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? asked in PetsDogs · 8 years ago

Question for people that like "giant" pit bulls?

I have worked APBT rescue for years and am constantly annoyed by the lack of knowledge and insane misconceptions about the breed but the main one I notice on this site is people being obsessed with their size. The American Pit Bull Terrier is NOT a large breed dog, they should never exceed 60lbs and yet people are constantly bragging or obsessing over how big their Pit Bull is, why?? Why are people so eager to brag about how their dog doesn't meet the breed standard? I was talking to a guy the other day that was bragging about how his "pit" weighs 95lbs, has a huge head. He paid $2,000 for this dog and has NO idea that it is a horrible representation of the breed (so much so that I doubt the dog has little if any pit bull in him- he looked more like a cane corso mix)

Are people really that ignorant when it comes to dogs that they really don't understand that to be considered a breed it must fit the standard? It's disgusting that breeders continue to call "American bullies" pit bulls- have people really gotten this stupid?


Pam- I agree with you 100% and you are correct but the thing that makes Pit Bulls different is that they have such a HORRIBLE reputation right now and these morons breeding mutts and calling them APBTs is seriously damaging the reputation and temperament of the breed. Not to mention that the breeds they are throwing in to make them "big" are more often than not breeds that were created to guard- the APBT is NOT a guard dog and since its origin has been bred to be extremely human friendly. This is not good.

I'm not downplaying the severity of the rediculous "designer dog" trend but APBTs are being banned all over the world bc of this BS- I want to be allowed to live wherever I please but am limited by BSL laws brought on by these scummy breeders.

Update 2:

Oh, I'm sorry- did I ask for your biased, misinformed opinion on the breed? I thought I asked about bad breeders breeding oversized mutts.

The APBT is my breed of choice, personally I dislike chocolate labs because I have met dozens of unstable ones but I would never infringe on your right to own one. In fact, GSDs have killed dozens of people over the years but I could care less that you choose to keep that "loaded gun" in your house.

Read the question and answer it if you'd like, but don't spew off bs.

Update 3:

The GSD breed has been around since 1899, I can assure you there have been more than twelve people killed, sweetheart.

I do NOT live in a state with BSL- I live in upstate NY where people don't blame innocent dogs for the actions of cruel people. You are more likely to be killed by a falling coconut than by a pit bull and children are more likely to be killed by their own parents then by a pit bull, perhaps we should ban parents and palm trees?

9 Answers

  • ?
    Lv 7
    8 years ago
    Favorite Answer

    The AmBully is doing to the pit bull what the modern English Bulldog did to its ancestors....diverting it away from its purpose so much that it is essentially useless as a working dog of any kind. I could understand if AmBully breeders were working to make it a unique breed, but they keep calling it a 'pit bull' and keep back breeding pits into it...coming up with ridiculous bloodlines and superficial things like 'red nose' and 'blue nose' (and I know about the OFRN, but the modern 'red nose' pit bull is just a pink nosed mutt)

    I also hate the fact that AmBullies are being falsely registered as APBT in the UKC...and they are allowing it!

    The AmBully is a status symbol...its expensive and 'manly' guys want this big beefy dog. And they want to breed their big beefy mutt to prove how manly it is even though most extreme AmBullies can't even mount the female without me that's not very manly at all.

    The AmBully has become a penis extension...a representation of a guy's masculinity. They breed them for that blue color, which is recessive...what other recessive genes are they bringing up and enhancing? Bowleggedness, bad joints, unstable temperaments.

    Its disgusting.

    @pit bull haters: anyone who blatantly calls them killing machines, AmBullies, purebred pits, or generic pit-type dogs, clearly has no understanding. You need to understand how dogs work, what pits were bred for, and numbers.

