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04 mustang v6 bearings.?

Hey guys, I need to know the sizes of the bearing of the belt tensioner pulley and the idler pulley of a 2004 ford mustang v6 3.9L.

2 Answers

  • 9 years ago
    Favorite Answer

    First off there are two different V6s for that year. 3.8 and a 3.9. Which is yours?

    The pulley on the tensioner assembly is removable. You just go to a parts store and ask for the pulley that goes on the belt tensioner.

    3.8 V6

    Advance Auto Parts

    Tensioner Pulley Alone

    Dayco 89007 $19.96

    Tensioner Assembly

    Dayco 89247

    3.9 V6

    Replacement pulley & tensioner assembly for this engine option are the same as the 3.8.

    The bearing inside the pulley is not listed by itself.

    It is possible that if you remove the pulley from the tensioner and clean the grime away you might find a part number on the bearing itself. Worth a try if you know how/where to look up a cross reference list.

  • ?
    Lv 4
    9 years ago

    id go on a mustang forum and see if someone has Mitchell or alldata that can help you!!

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