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Chuck N asked in Politics & GovernmentPolitics · 9 years ago

Was John Boehner alive and awake during the recent Presidential election?

During the recent Presidential election President Obama spefically campaigned on raising taxes for the 2%. President Obama won the election decisively with a majority of the electorate supporting raising taxes on the 2%. Now, in the negotiations to avoid the fiscal cliff, President Obama is proposing such a tax increase and John Boehner says that he is "flabbergasted". Was he asleep during the election?


Yes, the Republicans won the house -- making them responsible to negotiate responsibly with The President. Where is their proposal? The White House's is public.

9 Answers

  • 9 years ago
    Favorite Answer

    It is called “epistemic closure” where conservatives living in their own bubble have nonsensical ideas that circulate with no contradiction. So here we are, post-election 2012. All the stupidity and closed-mindedness that right-wingers have displayed over the last 10 years has come back to haunt them. It is now widely understood that the nation may be center-left after all, not center-right as conservatives thought. Overwhelming losses by Republicans to all the nation’s nonwhite voters have created a Democratic coalition that will govern the nation for the foreseeable future. And Boehner has to go along with this naivety or loose his position. It must be maddening to be burdened with the crazy culture on the right now.

  • 9 years ago

    The amount that Obama was campaigning for was 800 billion in tax increases on the 2%. That's what the republicans agree can happen by closing the loopholes and deductions of the 2%. But then Obama came into negotiations saying he wanted twice that much and an additional 150 billion in spending.

    Where is the compromise and working with the republicans? Why does Obama think that he can now be an obstructionist?

  • ?
    Lv 4
    5 years ago

    I would vote for the person that stood up for Sept. 11 first responders as a substitute of crying all the damn time about shiit that does not deserve that kind of emotion. Tax breaks for rich americans, military spending, his golf buddy nostalgia and so forth. Not one tear for uninsured americans demise daily or Sept. 11 first responders.

  • 9 years ago

    Republicans act as if they’ve been asleep for decades. They seem not to notice what has been going on in the country. Boehner is “flabbergasted” to hear what President Obama has been saying because he apparently hasn’t been listening.

    Boehner is playing games because the only Republican leverage is holding the middle class tax cuts hostage. Also, he has to deal with the crazies in his party.

  • Anonymous
    9 years ago

    Why should Republicans budge even one inch, when they have no chance of winning the next election anyway?

    This is time for the GOP to go for broke.

    Cause a huge meltdown on Obama's watch, and let future generations blame the president.

    Like they always do....

  • 9 years ago

    It is not the role of the President to tell Congress what to do; if anything, it is the other way around

  • Anonymous
    9 years ago

    Were YOU alive and awake? The Republicans won the House. Try to pay attention. You want the Republicans to negotiate responsibly, but obongo is not there. He is campaigning in front of ignorant props like yourself. Again, try paying attention.

  • ?
    Lv 7
    9 years ago

    There are the tax cuts that Obama the 185 hidden taxes in the Obama Care Bill.

    Source(s): Whiskey
  • ?
    Lv 7
    9 years ago

    win an election by less than 3%. That's a far cry from a mandate. remember the house members were not elected to help you...SPEND.! They were elected to stop the spending.

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