    There are 20 THOUSAND pit bull type dogs on Petfinder. double that for a rough estimate of pit-type dogs in the US. In one year there are maybe 20 incidents involving a person being mauled. 20 dogs out of FORTY THOUSAND. 20 INDIVIDUAL dogs. The dogs who are messed up enough to harm a human being are a minority in the breed(s). Don't demonize an entire population of dogs based on what a few individuals have done.

    That's a lot like something people do to each other......and that leads to hate crimes. Wanting an entire breed dead for a few individuals is a hate crime against dogs.

  • Actually people are more stupid than that. Did you not read the question the other day about how the person bred a "rare", "unique" and "cool" albino Min Pin and only wanted to find out how much to sell it for with no care about the pup's health? Did you not read the reply by GOT2FAST or whatever her name is? Have you never been in an argument with the owner of a "doodle" about how their dog is a mongrel? Once you do some of those things you will have a headache from taking in so much stupidity.

    I am with you on the whole American Bully vs Pit Bull debate. I find it disgusting that people are still passing them off as APBTs. They are NOT APBTs. They are mongrels. The APBT is a lean, athletic working dog. Not a fat, hippo looking meatball who can barely flex enough to lick its own butt. Sadly the ignorance is going on and on because people rather remain ignorant than learn something. This woman I met online has one of the most ugly dogs I have ever seen in my life. I had posted something similar to this in a different forum and she went on about how her dog is 150lbs and they actually do get to be that big. Then when she posted the pic of the dog I almost threw up. Looked more like a cross between a Neo and a Frog. It was hideous and I told her such. She still believes her dog is purebred. She went on to say that she bred him herself so she knows. So not only is she an idiot, she is an idiot backyard breeder. People like her are running rampant throughout today's society. There is nothing we can do about it but band together as APBT owners and try to break through the wall of ignorance.

    Source(s): APBT owner
  • ?
    Lv 4
    5 years ago

    I do not recall where I noticed it, or how much actuality there may be to it, but I take into account reading someplace that it kinda sorta got here from the historical time dogmen. When two puppies would get a maintain on every different in the pit, it can be believed that they referred to as this a "lock" so to speak. Supposedly the term was once significantly twisted via the years. In case you think about it, that kinda makes sense, and would explain how men and women bought their power, tenacity, and so forth... Harassed with their jaws definitely LOCKING. I'd like to know the place individuals get things like "they have got a 1600 psi chunk force", too. I've yet to look strong proof of that one. I'd additionally like to see proof that simply on account that a canine's sport, it is human aggressive, too. In no way rather understood the place folks made THAT connection both. ETA @ Becka (sorry if I spelled that mistaken), but i've a few problems along with your remark, LOL!!!: "A pit bulls jaws do not "lock" but alternatively the form and contour of their sharp tooth" A pit bulls enamel aren't any sharper then that of any dog. And really, a good cared for puppies enamel aren't all that SHARP anyway, and are honestly kinda blunt on the end. "make for an extraordinarily powerful maintain once they chunk down into flesh. Their teeth interlock in the sort of means that you simply cannot simply pull them off of flesh like another breed of dog." ok, here's a thought: If the dog has bitten down on flesh, then the flesh is between the teeth. Therefore, the tooth are not able to "interlock" in any respect. In the event that they might, it would not subject considering that the flesh would generally be removed anyway. Tooth must contact to interlock, do not they? Can YOUR tooth "interlock" at all if there's whatever between them? Did not believe so. Wager what, neither can ANY BREED OF dog's enamel. "in the event you have been to check out this it will rip out the chunk of flesh that the canine is holding on to." You do realise that ANY breed of canine will rip off a part of the flesh it can be holding onto if they are damaged the skin if some random jackass attempts to drag the dog off, yeah? ANY dog WITH tooth CAN TEAR FLESH. Interval. Probably you should go back to school, yeah?

  • 8 years ago

    Pit bulls deserve their reputation.

