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Do you think the Republicans in Congress should call the Democrats bluff?

You always hear the Democrats talking about there being a revenue problem and not a spending problem. Knowing that fact that even if you taxed the top 1% at 100% of income you would not come anywhere close to balancing the budget, should they say that they would sign any budget the Democrats come up with that is actually balanced. The Republicans would allow any tax increase as long as the budget was balanced in that budget year (no twenty years to a balance gimmick).

This would put the Democrats in the position of either saying:

1) They do not care about balancing the budget, they just want to raise taxes for wealth redistribution

2) They agree to massively cut spending to lead to a balanced budget, we have a spending issue that extra revenue will never come close to fixing

What do you think, should the Republicans call the Democrats bluff and agree to sign any budget that is balanced so the American people can see what the Democrat's priorities are?

7 Answers

  • John W
    Lv 7
    9 years ago
    Favorite Answer

    I think sequestration is good thing, and I hope Obamacare is the first thing cut

  • ?
    Lv 5
    9 years ago

    The deficit is not the cause of our economic recession, nor is it even a factor. Republicans have conflated the two issues. History has PROVEN that deficit spending is the ONLY way to rapidly recover from a recession, yet Republicans choose NOW to suddenly show concern over deficit spending. Your assessment is wrong, your solution is wrong, and the hypocrisy at this point for budget-busting Republicans to lambaste Obama as a big spender is unbelievable.

    Whether in good times or bad, Republicans want to cut spending that helps poor people, and give tax cuts to the rich. Whether in good times or bad. The recession is just this year's excuse.

  • Anonymous
    9 years ago

    The current deficit was created over a 15 year period. You can't just close it in one year. That would be fiscally irresponsible and foolish.

  • 9 years ago

    What I always hear is conservatives complaining about "out of control spending", but whenever anyone suggests cutting spending in the one area where it is more out of control than anywhere else and where cuts would save more money than cutting all social programs put together, they start screaming and crying and calling you un-American.

    What the Republicans should do is stop being hypocrites and agree to cut military spending.

    After that, they should stop subsidies to big oil and big agra, and end the war on drugs. Then we'll really be on our way.

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  • David
    Lv 7
    9 years ago

    If I were a Republican leader I would be trying to silence the crazies and move to the middle. You don't seem to have noticed but the People spoke pretty clearly.

    The President and his supporters are not bluffing here. If the Republicans refuse to listen to what the voters said now they will not survive the 2014 mid terms. This is not a time for compromise as much as it is a time for surrender.

    The People spoke. Shut up and listen or they will speak louder.

  • 9 years ago

    if they want to lose their jobs sure

  • Anonymous
    9 years ago


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