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How can I find out why my contributions are deleted at wikipedia?


My edit counter indicates that 626 of my contributions have been deleted.

How can I find out which contributions have been deleted and why?

Thanks in advance for taking the time.

1 Answer

  • 8 years ago
    Favorite Answer

    The easiest way would be to ask an admin (like me). What's your username, and can you confirm this is the English Wikipedia you're talking about? I'd be happy to email you the list of your deleted edits.

    Admins can view a page "Special:DeletedContributions" to view deleted contributions for a given user. For productive editors this often involves redirects, pages deleted because of merges or template restructuring, the occasional non-notable subject, or perhaps obsolete categories.

    Once you know which pages are involved, it's as simple as looking at their deletion logs to see why they were deleted.

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