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Jehovah's Witnesses Door Knockers?

Why do Jehovah's Witnesses keep coming to my house? It really annoys my mom, because she works 10 hours a day and hates coming home to it. Are they trying to convert us? Do they have an agenda?

My first job was door knocking, so I understand and respect what they do. But I NEVER went to the same house twice. These guys bother us every other week

18 Answers

  • 8 years ago
    Favorite Answer

    I would politely say "no, but thanks for asking" ..when asked if you are interested in a brochure or bible study.

  • ?
    Lv 4
    5 years ago

    More commonly, JWs don't go to the equal house every two weeks. Nonetheless, in the event that they try to go to a residence and the man or woman is gone (or possibly pretending not to be dwelling) they're going to verify back once or twice. But they don't keep going to each person's home every two weeks. They have got assigned territories and do not work them that on the whole. The Bible says that they "good news" will probably be preached within the entire earth. Matt. 24:14. They're the only ones doing it to any extent. Believe of it this way. Your mom works 10 hours a day. Good, Witnesses have secular jobs too. However despite working hard at their everyday jobs, they are volunteering their time to arrive people with the Bible's message. So without doubt it wouldn't be that tough for your mom to stop 5 minutes of her time. She may be pleasantly surprised with the aid of what she hears. But when she doesn't wish to she will ask that they no longer come by using and they'll honor that.

  • Anonymous
    8 years ago

    Typically, JWs don't go to the same house every two weeks. However, if they attempt to go to a home and the person is gone (or perhaps pretending not to be home) they will check back once or twice. But they don't keep going to everyone's home every two weeks. They have assigned territories and don't work them that often.

    The Bible says that they "good news" will be preached in the whole earth. Matt. 24:14. They are the only ones doing it to any extent.

    Think of it this way. Your mom works 10 hours a day. Well, Witnesses have secular jobs too. But in spite of working hard at their everyday jobs, they are volunteering their time to reach people with the Bible's message. So surely it wouldn't be that hard for your mom to give up 5 minutes of her time. She may be pleasantly surprised by what she hears. But if she doesn't want to she can ask that they not come by and they will honor that.

  • ?
    Lv 7
    8 years ago

    Because we are following in Jesus' footsteps. This is a commission that should be held by anyone who claims to believe in God. Our "agenda" is to get you to accept a free bible study, so you can learn about Jehovah and then make up your mind if you want to serve Him and have the chance of living on this earth but in perfect conditions. So it is wonderful news, we want to share.

    I cannot answer to why my spiritual family knock every other week, other than your mum did accept something and keeps somehow showing interest.

    If your mum was to suggest a different time, then they would come around at that time. If one does not say that it is inconvenient, we are not mind readers!

    Would you like to know what the future holds? Why you are here? Why so much suffering etc? Your bible answers all these questions; we just want to show you and give you hope for the future:D

  • ?
    Lv 4
    8 years ago

    Jehovah's witnesses have the privilege of preaching because Jesus commanded them to do this work. Matthew 28:" 18 And Jesus approached and spoke to them, saying: “All authority has been given me in heaven and on the earth. 19 Go therefore and make disciples of people of all the nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the holy spirit, 20 teaching them to observe all the things I have commanded YOU. And, look! I am with YOU all the days until the conclusion of the system of things.”

    They love people and someone helped them to get to know the scriptures and that is what they offer " a free home Bible study."

    You're mom, or you could just politely tell them that she is not interested, by saying just that. They will not disrespect your right to chose.

    Source(s): I'm one of Jehovah's witnesses.
  • 8 years ago

    And this good news of the kingdom will be preached in all the inhabited earth for a witness to all the nations;

    Matthew 24:14

    If you don't want us around then post a No Trespassing or Private Property sign at the beginning of your property. We will respect it. Our message is of hope and of God. It is one you should hear and think about.

  • ?
    Lv 4
    8 years ago

    Politely, ask them to put your name, address etc... on the "do not call" list. Being that I was placed on that list (without my knowledge nor by request), I can tell you it is very effective. I haven't seen an JW at my door for well over 10 years! A more direct tactic would to place a small sign in a conspicuous place stating "Jehovah's Witnesses not welcomed"...

    It is also important to understand that they do this because it is required of them and not necessarily because they are showing Christian love (as they would like you to believe). They are required to report, on a monthly basis, their time spent in the "field", endeavoring to "work the doors" a minimum of 10 hours per month. So, to JW's, this field work is a duty, an obligation and nothing more. Any JW ignoring this obligation will be labeled as "weak", disobedient, unappreciative etc.. and will be looked down upon derisively by others in the congregation. On the other hand, if someone is very active, reporting over 10 hours a month, then it becomes a reason for gloating or even boasting, if only by inference in action and speech..

    The claim that Jesus Christ himself and his disciples went "door to door", that is, one door over to the next door etc.., preaching the "good new of the kingdom" is bogus, a false claim developed to validate their existence as a publishing corporation producing religious literature. Quite contrary to JW's, Jesus and his disciples preached in public squares, synagogues, marketplaces, by the sea etc... any location where people tended to gather. It is also amusing to note that JW's, in the USA, need to spend, on average, over 7500 hours of field work to create one single convert. Efficient? Hardly so....

    Source(s): general knowledge, Annual Worldwide Field Service Report
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    Lv 7
    8 years ago

    They are just following Jesus's direction to try to help you. If you don't want to be helped to learn how you can have a better life, just tell them not to call on you. They are plenty busy and you can make the decision to NOT be helped.

  • 8 years ago

    For one thing, it gives them a feeling of self-righteousness. "We're the only ones who go door to door, fulfilling Matt. 24:14." This feeling of self-righteousness is increased if you "persecute" them by treating them badly. However, their "established in 1914" kingdom message is a false gospel (Gal. 1:8-9), and Matt. 24:14 won't be fulfilled until during the Tribulation period (Matt. 24:14, 21). They also have to turn in "time cards" every month, and they will be embarrassed and/or "counseled" (chastised) if they have not "put in enough hours."

  • ?
    Lv 7
    8 years ago

    to teach the word of God

    not to try to force you

    because of the holy spirit

    because it was a commandment of jesus

  • Anonymous
    8 years ago

    Of course they are trying to convert you and of course they have an agenda. Tell them once nicely, twice not so nice and the third time make it abundantly clear they they are to get off your doorstep and stay off. Sometimes, unfortunately, you have to be downright rude to get rid of annoying people.

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