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  • Do you think this is cruel/unfair?

    I work on the road for about 7 months out of the year (4 in the fall and 3 in the month) I have always left my dog with family when I'm working but I hate leaving him for so long. I leave at the end of January for a 3 month run and just cleared it with my boss to bring my dog with me ( he is a 3 year old Pit Bull mix). I work with a partner on the road and she disagrees with me bringing him, saying that it's selfish to bring him only to leave him in a hotel while we work. I work day is, at longest 10am- 9-10pm. Many days are shorter and some days are just driving. I don't work Fridays so every weekend is a three day weekend. Every 3-5 hours we get a one hour break and I have already booked hotels for the first 6 weeks that will allow me to leave him in his crate when I am not in the room.

    What do you think? If I were still working in my hometown I would still be working three jobs and he would be alone from 8am- 2am with only a few bathrooms breaks 5 days a week.

    In short, he will be in his crate (that he loves) for on average a normal work day. He will get walks 2-3 times a day on my breaks and one in the morning before I leave and one at night when I get home. On the weekends we will go on hikes and to the beach (ill be working in NC and SC).

    In your honest opinion do you think this will be unfair to him? I'm sorry it's so long I just wanted to make sure I explained the situation fully.

    5 AnswersDogs8 years ago
  • Yet another story of a police officer shooting a family pet...?

    What do you think should be done about all these stories of police officers shooting family pets, more than not- Pit Bulls?

    The latest one that happened this past week in Baltimore is just heartbreaking, the police chased a criminal into the families yard and the dog was standing on the porch barking- the police shot him twice in the head. Why have police departments not taken action to prevent these kinds of incidents? I heard one police chief claim that the reason they don't use tazers on dogs is because it "could kill them" why not use something that COULD kill over a gun that WILL kill them? There has to be another option, even pepper spray.

    What are your thoughts on these cases? I understand there are plenty of other pressing issues with the police but this seems to be happening more and more often and I think they need to start making serious changes. I know I would end up in prison for life if a cop ever shot my dog.

    3 AnswersDogs8 years ago
  • My dog doesn't trust everyone?

    I have a 3 year old pit bull mix. He's very friendly with 99% of people but every so often he decides that he doesn't like someone. He has never bit or bared he teeth but he will bark until I tell him to stop. It doesn't happen often enough to truly be concerned but I'm curious as to where it's coming from. From what I can tell it seems to be people that are leary of him that he's uncomfortable with. Example- 2 men came to my house to drop off a couch. One was happy to see him and bent down to pat him and they made fast friends. The other guy clearly was uncomfortable (kept his hands in his pockets and stood back) Loki stared at him and then started barking, I guess it's a chicken/egg question. Do you think he gets uncomfortable because the person is or do you think he senses something about them?

    There's been a few people that I thought were really nice that he was uncomfortable with and all of them have turned out to not be as great as I thought they were. (One was a sex offended that lived next door that was extremely friendly but niether of my dogs would go anywhere near him, it wasn't until the school released the sex offender registry at the beginning of the school year that I realized who he was)

    2 AnswersDogs8 years ago
  • Question for people that like "giant" pit bulls?

    I have worked APBT rescue for years and am constantly annoyed by the lack of knowledge and insane misconceptions about the breed but the main one I notice on this site is people being obsessed with their size. The American Pit Bull Terrier is NOT a large breed dog, they should never exceed 60lbs and yet people are constantly bragging or obsessing over how big their Pit Bull is, why?? Why are people so eager to brag about how their dog doesn't meet the breed standard? I was talking to a guy the other day that was bragging about how his "pit" weighs 95lbs, has a huge head. He paid $2,000 for this dog and has NO idea that it is a horrible representation of the breed (so much so that I doubt the dog has little if any pit bull in him- he looked more like a cane corso mix)

    Are people really that ignorant when it comes to dogs that they really don't understand that to be considered a breed it must fit the standard? It's disgusting that breeders continue to call "American bullies" pit bulls- have people really gotten this stupid?

