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Felix Jones, Jaquizz Rodgers, or Darren McFadden?

Jones has been battling knee problems and Murray will probably be returning this week, and McFadden might not be a huge factor if he plays because of the job Marcel Reece has done. I'm leaning toward Rodgers against the terrible Saints DEF, but input is appreciated.


McFadden hasn't been very good this year when he was healthy. I've lost a lot of faith in him.

3 Answers

  • 8 years ago
    Favorite Answer

    Rodgers for sure. Turner hasn't been good at all this year and Jacquiz is finally starting to see more touches, Atlanta is really trying to get the ball in his hands.

  • Anonymous
    8 years ago

    they paid dmc millions of dollars to be the featured back when hes able to play. hes playing this week against a crappy browns run d. that would be like taking peterson out and starting gerhart or gerhart getting more carries. when dmc is ready to play he will play

  • 8 years ago

    You should leave that roster spot open. -Your Opponent.

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