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Chuck N asked in Politics & GovernmentPolitics · 9 years ago

Why are so many far, far, far right wing Repbulicans cowards?

Example: Mitt Romney. Demonstrated in favor of the war in Viet Nam but chose to spend his time in Paris as a missionary for his church.

Another example. All the folks on this site pretending to be someone else so they can trash the President and his supporters anonymously -- cowardice.

Another example. All the rich folks contributing to candidates anonymously through Super Pacs. Always cowardly to do that.

Why the cowardice?

15 Answers

  • 9 years ago
    Favorite Answer

    Looks like you are in the pasture on the left.

    Imagine a road with a pasture full of sheep on each side.

    Imagine the sheep in both pastures looking at the other side, laughing, pointing and saying among themselves, " just look at all the sheep over there!"

  • Anonymous
    9 years ago

    When you say it like that it makes Obama and Clinton's military service damn near heroic!

    Oh, wait. That's right, neither of them served either!

    At least learn something about politics.....Romney is a moderate and has been criticized by far right wingers for not being conservative enough. Then learn something about recent history and you'll find that the last true active duty veteran to be a president was George H. Bush.

    Clinton chose to spend his draft years in England. Obama spent his draft years as a community organizer. I assume you're willing to cast the same stones at the far, far, far left wing Democrats?

  • 9 years ago

    Whatever delusion helps you decide whom you support if your right to believe. Don't post it on here as if it's some truth everyone accepts. Going to foreign courntries and trashing your own country can also be considered cowardice. Being bullied by China can be considered cowardice, not dealing with Iran can be considered cowardice.

  • 9 years ago

    As i recall it was the democrats that set the rules for legal deferments and used them, you know like Clinton did. Please refresh my memory, in what branch of the service did Obama enlist in and how long did he serve?

    The people that most defend the right to privacy in contributions are democrats, I guess that way its easier to hide all those foreign donations.

    Oh and I don't have to pretend to be someone else, or like liberals have 5 or 6 sock accounts.

  • Anonymous
    9 years ago

    I think the cowards are ubiquitous. Tell me which party escapes this criticism from a man who was an actual leader and the opposite of a coward:

    "The things that will destroy America are prosperity at any price, peace at any price, safety first instead of duty first, the love of soft living and the get rich quick theory of life." - Teddy Roosevelt.

    Seems to me both sides (including yours) should hang their goddamn heads in shame.

  • Anonymous
    9 years ago

    My name is Holden. I extremely disagree with obama, and will not be voting for him. I am a republican, and I am not cowardly, nor are most republicans. It's just you knowing it's election day so you can come on yahoo answers with pointless eants instead of taking choosing the next president of the country you live in seriously.

    Source(s): Cowardice? Romney is religious, and while I may not be, there is nothing wrong with being a missionary.
  • 9 years ago

    I know that Clinton spent his time in England as an Oxford student nad never took classes during the Vietnam war.. the street goes both ways.

    I also know that the O-man has tried his darndest to keep military personnel from voting in this election because he knows the are not voting for him as they sit in Afghanistan..and trying to steer us next to Syria.

    You know Congress majority is also Dems.. and my guy is a Marine and he isn't voting for them back in office!

  • MEL T
    Lv 7
    9 years ago

    You judge a political party by their participation in yahoo answers? Really? I don't judge Mitt Romney by his 20 year old behavior. I feel that's not right, but you can. But yahoo answers? LOL

  • ?
    Lv 5
    9 years ago

    Bigotry (n.) The act of assigning negative qualities to a person because they belong to a particular group.

    Source(s): dictionary
  • 9 years ago

    I agree with you.

    I couldnt stand to see Romney standing on stage with his sons smiling while not one have them as served. Yet, he wants to take away from veterans who have? And what would Romney tell men/women who have come back from war with their limbs blown off? Perhaps, he would assume their part of the 47% of America that is lazy and do no want to work?!

    Weathly people have no idea what its like to be an average person. They have no idea what it means to work hard, to dedicate themselves, and actually DO things for themselves! Hence, the cowardice.

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