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I'm 16 years old and pregnant..advice please?

Please please please take time and read this!

No abuse please- DON'T JUDGE! READ BEFORE YOU JUDGE! no 'Learn how to use contraception' because it was a pure and utter accident. Me and my 18 year old boyfriend have been using contraception the whole time! the condom split and we didn't have a clue. Anyway, we've been together for 6 months now, deeply in love and can't be away from eachother. We LIVE together. I know we've only been going out for half a year but nevertheless we're in love and serious. I told my boyfriend i was pregnant and he started to cry (out of happiness) and was happy, and started to plan everything and said he can't wait to start his own family. He really wants this and i've never seen him like this before, he's over the moon and says he is willing and prepared to be a daddy! I want this too- i don't believe in abortion. But, i'm a little frightened. I have told my boyfriend's mum and she is happy about it. My own mum is very disappointed. I don't even have the guts to tell any other of my family members yet.

I'm currently at college on my 1st year studying Childcare diploma level 3. I don't have a job but will get one after first year runs out, so will get one in september (baby is due in september). My boyfriend doesn't have a job either as he got layed off for seasonal work but will get it back again in April. We both go to college but my boyfriend is prepared to give up to look after the baby. I have HUGE family support from both families even though my own family are going to be so angry when they find out! but i have major support off my boyfriend's family.

Can we pull through? Anyone else who had a baby this age? I know most teenage mum's get judged and looked down on, I'm scared about what people will say and think. So please just give me some advice. I know i'll be a great mum and together i think we can do this.

From what I have written down, do you think we can pull though this?


Oh and im NOT a slag! I lost my virginity to this person and he has been the ONLY one, how does that make me a slag?

Update 2:

and in case you dont read the question properly - we DID use a condom!

10 Answers

  • Anonymous
    8 years ago
    Favorite Answer

    Go ahead and have your baby. You can do it! Abortion really would be wrong and a huge mistake. Abortions can indeed sometimes give physical complications and problems with future pregnancies such as miscarriages being more likely. Common side effects (which can last up to two months) can include abdominal pain, nausea, vomiting, diarrhea and bleeding. Some experience even worse complications.

    A lot of real guilt and shame often can come with an abortion. Perhaps it is for this reason that many relationships end not too long after an abortion is done.

    The other day a girl on Yahoo Answers commented that she could not stop crying ever since she had her abortion.

    Another girl on Yahoo Answers recently wrote, "I was 9 weeks pregnant and had an abortion a couple of days ago. I had a medical abortion where they brought on a miscarriage and I had to use toilet pans when I needed the toilet so they could examine everything. I saw the tiny fetus just laying there perhaps just over an inch long. It actually broke my heart and it's been haunting me with regret ever since. My boyfriend came in the room because I screamed and he saw it as well and he's been extremely sad about it.”

    But you can avoid this pain and heartbreak. By having your child it is no small aspect that you can go for the rest of your life knowing that you gave that child the chance to live out his or her life. The life of that child in you is more important than any life plans you may have which could be delayed but also could still go on nevertheless.

    By keeping the baby or putting him/her up for adoption you will choosing life for him or her and you are making a right decision. I strongly advise do not get an abortion and either keep the baby or look at adoption if you really think you would not want to raise a child at this time. There are millions of good couples waiting years to adopt and it can often be arranged to meet your hospital birth expenses if that need is there.

    I have seen people in the slums of India raise multiple children and they seem fine. You can do it too, especially since you have many who would be supportive. Do not worry.

    If you want free over the phone counseling about your situation (advice which can be more helpful and personal than the brief answers here) in all this you can call Bethany Pregnancy Services toll free 1-800-238-4269. Tell them about your situation. I think they can provide you with real help and advice. You have nothing to lose by calling them. All the best.....

  • Anonymous
    8 years ago

    I fell pregnant at 15 with my boyfriend of a year. Like you, we used contraception that failed and didn't plan our baby and I had lost my virginity to him. We kept the baby as I couldn't go through with an abortion. I was still at school and he was doing an apprenticeship, so neither of us had much money but we grew up and took responsibility for our actions.

    Ignore people who call you a slag and judge you for what has happened, they don't know you and haven't been in your position. Yes, it's difficult and no, I wouldn't have planned my life like this but you can get through it if you're determined enough. I sat my GCSE's while 7 months pregnant and some with a 6 month old son. I got all As and a couple of Bs. I'm now at college doing a Health and Social Care level 3 diploma while my son's daddy is out working to provide for our baby. Things have been a little rocky between us lately, but we've been together for 3 years and we're trying to work things out.

