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? asked in PetsDogs · 9 years ago

My dog isn't listing and my mom says we are going to get rid of her what can i do?

My dog keeps eating off the table and running off she is just a puppy need you're peoples help soon thank you (:

7 Answers

  • ?
    Lv 7
    9 years ago
    Favorite Answer

    Give her more exercise. A tired dog is a well behaved dog.

    Pick up a book on dog training, and get training!

  • 9 years ago

    You can get a spray to put in what she is chewing. Also I'm sorry but a dog is like a baby it must be shown how to behave it doesn't just happen. Your mum should have know this when she bought the dog. To get rid of the dog would be unfair on you and also on the dog. Your mum really must try training the dog and give it a little more time. Would she give her children away if they don't behave how she expects them to

    Source(s): Owner of a dog and dogs trust worker
  • Anonymous
    9 years ago

    tell your mom about i had a puppy that was very hyper and would jump all over my furniture. i LOVE my dog, but i also want my furniture to stay clean. it sounds like your mom could really appreciate the products on this website. they are Couch and Chair Defenders. they protect your furniture so your dog can't mess it up. that would be one less thing your mom would have to worry about.

  • 9 years ago

    No offense but your mom said it in a bad way. Sounds like she will kill your dog?? Doubt that's the case but anyways, You can hide her, run away with her ( your dog ), or talk to your mom. Lol

    Source(s): I though
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  • 9 years ago

    I have Newfoundlands and if you know the breed, you know they are counter and table height and can easily steal food from counters and tables. Consider this - every time your dog takes food off the table, your dog is getting a huge reward, so your dog is going to keep doing it because the behavior is being reinforced with food.

    Keep your counters and tables free from food while you are training your dog to STAY out of the kitchen and/or dining room. Teaching your dog the LEAVE IT command will train your dog to leave items alone that you don't want them to have. Your puppy is counting on you to teach her how to behave - so save her/his life and get busy training!

    How to teach your dog to *stay*:

    How to teach the *leave it" command.

  • 9 years ago

    Put her on leash indoors and tie the leash to your waist. TRAIN the dog.

  • 9 years ago


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