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Alex asked in News & EventsCurrent Events · 9 years ago

Why are Israel attacking the Gaza Strip?

Could someone tell me in short why they are attacking. I know there has been a long history between the two, but what are there reasons for the continuing attacks from Israel? Is it ideological? Is it tactical? Etc.

Thanks for your help!

11 Answers

  • Anonymous
    9 years ago
    Favorite Answer

    Firstly Hamas started the conflict- they are a terror organisation whos ideology is the destruction of Israel. They started firing hundreds of rockets into Israels cities- so Israel is responding byb knocking out the rocket sites and hitting Hamas whereever they can

  • ?
    Lv 4
    5 years ago

    issues at the on the spot are not likely high quality for Gaza, because over 360 rockets were fired from Gaza into Israel over the past 3 days,back the attacks are moving into Gaza.This time finished sixty one killed and 450 contributors wounded.we do not know why the perfect international places like united statesa.assisting the type of attacks.many absolutely everyone is demise in this attacks.modern-day attack which killed small babies they slept next to their parents.Pray that those attacks going to give up and persons get relief.

  • 9 years ago

    Everybody seem to want something from Israel, but mostly the Arabs! That is because they are brothers. Love and hate are on opposite sides of the same coin. So it is not ideological etc., it is emotional and emotions that are not responded to correctly always lead to quarrels. All these emotions come from the spiritual, religious feelings of both people, who claim their right to that land, the mutual history is very long. Israel has the solution, it just needs a bit more time to internalize it. We on the outside can only direct our positive thoughts and aspirations to there and it will surely happen very soon! The conflict doesn't have to escalate, it is crucial to realize that. It is possible to flip the coin!

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  • Anonymous
    9 years ago

    Because the Israelies are sick to death of rocket attacks day after day and really can't bring themselves to "love" a neighbour(s) who have publicly stated time and again that they will, "Wipe Israel from the face of the earth"

    They are doing it to presere their own future. Think of how much Jews have been hated and despised through history, thnk about the nasty way inhabitants of Gaza and other muslim countries send suicide bombers (its NEVER the clerics who do this - usually nuts, women and children who are used as catspaws.) You may find that you answer your own question

  • 9 years ago

    As most answers state Hamas for no reason again starting bombing Israel with hundreds of missiles killing civilians. Israel has retaliated but Hamas keeps bombing Israe

    l Is Hamas mad ?. Absolutely.

  • 9 years ago

    Israel has to deal with terrorists on a daily basis. Just look at the difference...Israel modern educated.

    Palestinians ....archaic religious nuts who have voted Hamas a terror group to act on their behalf.

    The Muslims started the rocket attacks but the well trained intelligent Israelis will finish it.

  • 9 years ago

    the answers you have thus far are from people who assume this conflict started 3/4 days ago.

    This conflict didnt start then, nor last month, nor last year.

    This conflict started over 70 years ago....

    Cut a long story short - European Jews emmigrated to Palestine after WW1, and around 1948 they declared Independance from the inhabitants who have been living there - Israel. They then started to take Palestinian land and homes from the inhabitants there - the Palestinians. This is even going on today - Palestinian homes being bulldozed etc

    History is littered with this truth

    There is a map in the below link which shows it all

  • The reason they are attacking is intolerance, pure and simple. Hamas are an extreme Islamist party who wants to wipe "Israel off the face of the earth". Their name means Islamic Resistance Movement in Arabic. They advocate holy wars and have no hesitation about flying rockets into Israeli cities. When Hamas kills innocent Israelis who want no conflict, they cheer to God and consider it freedom fighting. When Israel retaliates, it's genocide of the poor Palestinian people.

    The palestinians who claim to be natives, are mostly descendants of migrant workers who came to the land from neighbouring Arab countries (Egypt, Jordan, Syria, Lebanon, Kuwait, Saudi Arabia, and Iraq) to work for the British mandate and the Jews who developed the land. They are jealous Israel is a modern, democratic, highly developed country.

  • 9 years ago

    Retaliation for the rocket attacks on Tel Aviv and other towns/cities.

    If your homeland was being constantly attacked by an enemy, how would you react ??

    If the PLO/Hamas stopped the rocket attacks, (or if Iran stopped supplying them) eventually peace might break out.

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