    It's perfectly possible to pull through it. Do what you feel is best, stick to your guns and prove the people who slag off teen mums wrong. Having a baby young changes your life, obviously, but it doesn't have to ruin it. There's a lot of help out there for young mums, financially, emotionally and with regards to returning to education. Message me if you want to talk, stay positive and stick 2 fingers up and the people who say otherwise :)

    Source(s): 17 year old with a 15 month old son :)
  • 8 years ago

    Hi sweetheart First of all please ignore the awful comment below. You are NOT a slag. I am in a very similar situation to you. I am 11 weeks pregnant and just turned 17 in november. me and my 20 year old boyfriend have been on and off for 3 years but back together for 7 months and he was my first and only too. He was terrified at first, but now he is so excited! I just want to make sure you know your family will come round, they will love that little baby as much as they love you, and there anger and disappointment will wear off into happiness and excitement. I promise. My mum HATES my boyfriend with a passion, won't be in his company (except once to drag me out his house) and she was furious when I told her..and now? she can't wait to meet her little grandchild! So it will be OK on that front. Yes, I think you wil be just fine, you and your boyfriend are happy, stable and in love, you have a job planned out and you are already handling this so well already. Yes you will be judged, you will be looked down and you will be given ****, Simply ignore hold your head high and know you are doing something amazing! Don't listen to other peoples oppinions on YOUR decisions and life! I wish you, your boyfriend and your little one all the happiness in the world. You will be great! Oh and I think a Congratulations is in order. If you need to chat at all feel free to email me

    Source(s): Me
  • Anonymous
    8 years ago

    Firstly a big CONGRATULATIONS TO YOU:).

    I am in a simular situation, i'm 18 and 37 weeks pregnant (ready to pop!! lol).

    My family were soooo dissapointed and angry at the start, it lasted about 1 month and now it's all turnt into excitement and love for my baby. I have been with my boyfriend for 2 years were in a very stable relationship and in love with eachother! just like you explain you's are too :). This is the best thing thats ever happened to me and my partner we are so excited waiting for her arrival!. OF COURSE YOU CAN DO THIS!! It's going to be difficult bringing up a child but who says young mums cant be great mums too huh??.. Every new mum finds it difficult no matter what age they are. We can do it just as well too :). Im sure your gonna have loads of support and help as you say and fantastic guidance which is truley important. I wish you loads of luck & get excited for your first scan! it is so amazing!!!. :) xx

    Source(s): myself
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  • Anonymous
    8 years ago

    I had twins at your age! I can't lie, it will be the hardest thing you will ever do! You will have to give up alot of things and put your friends on the back burner. I know that teen moms are looked down apon, but that does not mean you will be a bad mom. YOU CAN PULL THROUGH!!! I thought once i had Madison and Emmalyn that my life was over, but i was determined to give my kids the best life, and I did. I managed to put myself through college and become a teacher. My kids live in an amazing house in D.C with my boyfriend and I. You can do it, just be ready, stay faithful, and remember to breath :) Email me if you have any question!

  • 8 years ago

    GOD never gives you more than you can't will be fine be a mother don't worry about what others think be the best parents you two can be and take pride in your actions as if as soon as you have your baby get on birth control. you may love one another but raising children is hard and has big responsibilities that come along with it good luck and congrats

    Source(s): 23 mommy of a 6 month old, two angel babies in heaven
  • 5 years ago

    There has never been a better time to put and end to the heartache of an unfulfilling relationship. You can rebuild the happiness and close connection, thanks to the life-changing techniques at

    Marriage, like life, is a cycle of ups and downs. It's easy to say your marriage is in good health when the world around you is prospering, but when your fortunes turn and your world is in hardship, how you interact within your marriage can often paint an altogether different picture.

  • ?
    Lv 4
    8 years ago

    yes you can but it will not be easy. i know because me and my wife was in that position 26 years ago.

    you will always have people who will look at you and judge you but do not let that get to you hold your head up high and show them you can do it.

    whem the baby is born you will find you both have to grow up fast and be responsible you find it will not be easy but share the responsability of looking after the baby it does take a lot out of you when you try and do it all yourself.

    good luck you be a good mum

  • 8 years ago

    I'm not going to tell you its gonna be easy, because its not. Having a baby is never easy, especially at a young age. But if its something you both want, then you can definitely make it happen. Just make sure its what you BOTH want, not just your boyfriend!

  • 8 years ago


    you shouldnt even be having sex at your age

    WHAT ARE YOU A SLAG (probally)



    have a nice hump time later

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