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Austin54 asked in PetsDogs · 9 years ago

RIP Lennox, the American Bulldog/Lab mix from Ireland?

I can't even get myself to comment on the story, too heartbreaking, but I have a disturbing question for anyone that has been following this case.

I can't help but think that they put this dog to sleep months, if not years ago. What else would the reasoning be not to let the family say goodbye or at very least have his body back? Why only return "some" of his ashes? Murders and their families get more respect than this poor dog. Something is just not right here.


Red Dog- unfortunately I'm on my cell phone and don't know how to post links but I'll try to explain it as best I can (forgive me of I get any details wrong) Lennox was an American Bulldog/Lab mix from Belfast, IR. he was 5yrs old when everything started, the SPCA (or Ireland's equivalent) showed up at the families home (husband, wife, 11 yr old developmentally disabled daughter, male boxer and another small dog) and asked to see Lennox. They hung out with family for a whole, observed Lennox playing with the other dogs and child and then they pulled out tailors tape and measured his hind legs and muzzle. After checking the measurements they determine that he was a "Pit Bull."

They then confiscated the dog and refused to say where they were bringing him. All the family was given was a sheet of paper with a woman's name on it. They were threatened that if they didn't sign the dog o ER that they would lose their jobs (I don't understand that part).

Update 2:

Add- the whole thing is reminding me of Ace- the dog found outside of the hardware store in Ohio (I think) they was killed immediately and the shelter kept saying he had been moved to avoid lawsuits and didn't end up telling the truth until a judge ordered that he not be killed until he was seen in court. They finally admitted to what they had done but only bc of that.

My guts telling me that bc things like this happen so often that most shelters dog what they did in Aces case and nobody follows up on it so it goes unchecked. I very well could be 100% wrong but it terrified me to think that people could be that heartless to a families feelings, you know?

Scares me to death that that could be my Loki someday.

Update 3:

Helen- media circus or not? That was a member of their family. The shelter had promised them that they would get to say goodbye, they broke that promise. The public would be much less angry if they had at least kept their promise.

I'm assuming you did not follow the "ace" case, please look it up. Shelters kill dogs as soon as they walk in all the time, this was probably no different.

No, I am not equating the life of a human to that of a dog, I'm saying that the dog was 100% innocent and and was treated without a shred a dignity. People that murder children at least get to say goodbye to their families. "The goodness of a nation can be judged by the way it treats it's animals" this dog did nothing wrong, why could he have not been given one last but of joy before he was executed?

The dig "resembled" a pit bull based on the measurements of its hind legs and muzzle. My aunt and uncle have a stunningly well bred English Labrador that has the

Update 4:

"Clock" Pit has 1 "T" not two, you know nothing, your point is invalid. The other person shut their mouths because obviously they know that they are wrong. The law is rediculous, the way it was executed was illegal. End of story.

Update 5:

And NOPE- the dog was NOT a pit mix, prove that it was. Then we'll talk.

6 Answers

  • 9 years ago
    Favorite Answer

    They haven't exactly released new photos of him either so maybe they did. But why would they keep everyone in suspense for so long, letting all these campaigns go on for the length of time they did. If they did put the pup down months ago, then they surely would've made it public earlier? Unless there is something we are missing..Either way it is a sad turn out :(

  • 9 years ago

    The dog was a pitt mix and those are not allowed. The family knew such breeds are not allowed but they believes they were Super Special Snowflakes and brought the dog any way.

    Its not murder, its a dog that was destroyed because the breed wasn't allowed. They knew it was a pitt mix. Nothing will change that and the family and several others wanted the dog to be saved and wasted so much money over one dog that was a banned breed that could have gone to save so many lives at shelters.

    The dog was singed over, they family had no rights to the dog what so ever once the dog was confiscated because it was a banned breed.

    The family did a lot of finger pointing and blaming and they did know it was a pitt. They even played the we are Super Special Snowflakes card so that meant they could break the law

  • Anonymous
    9 years ago

    "I can't help but think that they put this dog to sleep months, if not years ago."

    I wish he had been. Sitting in a kennel for 2 years is no life for any dog. But I doubt that he was, since news of his death would have put a stop to the DEATH THREATS that the counsel and pound workers have been receiving....

    "What else would the reasoning be not to let the family say goodbye or at very least have his body back?"

    After the circus this has become, you have to ask? As for not getting the body back, I guarantee you there would have been photos of it taken, probably with the grieving child who had been his owner, and those would have gone viral. Then there would be MORE death threats....

    "Murders and their families get more respect than this poor dog."

    I should hope so. Are you equating a dog with a human?

    "Something is just not right here."

    Yep. A dog that had a definite resemblance to a pit bull was owned in a place that has a ban against such dogs. The family thought they were *special* and could break the law.

    I feel sorry for the dog. He didn't deserve what happened to him. But that doesn't change the law, and it doesn't excuse the many people who sent death threats to folks who were only doing their jobs. It also doesn't excuse his owners for dragging this mess out for over 2 years while their dog sat alone and miserable in a kennel.

  • 9 years ago

    I am aware of the efforts of Lennox’s family to save his life and it is regrettable for the dog’s sake that it has been such a protracted business.

    It is unlikely Lennox was killed before the destruction order was confirmed as there would be an outside possibility the ruling could be overturned.

    With regard to the ashes it was probably a multiple dog cremation in which case it would be impossible to sift out Lennox’s ashes and return them to the family.

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  • 9 years ago

    I agree

  • 9 years ago

    Never heard of this. Please post story links or give more details. Thx!

    Source(s): Dog owner, trainer & shower for years.
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