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Moving from Wikipedia to wikia?

I have been a wikipedian since 2007, but I am getting discouraged. My main complaint is the rate at which the articles, both those I created and those I added content to, are being deleted from Wikipedia.

Someone suggested I move material to – is this a good idea? How much new learning is involved?

1 Answer

  • ?
    Lv 6
    8 years ago
    Favorite Answer

    It depends on what kind of content you're talking about. Wikia serves a very specific purpose of providing sort of "mini-wikis" that are meant to support a community or specific area of interest by recording information on that particularly subject. Wikipedia, on the other hand, is meant to be a full general-interest encyclopedia.

    Keep in mind that Wikipedia is a collaborative process, so if your articles are being deleted, it's up to you to work with other editors to try and determine why your articles have been considered inappropriate for inclusion. Except for cases of obvious spam or plagiarism, there is generally a deletion discussion before an article is deleted. Follow this discussion closely to see what the problems are, and even contribute to the conservation with your reasons for why you think the article should be included.

    If your articles are repeatedly being deleted because of some problem related to being "in-world" (for movies/television), non-notable, or too technical, and all your articles tend to revolve around the same subject matter, then this is something you might consider moving to Wikia.

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