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Would you ask your GF to lose weight before you could propose to her?

Lets say your live in GF gained 50 LBS in a year, you want to pop the question, but you also are worried about the rapid weight gain, and its kind of a deal breaker.

Has this happened to you, and how did you handle it?

Or how do you feel about this?

I heard this on the radio this morning but i had to come into work so lets discuss here

9 Answers

  • What
    Lv 4
    9 years ago
    Favorite Answer

    The fact that she gained 50 LBS in and of itself is not a deal breaker. However gaining 50 lbs in a year is not healthy, and probably the result of some other underlying issue. I think I'd want to talk to her and figure out what’s going on with her causing the sudden weight gain before I asked the question. It might even be a good idea to do some counseling (beyond normal marriage counseling) together first.

  • 9 years ago

    If the woman I was dating gained 50 pounds in a year, I would not propose to her. Unless a pregnancy is involved, gaining 50 pounds in a year requires an extremely unhealthy lifestyle. Being a very healthy person myself, I wouldn't marry someone who ate unhealthy food, did not exercise, and put work or other things in life ahead of taking care of herself. That person would simply be incompatible with me. On top of that incompatibility, that much weight gain is simply unattractive.

    I probably would have raised the issue (in a sensitive and caring way) well before it got to that point, and if I couldn't talk to my wife-to-be about a tough issue like this, then we'd have no business getting married in the first place.

    I certainly wouldn't make a proposal conditional on her losing weight. That's just insensitive and wrong. You propose to and marry someone for who they are, not who you want them to be.

  • 9 years ago

    I think this is indeed, a "deal breaker" for a variety of reasons. The primary one being that this has been clarified as a VERY significant issue to the guy. 50 pounds is A LOT of weight and my guess is, she should either be checked out by an MD for a possible glandular, thyroid issue, UNLESS the boyfriend is AWARE? -She's overeating, and has observed her doing so...Weight IS, a serious issue in marriage for a variety of reasons, health being foremost followed by the ability to enjoy a physical life in all respects to recreational fun as well as sex. I can't imagine he doesn't see other family members and KNOW whether this is a familiar tendency? Or not. Because he could have and might have, detoured along the way if this was a great concern to him.

    I have a destroyed thyroid and have had since I was 18. Though I take the synthetic stuff? I've dealt with staying 'down' all my life and at one point, was definitely overweight. It remains a life struggle but I've learned how to eat through the years and work at keeping myself well in general which equates to being as fit as possible for my situation - and I am. SOME men and women WILL come from a genetic line of BIG people, and that should be taken into account (as in larger boned, taller). Then there are some that just eat crap, don't exercise and gain, gain and gain and think it's "okay" that it's all about THEM. They could not be, MORE wrong, for in a loving, two way relationship? It's about BOTH being at a healthy weight...It doesn't take a genius to figure this one out.

    Someone very close to me is genetically challenged with a big boned frame, but strives, and has her entire life, to keep it "at bay". I applaud her heartily for I SEE and KNOW she is trying and so far, has kept diabetes OUT OF HER LIFE (-just another side 'dish" of being overweight by 30-50 pounds+)

    So yes, it would be a deal breaker if I was a guy or gal and this happened. Better to be upfront and real about it, instead of stand on righteous, indignant ground that everything is "hunky dory" when in fact? IT IS NOT. If you're an ADULT in this life - if you are MATURE in this life - you FACE YOUR DEMONS HEADON...You conquer THEM - they don't conquer YOU.

    Just my take...


  • Anonymous
    9 years ago

    If i started dating her while she was small and she suddenly starts gaining weight then yes i would wait on the proposal.

    Source(s): me
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  • 9 years ago

    I'm a dude and HELL no. Its the same thing as I propose and she say yes but only if you shed 50lbs . Well I would tell her to go f yourself ... He must a shallow guy

  • ?
    Lv 7
    9 years ago

    Unless she had gotten pregnant with TWINS, I would NOT marry a woman who gained 50 lbs in a year - that is unhealthy to the extreme, to the point of being bizarre! Such an enormous weight gain over so short a time would be a major red flag, a red flag I would not ignore.

  • ?
    Lv 7
    9 years ago

    I wouldn't propose to a woman who allows herself to gain 50lbs in 1 year. That denotes lack of care for herself in the very first place, if she doesn't even care about herself how could I expect that she cares for me?

  • Me
    Lv 6
    9 years ago

    If its a deal breaker then she is not the one for you.

  • Anonymous
    9 years ago

    Uh...I'm a chick and a guy is welcome to say that to me. But damn straight I won't accept the proposal after that one.

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