    9 AnswersDogs8 years ago
  • Christians PLEASE READ?

    What if God is real but all he wants is for people to love one another and help one another and ensure that no one goes hungry or dies because of individual's imaginary friends? What if the whole reason we are here is to learn how to live together to achieve one purpose- to survive and co-inhabit peacefully? What if it REALLY makes him mad when people alter books that he he wrote to suite their own needs? What of he loves each and every one of us exactly as we are as long as we are not hurting those around us and take the opportunities we are given to make those around us happy rather then judging each other based on a book that may or may not (but was) altered 1,000 times over by selfish men? What if each and every one of us is capable of knowing what is right and what is wrong based on our individual experiences and we were capable of deciding that for ourselves based on the wrongs done to us by others? Like in kindergarten when a kid pushed us down and we learned that it made us feel sad so we never pushed someone or if we have a phyisical difference and kids made fun if us so we never made fun of someone for how they were born. What if THAT is what God intended and not so much about judging one another based on religion, sexual orientation or lifestyle? What a wacky, peaceful, educated world we would live in!

    But forget that, god hates anyone that doesn't follow the bible to a T! Right?

    18 minutes ago - 4 days left to answer.

    Additional Details

    Nope. Not what I was asking. I don't want to to regurgitate bible verses, I want you to THINK.

    I love God and not only do I pray but I treat every single persons meet with respect and dignity. I live by the values that were instilled in me at birth. I treat others how I would want to be treated. It just so happens that in this case if I were living based on lies and hatred I would want someone to set me straight. I want to know what YOUR HEARTS tell you and how you feel at night before you fall asleep for basing your believes on hate.

    9 minutes ago

    Wow- not a single person read past the first line to see that I very much do believe in God and every single point I made was based on the teachings of Jesus. You all need to get out of church and FIND GOD.

    I did post this already but no one read what I wrote, do NOT regurgitate bible verses, simply explain to me how you feel that you are living a Christian life. I know it's a lot to ask of you to read sooo many words but just bare with me, ok?

    7 AnswersReligion & Spirituality9 years ago
  • What if God is real...?

    What if God is real but all he wants is for people to love one another and help one another and ensure that no one goes hungry or dies because of individual's imaginary friends? What if the whole reason we are here is to learn how to live together to achieve one purpose- to survive and co-inhabit peacefully? What if it REALLY makes him mad when people alter books that he he wrote to suite their own needs? What of he loves each and every one of us exactly as we are as long as we are not hurting those around us and take the opportunities we are given to make those around us happy rather then judging each other based on a book that may or may not (but was) altered 1,000 times over by selfish men? What if each and every one of us is capable of knowing what is right and what is wrong based on our individual experiences and we were capable of deciding that for ourselves based on the wrongs done to us by others? Like in kindergarten when a kid pushed us down and we learned that it made us feel sad so we never pushed someone or if we have a phyisical difference and kids made fun if us so we never made fun of someone for how they were born. What if THAT is what God intended and not so much about judging one another based on religion, sexual orientation or lifestyle? What a wacky, peaceful, educated world we would live in!

    But forget that, god hates anyone that doesn't follow the bible to a T! Right?

    7 AnswersReligion & Spirituality9 years ago
  • A question for Christians?

    Let me preface this by saying I know plenty of wonderful, open minded Christians but my question is for those that openly oppose gay marriage in America.

    I truly do not understand how anyone could even begin to call themselves a Christian and use that faith to keep others from being happy. What happened to love thy neighbor? Do Christians believe that they will be judged by God for living in a country that allows gay marriage? Was that ever discussed in the bible?

    I think I would rather stand in front of God when I pass and explain that I interpreted "love thy neighbor" literally and stood beside my gay and lesbian brothers and sisters then try to argue why I spent countless hours trying to keep others from loving one another when I could have spent the time feeding the poor.

    I have a pretty good feeling that the people that will feel the wrath of God will be those that used his name to put others down.

    If anyone on here opposes gay marriage on a religious basis please explain to me how you justify this in your heart.

    6 AnswersReligion & Spirituality9 years ago
  • Looking for advice about getting my vet tech degree?

    I am currently working on the road as a photographer (on the road 9 months of the year) but it kills me to be away from my dogs, especially since I have always fostered rescue dogs and I hate not being able to do what I love. My goal with this job was to save enough money to open a Pit Bull Rescue down the road and, while I love my current job, I just feel like I need to be doing something with animals.

    I have started looking online for online vet tech programs but I'm concerned about their credibility. Does anyone have any advice on this? Would it be worth trying to get my degree online or would it be better to try to find a job near home and go to a traditional college? Also, would should I expect from vet tech school? Is it along the lines of nursing school in difficulty? I always loved anatomy and physiology in high school but I'm a bit concerned about other science courses. Any advice would be welcome.

