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A question for Christians?

Let me preface this by saying I know plenty of wonderful, open minded Christians but my question is for those that openly oppose gay marriage in America.

I truly do not understand how anyone could even begin to call themselves a Christian and use that faith to keep others from being happy. What happened to love thy neighbor? Do Christians believe that they will be judged by God for living in a country that allows gay marriage? Was that ever discussed in the bible?

I think I would rather stand in front of God when I pass and explain that I interpreted "love thy neighbor" literally and stood beside my gay and lesbian brothers and sisters then try to argue why I spent countless hours trying to keep others from loving one another when I could have spent the time feeding the poor.

I have a pretty good feeling that the people that will feel the wrath of God will be those that used his name to put others down.

If anyone on here opposes gay marriage on a religious basis please explain to me how you justify this in your heart.


Let me also add the intelectual reasoning for homosexuality being deemed a 'sin.' For century's homosexuality was accepted and embraced (see Ancient Rome) but in order to expand Christianity the leaders if the church deemed homosexuality a 'sin' to encourage procreation. This is no different then Islam and Judaism banning the consumption of pork. Pork spoils very quickly in hot climits and it was much easier for religious leaders to say God or Allah said not to eat pork then to explain to the uneducated masses about bacteria and desease.

For the record I am a Christian and I feel that I have a very strong relationship with my God, but I don't step foot into churches because I believe that modern day Christians couldn't possibley have strayed further from the teachings of Jesus.

Update 2:

Fireball- you know fornication means sex, right? Do you really think god said no sex? Seems like a rather short sighted

Update 3:

Boaz- you are the exact reason that I choose not to worship in a church.

Let me ask all of you "Christians" one question- why, exactly, have you chosen to waste your days on the Internet berating others when Jesus told you specifically to spend your days helping the poor? If the Christian church was anything short of an abomination of Jesus' word you all would be out there feeding the poor on Sunday (and every day) I can guarantee you that God considered those that spend their lives helping others to be more worry of savior then you selfritious pr*cks.

If you stand by the few lines about homosexuality then surely you stand by the rights of men to own slaves and to kill their wives and children for disobedience, right? You obviously don't have any tattoos or use birth control, right? You obviously give all of your worldly possessions to the poor right?

No, you don't. Because you bigots pick and choose what is convienient for you.

6 Answers

  • 9 years ago


    You Sir, are NO Christian, Because if you were you would goto church every Sabbath.

    You also have set yourself up as superior to God by declaring that homosexuality is not a sin, when is is God Himself and not the Church's hierarchy that has declared it an ABOMINATION.

    Homosexual behaviour has NEVER been accepted by God's people as it is covered by the "Thou shalt not commit adultery" commandment.

    A true Christian does love his fellow humans, and wants them ALL to be HAPPY (which incidentaly is the real meaning of the oft used word "gay") and where he perceives sin, makes the sinner aware of it and offers a solution.

    The main problem is that people (including you) appear not to BELIEVE God.

    FYI, FORNICATION covers ALL sexual behaviour from masturbation to sodomy, and all deviant behaviour in between.

    Please correct your thinking and get right with God.

    . . .

  • 9 years ago

    You're obviously not going to be prepared to accept answers from Christians with your stance, but here goes.

    Since when is the capacity to LOVE they neighbour, or anyone for that matter defined as accepting "SIN" as okay. If I disapprove of any other sexual sin, does it mean that I don't love the person committing the sin? If my daughter is married, and having an consensual affair.. if I disapprove of that behaviour, do I NOT love her? What about any other sin?

    The Bible expressly and clearly states what marriage is about, and who marriage involves. It also makes clear that homosexual behaviour (acting on it) is a SIN.

    To keep in line with scripture, and God we don't condone any sin, be it sexual or otherwise...

    From Genesis onward the Bible makes God's position on homosexual relations clear.

    When God brought a "suitable" partner to Adam, it was EVE, a female.

    For this reason a MAN will leave his father and mother and be united to his WIFE, and the TWO will become one flesh( this of course refers to the sexual union- male and female)

    Then onward into Romans, through to Revelation.

    Supporting SIN, is extremely irresponsible.

    Why are you referencing the OT, as far as the Mosaic and Cultural Laws, that applied to Jews (Israel) and trying to parallel scripture's stance on homosexual SIN with those? The passages you reference start with God " And God spoke to Moses saying.. TELL THE ISRAELITES..." Israelites are Jews.

    Homosexuality, or the disapproval of homosexual sex, was CARRIED over from the OT to the NT, with NO lenience/change, and directed at GENTILES (Christians) The cultural laws however DID change with time. The foods once outlawed were declared GOOD for food.

    There's NOT ONE VERSE in the Bible that supports homosexual relations from the OT through the NT, NOT ONE.

    There's a whole lot of Christians being bamboozled right now. The Bible says that when Christ's return is near the state of the world will be like it was in the days of Noah, evilness and debauchery abounded.. Lawlessness, denying God... and as a result God wiped it out... with the exception of Noah, and his family who saw favour.

    Once again you're referencing scripture, that isn't directed at us, Christians. We're entitled to doing what YOU'RE doing which is.. sharing your beliefs.

    FYI and future reference: Israel= (Jews) GENTILES-= Christians. Christianity came AFTER Christ.

    Giving to the needy and other forms of outreach are part of a pretty substantial list of things we should do as (not only Christians) but as humans - religious or otherwise.

    Here's another verse for you "Go ye into all the world and preach the gospel to every creature."More importantly than what we eat or wear is sharing God's word with a desperately lost nations. Helping save souls. We're responsible IF we lead others astray.

    You my friend, sound like you're a classic cherry picker. If you want to spout off verses as a desperate means to try and support a perverted cause, make sure they're verses that apply to your audience.

    Your intolerance and hatred is showing.


  • Anonymous
    8 years ago

    I just came across this.Happy is a temporary thing.It comes and go.You work sweat at your sin.Joy on the other hand is your strength to do the right thing even if you know your gay.The joy of the Lord will bring you through.It is about His way ,His thoughts for your life and it is not living in sin .You cant take a lie and turn it into truth.I hope it is not to late for you .Seek God way and not yours.

    Source(s): change your heart
  • Linda
    Lv 7
    9 years ago

    A Christian is one who obeys God's commandments. One of them is not to have close sexual contact with a member of your own sex. So, here is your choice. You can obey God and live or you can do as you please and die. There is no third choice and there is nothing you can do about it. Only God has the right to make decisions as to how the universe will be run. It is not your decision.

    However, you have lots of company. Most people on earth prefer to do as they please for a brief time rather than have a chance to live forever. I assure you, there will be no homosexuals, drunkards, drugs or violence in the next world. The bible assures us of that. So, I hope you wake up and choose to serve our creator. If not - goodbye.

    Source(s): bible student
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  • Anonymous
    9 years ago

    I admit there is a lack of balance in the church on this and many other issues.

    A lot of Christians need to be better educated about what their priorities need to be...

  • 9 years ago

    I think I just fell in love jkjk, but honestly I agree completely

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