    Pit bulls are the number one breed respoible for the most dog attack related deaths and mauling. No other breed, just pit bulls. If you live some where there is a BSl then tough. A dog is a luxury item, not a right or a freedom and if you don't like BSL then dont live there and stop whining

    "giant" pit bulls= ill bred BYB mutts like the hippo pit. It just makes more ill bred unstable dangerous dogs.

  • Anonymous
    8 years ago

    "In fact, GSDs have killed dozens of people over the years "

    Not fact. In the last 30 years GSD's account for 12 human deaths:

    "Are people really that ignorant when it comes to dogs that they really don't understand that to be considered a breed it must fit the standard?"

    Yes, people are really that ignorant. Many consider a breed standard disqualification/fault just something that makes their dog even more unique and desirable. And of course bigger is *always* better--everyone knows that. /sarcasm Look at the 120 lb. GSD's, 100 lb. Labradors, etc.


    "BTW..most people don't know that this breed was in the past used as Nanny dogs"

    That's because that claim is not true: . That myth was "invented" around 1970 in response to the bad reputation the breed was getting.

  • Pamela
    Lv 7
    8 years ago

    Why should it really matter with Pit Bulls, No breed is safe from BYBers when it comes to straying from standards of the breeds.

    I mean come on, they have figured out how to mate runts of litters to create so called tea cups, and micro minis of already tiny dogs. This was done strictly for money.

    Every breed known to man was bred with Poodles hoping to get a so called Hypo-allergenic dog that does not shed. Nope they still shed and cause allergies.

    Breeds were tossed together with others to make new so called hybrids. Wrong again, hybrids are of two species not breeds.

    And yes it was all done for money, the more money we humans can make from out ATM dogs the better we like them.

    No dog is safe from our beloved BYBers, standards or not.

  • ?
    Lv 5
    8 years ago

    This is the breed that people are most ignorant about..from it's's roots and of course breed standards..I've had people walk in with Boxers, American Bulldogs,Cane Corso, and Dogos and swear that they are AmPit..I also seen this site where this guy claimed to be breeding show quality Pit and I didn't see one dog on his site that was completly up to breed standard..slope back..turn toe..too bow name it..inbred byb dogs he was selling for thousands to idiots that didn't know better.

    Source(s): BTW..most people don't know that this breed was in the past used as Nanny dogs..just breed in the world being destroyed by worst being in the
  • 8 years ago

    Pitbulls have been stupidly bred, inbred, overbred and no longer resemble anything trust worthy.

    Many places have banned them and for good reason...they are like a loaded gun, just waiting to go off.

    Just today, another story of pits ripping into some horses...

    I personally have been attacked by my neighbor's pit which jumped a fence, came after me and then ripped a hole in my shepherd mixes chest when she came to defend me...My other dogs have been attacked at dog parks several times, and I have witnessed numerous attacks by pits on other dogs, I watched a pit attack a small dog just a few weeks ago at a local dog event, my dog's breeder watched two pits attack some of her friends on horses and mauled the horses badly...she has also seen pit puppies attack and kill each other by people around her who breed these nasty beasts. A local cop came home early recently and was attacked by a couple of neighborhood pits and he ended up having to shoot them and was horrified at what would have happened if his children had come home before he did.

    I know a girl who was taking care of a friends pit who was mauled and hospitalized, she will forever be afraid of dogs now, a child who was mauled by a family pit..the stories go on and on and on about the attacks and FATALITIES caused by this insipid breed, and yet people still defend their right to own them...if this many problems have occurred just within my circle of influence, you can bet many other people out there can tell you similar horror stories.

    Well, I say, you don't have the right to unleash their fury on the rest of us and our animals, children, livestock, etc.etc.etc. Most insurance companies won't even insure your home if they know you own one...they know...the rest of us know..the breed has a reputation for a reason..stop defending what they sharks with a score to settle with anything that annoys them.

  • 8 years ago

    YES I live in a area that people believe "its a pit it's going to kill me" people are idiots

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