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Lv 7
11UN asked in News & EventsCurrent Events · 9 years ago

UK: Will you be voting for your police commissioner this November?

I had to discover information about police and crime commissioner candidates for my county through the BBC Kent, as there's been little coverage in my local media.

Many of the electorate seem to show no interest and there's been calls by some (mainly ex-Met boss Ian Blair) to boycott the polls.

Me? I'll vote on the 15th November because I believe it's the "right" thing to do.


Patch, really?! Kent has two independent candidates, alongside Labour, Tory, UKIP, and English Democrats nominees.

Update 2:

David, the Home Office has a website which may prove useful:

21 Answers

  • 9 years ago
    Favorite Answer

    Yes, i too will be voting - for someone i really don't know but who i do 'know of '. Julia Mulligan, good education, hard worker, good family and a family person too.

    The oppo? lives in a 'mean back street', woolly headed and also woolly legged supporter of lost causes Ruth Potter - you simply could not make this up - she voted AGAINST having crime commissioners but has since then obviously changed tack - must have seen the salary!

    I've seen someone else on here supporting that odious creep Michael Mates! I am a large C Conservative but i simply could never vote for that charlatan! He's obnoxious! A proven liar and profligate!

    No better than his odious soundbyte from Hull who is also standing - ex Labour thug, bruiser, play-away liar and marital cheat John Prescott!

    How those two have the bare ars*d cheek to stand for law and order defies comprehension and so too does the actions of anyone giving them a vote! GRRRRRRRR!!!!!!!!

    EDIT - Zak - how can you complain about any police officer for anything on here?You choose not to work, you boast about being fit and healthy, working for cash in hand, you sponge off the rest of us who pay taxes for our Police force - how dare you! Parasite! You're worse than Prescott and Mates!


    Julia Mulligan BD23 3BN

    Ruth Potter YO10 3EH

    Does Ruth Potter strike you as being someone who has a firm grip on all aspects of life or just her own circumstances? Or indeed Julia Mulligan, same age group, obviously different cultural and social ambitions.

    Check the areas out on google maps.

  • 9 years ago

    I answered a similar question last night and said I would probably vote, but only because I have a postal vote.

    Since then I have given it some thought and wonder ...

    Why all of a sudden do we need to vote for a Police Commissioner?

    Has the old system not worked perfectly well?

    I have read the bumf that has come through my door and each candidate are standing on party political lines, do we really want party politics to interfere with policing in the UK?

    It is generally accepted there will be a very low turn out.

    How much will this election cost?

    If the turn out is as low as expected will it not be a complete wast or time and money?

    I have decided on reflection I will not be voting, even with a postal vote.

    Edit: This will be the first time I have not voted in any election, local or otherwise.

  • Yorrik
    Lv 7
    9 years ago

    No, and the reason why I will not be voting for a police commissioner is because I have discovered today that an unelected committee of faceless wonders whom I've never heard of or seen, can sack the elected commissioner if he/she fails to live up to the job.

    Where is the democracy in that?

    I thought that we the people would decide, not some faceless bunch of unelected over paid winkers.

    So damn the whole scheme.

    London UK 261012.2032

  • Anonymous
    9 years ago

    I'm not bothering.

    Further information has come to light that the area this commissioner will be expected to cover is unsustainable for one man alone.

    It may well be an attempt to make our police force accountable & work with communities but it seems like a huge waste of money, time & resources, right now.

    A few more policeman on the beat would be the best answer to prevent crime.

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  • 9 years ago

    No. This election is a way of trying to paper over the cracks, dysfunction and corruption of most

    police forces - 2 commissioners sacked in London and about 3 chief constables around the country being forced to resign recently; their total failure to investigate Jimmy Saville properly despite numerous comlpaints during his lifetime; an innocent newspaper seller murdered during a demonstration in London; a blind disavbed man in Rochdale being tasered and wrestled to the ground by police who thought his white stick was some sort of weapon; near riots by marauding drunks on many of our towns streets every weekend etc etc

  • JOHN G
    Lv 7
    9 years ago

    There is no election in London cos The Met have the Mayor of London who already does the job with the help of his colleagues.

  • ?
    Lv 6
    9 years ago

    I knew nothing about this until a card dropped through my letter box three days ago, sent by my local council

    im going to look at it in more depth before i vote

  • 9 years ago

    Having reviewed the available information about our candidates I have decided none of them deserve a vote and so I will abstain. I realise and accept that I will have no case to complain when the eventual winner turns out to be useless.

  • ?
    Lv 6
    9 years ago

    I will vote. I intend to write "all of the above have party political affiliations which prevent them from acting with impartiality in the post" on the paper.

  • Andi C
    Lv 7
    9 years ago

    As a Londoner I don't get to vote.

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