    Also, I have been contacting shelters in my travels to offer to transport dogs (I drive from NY-CA and back a few times a year) and would love to be helping animals along the way but have never found a shelter interested. Do anyone know of any websites or rescue centers that might be able point me in the right direction?

    6 AnswersDogs9 years ago
  • I missed the new Office tonight, is there any website that I can watch it on tonight?

    I don't want to wait for it to come out on Hulu.

    1 AnswerComedy9 years ago
  • Why have Americans ruined Christianity?

    I believe in God and pray daily but cannot force myself to accept organized religion or Christians specifically. I find Christians, in general to be downright offensive. The "holier than thou" attitude is disgusting and the exact opposit of neighborly. I would love for Christianity to be what it was intended to be but it couldn't be further from what it should be. I see people hate constantly in the name of "religion" I see atheists, Jews, Muslims and Buddhists show extreme kindness and generosity to those around them (regardless of religion, creed or nationality) and yet more times than not when I meet a rude, judgmental, selfish person they are a devout Christian. I do know some good Christians but in my experience that is NOT the norm.

    Obviously there are bad people in all religions but it truly saddens me that I can't practice the religion I believe in because the people are so obnoxious and hateful. The saying "you catch more bees with honey" seems completely lost on most Christians, rather than acting kindly and accepting those around them most Christians act like they either want nothing to do with those outside of their church or like those who don't believe what they do need to be "fixed."

    Before you say my experiences are limited to one area I have lived on three different states and currently work on the road (in the Midwest at the moment) but have spent at least a month in nearly every continental US state.

    I also doesn't quite a bit of time in Italy and Ireland and noticed that not a single Christian in either catholic country harbored this attitude. In fact I found some of the most open minded people I have ever met in rural Ireland. What has happened to American Christians? What has caused them to venture so far from "love thy neighbor"?

    10 AnswersReligion & Spirituality9 years ago
  • Reptiles or small pets for travelers?

    I work on the road (hotels every night) for 9 months a year. I really miss my dog while I'm away and would like to have a small pet to travel with me. I had a feeder mouse a few years ago and she was a great traveling companion but I'd rather not have shavings in the car again. She was perfect in that she slept through the day while I was driving or working and was awake at night when I had time to play with her. I have thought about a small lizard but I believe they all need hear lamps, right?

    I'd really be open to any suggestions if anyone can think of one, my main concern is that I wouldn't want to make any animal unhappy or uncomfortable. The biggest problem with that being their cage moving between the car and hotels. Any ideas?

    1 AnswerReptiles9 years ago
  • "No Kill Nation"- a feasible option?

    I have heard plenty of people talking about the "No Kill Nation" movement, always hand in hand with the "myth" of pet overpopulation. After hearing about it i decided to look into it because it would be a dream come true if there really was such a simple solution to all the pain and horror of dog rescue. Unfortunetly, I have yet to read a single sentence on their website that is in the least bit practicle. It reads more like a 4th graders school project on an animal-rescue utopia. Has anyone done any research on this group!

    6 out of the 10 steps to reform that this group suggests for a "no kill nation" rely on the public caring...even just a little. I don't know what planet they live on but I drive coast to coast for work at least 5 times a year, I know this country better than most politicians and, though I wish it weren't true, the vast majority of this nation could not possibly care less about shelter dogs. Their own dogs? They love them to death, but dogs in need? Someone else's problem.

    The other 4 suggestions rely heavily on resources and funds that are already spread far too thin but would be minuscule if they took in and kept every single animal that the public dumps on them.

    Does this group really expect every single shelter to keep every single animal? They want a staff of 10 to care for 20,000 animals at a time? Our small town SPCA gets on average 20,000 dogs and cats each year (this does not count small animals or livestock) It's really more humane to expect 20,000 animals to live in 75 kennels and be cared for by 10 people? Obviously this isnt what this group was picturing but it's the reality of what they are lobbying for. Please go to their website and tell me what you think.

    An I understanding the entire purpose of this group wrong?

    4 AnswersDogs9 years ago
  • 5 month old German Shepherd with neck injury?

    My parents have a German Shepherd puppy that was attacked immediately after birth by its mother (First litter, spayed now) Only a few of the puppies made it and had to be nursed by hand for 6 weeks and the breeder had another b**** care for them until 8 weeks. My parents puppy ended up with his head twisted nearly all the way around. X-rays have not shown any problems but he still carries his head slightly ********. At 4 weeks he started going to a chiropractor and we kept him going after we took him at 10 weeks. If its not showing up on X-rays I would assume its a muscular issue, right? Or could it be something else?

