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How can I find out why my contributions are deleted at wikipedia?

My edit counter indicates that 618 of my contributions have been deleted.

How can I find out which contributions have been deleted and why?

Thanks in advance for taking the time.

2 Answers

  • ?
    Lv 6
    8 years ago
    Favorite Answer

    There's no way to see all your deleted contributions unless you're an administrator, but those deleted contributions include every edit you've made to a page that was later deleted, do it's not really s negative reflection on you.

    When an article you started is proposed for deletion, you should get a talk page mortification about it.

    Feel free to contact me on my talk page for more help:

  • 8 years ago

    Only admins can find out deleted contributions. There is no way to use any of the edit counter tools to determine it.

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