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Lv 7
virgod asked in Politics & GovernmentPolitics · 9 years ago

Why media refuses to cover the crime and murders of Benghazigate?

despite all the facts, e-mails, and that classified cable of August 16, 2012, describing islamist terrorists' activities in Benghazi? Obama bin lyin and hitlary had accepted a "full responsibility" in the middle of October... Where is outrage? Where are consequences? Resignations? Are we still residing in the Land of the Free?


YVAN: I am an Independent Conservative, and not a mentally disturbed neilibnazi. Your and obama bin lyin manipulatiins are repilsive; Tell me now, since when "accepting a full responsibility" became JUST an empty phrase? If it has not - WHERE ARE CONSEQUENCES? WHERE IS RESIGNATION?

EASTER: I becha in front of the entire forum to prove that you are a more "concerned" citizen than I am. I already donated to Red Cross, and I believe that deaths of 56 from a natural diaster ARE NOT equivalent to the murders of public servants murdered by shitlamic terrorists, who were supported AND financed (out of MY pocket) by the islamo-marxist PUPPET, who is playing an American President AND gets away with those murders

Update 2:

JOEANIMA... Thanks for the additional facts (link). Unfortunately, American neolibnazi had proven time and again that facts mean NOTHING to them. I think that every on of the 53% of us (i.e., 47% approve of obama's handling of Benghazigate - wow! Remember 47% approving of his economy? How amazingly accurate Governor Romney proves to be?!) must continue contacting his/her Representatives, White House and neolibnazi media DEMANDING and immediate resignations of BHO/his cabinet and a coverage!

Update 3:

apology for some typos... It's still dark at 3 in the morning and a family is asleep...can't turn lights on

Update 4:

SPIRIT: I know too much about soetoro-obama to buy in any notion of his "brilliance", but he far from being "stupid". The catastrophe he wrecked on our economy is a deadly fast and deadly efficient "fundamental transformation of America" which he promised imbeciles. So are his foreign policies and openly declared sympathy to shitlam. His ONLY mistake that far is dismissing shitlamic emotions (he thought they would repay him for "arab spring" and wait until after elections with murders, but...), AND his belief that ALL Americans are as stupid as are those, who voted a fraud and an enemy of America into Oval Office

Update 5:

EASTER: I read your posts more carefully than you do mine. You still didn't prove that I am any less American than you are, plus you know nothing about my family. I attribute the utmost importance to the election of a leader, who doesn't think that defending islam is part of his duties as a POTUS, who didn't promise "more flexibility" to Russians and who didn't declared his intend to "stand with the muslims" when "winds of politics shift". The major difference between you and I is that you see barry "president", and I see a TRAITOR ... End of debate

24 Answers

  • Anonymous
    9 years ago
    Favorite Answer

    The liberal news media just like all of the liberal loon Socialist are in the tank for the American hating, Muslim loving, Communist queer and his Communist handlers. Yes I said his handlers, his puppet masters. You don't think he is smart enough to be this stupid on his own do you?

  • 9 years ago

    I'm not even going to touch where this question is all wrong.

    What I am going to answer this with is something that might have escaped you..

    In case you are living under a rock, right now there are millions of Americans without power. There is no clear estimate yet, but the amount of people made homeless is expected to be extremely high. At least 56 Americans have died and that number may rise. And, it's no over yet. You think that right now those affected really care right now about the conservative pundits conspiracy theories over responsibility in the Benghazi terrorist attack? That is why it not really make the news as much right now outside of conservative spin media. Americans are more concerned with what is happening right now. There will be investigations and you can rest assured that we will learn all the facts over time and if blame can be rested on someone it will be. But, right now, there are more pressing things going on.


    Never said they were equivalent. Re-read my answer. Never downplayed the Benghazi terrorist attack. Never compared the victims of Sandy with the victims of Benghazi. That is just all you not having the capacity to understand the answer. All I was saying, for those that need layman's terms, is that right now there is more pressing concerns then who to blame over a terrorist attack(besides, of course, the terrorists).. Oh, and yes, I did donate. Thanks for asking. Like donating is somehow a badge of honor. What next? Photo opportunities in front of soup kitchens? I have family in the middle of all this. So, my concern is personal. Thanks.