    His gate is perfectly normal and has never shown any signs of pain but he definitely doesn't carry his head normally. I live a few states away so I only see him every other month or so and it is very noticeable to me, my parents seem to be more used to it and after being assured by multiple vets and the chiropractor that he is comfortable they are no longer concerned.

    My worry is that even if there isnt pain now couldn't it cause problems (ESP in a GSD) down the road? The dam was from Germany and does not have a severely sloped back like most American bred GSDs but the male was from the states and has a bit of a slope. He is somewhere in between.

    1 AnswerOther - Pets9 years ago
  • Question about the gay marriage debate?

    I do my best, in all parts of my life, to see both sides of issues. Generally I'm pretty good at hearing two sides of an argument and seeing legitamicy is both sides. This is one debate that, no matter how many times I roll it over in my head I cannot see the "anti gay marriage" stance.

    How, in any way, shape or form could anyone oppose this?

    These are the answers I have seen from that side and not a single one holds any water in my eyes-

    1. The Bible says its wrong.

    I won't go into the real reason this was ever even added but that's not the point, the separation of church and state dictates that religious views should hold no merit in law making. So that's out.

    2. Giving gays the right to marry gives them the same financial benefits as a married couple and people could start using this to steal from the government. Really? There are marriages entered into every single day for the wrong reasons or on a wim. Why should Britney Spears be allowed to get married for 10 hours and yet a couple that has been in love for 30 years not be allowed to share health benefits and visit each other in the hospital?

    I'm sure there's more but I don't want to write a book here. If anyone can enlighten me here with intelligent reasons as to why gays should not be able to marry please feel free, thank you in advance.

    11 AnswersReligion & Spirituality9 years ago
  • Any suggestions for good travel crates?

    I work on the road and will be bringing my dog with me in the next month. We stay in hotels every night and some hotels require dogs to be in crates if you leave them alone. I bought a travel crate lady year but it is so heavy and cumbersome (much more so than a normal black crate) My dog is well crate trained but I wouldn't trust a flimsy mesh one because he weighs 70 lbs and I feel like he could just walk straight out haha. Does anyone know of a heavy duty nylon crate or camping crate perhaps? I would love something that could fold up smaller than a normal crate because I have a ton of photography equipment in my car already, I don't want to lug another huge thing into the hotel every night. At this point I think the best option would to just bring his normal metal one because I have searched and searched online and can't find anything that will work better but I know there has to be something out there. All ideas welcome, thank you in advance.

    Dogs9 years ago
  • 4 month old GSD with a temperature of 105?

    Our puppy woke up this morning with a seriously high temperature. We rushed him to the vet and he has been on fluids since 8am. They ran a blood test and it came back clear, slightly elevated white blood cell count. His lungs and eyes are perfectly clear, heart rate and blood pressure were normal. He is lethargic but other than that and his temperature he is seemingly 100% fine. Obviously something is very wrong though, if he isn't improving at his normal vets by 4 we are bringing him to the university of Pennsylvania.

    I just wanted to see if anyone has ANY ideas- he is fully vaccinated and has had no health problems to date. Any ideas would be welcomed- thank you.

    3 AnswersDogs9 years ago
  • RIP Lennox, the American Bulldog/Lab mix from Ireland?

    I can't even get myself to comment on the story, too heartbreaking, but I have a disturbing question for anyone that has been following this case.

    I can't help but think that they put this dog to sleep months, if not years ago. What else would the reasoning be not to let the family say goodbye or at very least have his body back? Why only return "some" of his ashes? Murders and their families get more respect than this poor dog. Something is just not right here.

    6 AnswersDogs9 years ago
  • Do you think Michael Vick paid his dues?

    I stumbled on a Vick support website today and was disgusted by how many people made excuses for him. Everything from "they were just dogs" to "lots of people fight dogs, why throw the book at Vick?" I don't understand how anyone can excuse his behavior, he brutally murdered and tortured dogs for money. He was a multimillionaire and still chose to fight and kill dogs for fun. I have seen several celebrities try to excuse his behavior publicly even, saying that its his "culture"- BS I'm from the south and that is NOT our culture, it is hateful, brutal "entertainment" for lowlifes and degenerates. There is no excuse for what he did.

    Do you think that he should have been allowed back in the NFL and do you agree that he paid his dues?

    8 AnswersDogs9 years ago