Im just wondering what good exercises could i do to loose tummy fat and get bigger adominal mucels. Ta

1 Answer

  • Anonymous
    9 years ago
    Favorite Answer

    1st thing is that you will NEVER gt a six pack show thru if you have even the tiniest layer of fat on your belly. This comes from personal experience, massive six pack but nothing shows due to a small layer of stubborn fat. You will need to lose this 1st. then it is a matter of getting started with various workouts for the abs. There's plenty of videos demonstrating workout techniques on youtube.

    Personally I recommend simple sit ups then leg lifts. You can place something heavy on your chest and hold it to increase the effectiveness of situps.

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