  • ?
    Lv 5
    9 years ago

    The Watergate was about an incumbent President using public means to eavesdrop political opponents, and denying the facts. The Benghazi event was about a group of terrorists turning against a US ambassador and fellow US public officers. And Barack Obama has publicly taken ultimate responsibility for this tragic event in the course of the third presidential debate, and instructed measures to be taken in order to reduce any possibility of reoccurence of such an event. I cannot see any reason, neither in facts nor in attitudes, why the Benghazi event should be turned by journalists into a Benghazigate.

  • Anonymous
    5 years ago

    The north county cases is reporting some arrests this morning for looting. notwithstanding, journalists in neighborhoods were taking down license numbers of suspected looters and reporting them to police as activities have spread out. as well, the nationwide seem after is revealed in our community checking identity and verifying that the persons who opt for to go back to an section quite stay there. more advantageous, there have been arrests made at Qualcomm stadium of human beings that were loading up donated components into %. up vans and promoting them off website. there is an excellent higher police and protection stress presence the following than there replaced into after Katrina...

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  • Because it's a Faux News ginned-up fraud. Why does Faux refuse to cover Romney's lies about Jeep which the Chrysler corporate elite have called out twice so far? Even the parents of the dead have asked the hate America first crowd on the right to stop using these deaths for political purposes. It's unpatriotic and shameful.

  • Skip
    Lv 4
    9 years ago

    The War USA & UN conducted upon Libya is a Crime alone! 100.000 Libyans Dead not to mention

    Once a Great nation who Boasted Heighest Standards of living in the World and Obama and Co turn it back 50 Years Destruction of a nation?

    Libyan,s Maimed for life all under the guise of Humanitarian Aid these people who conducted these War crimes should be the ones facing trials at the Hague not Qaddafi Family?

    Just as Bush and Blair have already been found Guilty of War Crimes yet they still are Free to walk around?

    We are manipulated from Cradle to Grave and always will be until we Overthrow these Tyrants who are Power Mad?

    Obama Black Out of all News whilst ellections are going on?

    Hello are you for real !asking such a question whole of USA is in lock down there is not a reporter who will even go anywhere near this story it might be bad for his re-ellection?

    USA did not hold an Embassy in Libya these attacks were against a So Called Safe House?

    What a Joke?

    And then the Lies started immediatly It was all over some stupid Video?

    Man is USA so gullible to accept this Crap?

    And now Obama has Blacked all news over what happened total lock down surprise?

    As Shillary said we are Fighting and infomation war and we are losing it?

    Guy,s you lost it a long time ago the day they took out JFK its been a downhill ride all the way?

    Oklahoma Bombing (False Flag) 9-11(False Flag)İnside Job and possibly Martin Sheen will be the one to open this right up?

    Fast & Furious (Cover up) Libya (Cover Up) and whilst all this is going down bankster Rob us all with impunity to slaps on the back from Obama (Birds of a Feather Flock together.

    Only News is from Alternative News try Alex Jone you just might be Surprised at the news this man releases?

    USA is in the Hands of tyrants time you awake to reallity This Clown and his Circus should be shut down but is would appear Americans are now so Dumbbed down they can no longer think for themselves?

    4 More years of this kenyan Indonisian who knows where he is from and USA is Toast!

    Americans want Disshonesty no integrity Lies and Cover ups that all appear to have started from the day they took out JFK

    9-11 was an inside Job and its time to Re-open and investigate this attrocity?

    Fast and Furious should have seen Obama Out but guess what another Lock down on the News

    Grassover as in all things?

    The media Coverage on Libya stinks should let you all realise just how powerful Obama and his manipulators are? USA is in Lock Down on all News? Try Alternative News or RT-Today you might learn something?

    Source(s): Dr webster Griffen Tarpley & Alex jones For Truth
  • 9 years ago

    News is owned... Democratic and republican will be sorry when **** hit fan! By supporting your Romnesia and your obamanesia

    Insanity: Insanity doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results.

  • ?
    Lv 6
    9 years ago

    This is the same media that didn't report on Obama signing the NDAA and ending the right to a trial. They cover up everything for Obama. I bet the media knows more than they are telling us and it will come out after the election. The same way they tried to cover up the ACORN thing in 2008 as long as they could.

  • Anonymous
    9 years ago

    Just turn on Fox news anytime of the day there the most watched cable news network more then MSNBC CNN Current tv Combined or any newspaper like Wall Street Journal Ect

  • Anonymous
    9 years ago
    Source(s): me~!
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