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Can people in hell get visits from people in heaven who want to see them?

I think if people in heaven cannot sometimes go visit people in hell then it is unfair to the people in heaven, and it is inhumane to the people in hell.

Sometimes husbands and wives, or other family members would be split up between heaven and hell. These people should be able to see each other once in a while because they love each other. Even people in prison, as long as they are on good behavior, get to have visitors. Otherwise, it would be cruel and unusual punishment.

If people can show enough compassion to allow visitation rights, then I think God should allow them too. What do you think?

16 Answers

  • 8 years ago
    Favorite Answer

    I agree.Lets go a step further,and give the hell and heaven residents holidays and vacations to visit and live with each other in their places.

  • 8 years ago

    No. Hell is not a place, it's an event-one that hasn't happened yet. People that end up in that punishment will die after their mental and physical torment has ended, not burn throughout the ceaseless eternal ages. Some will die immediately, some not so much-according to their works on earth. The righteous will witness their destruction after the milennium upon the earth (Isa 66:23,24)

    Hell is "reserved" for Satan and his angels. Hell is punishment for the wicked. Only those people who don't want a life with God will die in hell, not live forever in torment. God is love. Love, by it's very definition, cannot be forced. People cannot live without God. Remember, the Bible says "the wages of sin is death." Notice, the Bible doesn't teach that the wages of sin is "life in torment." Life without God dies-period. If we reject God, we must, by definition reject life itself.

    Consider 3 main points:

    1. The Bible says in Jude 7 that Sodom and Gomorrah were destroyed, "suffering the vengeance of eternal fire." Is Sodom still burning? No. Then what does "eternal" mean? It means the consequences are eternal. Something burns until it burns up completely. The Biblical place called "gehenna" which is translated "hell" was a place of burning outside off the city. The trash and refuse, along with bodies of the dead were put there to keep disease at bay. It perpetually burned because it was constantly fed new material. When God sends hell-fire after the millennium onto Satan, his angels, and the wicked who followed them, they will all burn up in proportion to their wickedness, with Satan getting to see all those he decieved die off before he himself dies-forever.

    2. God is fair, very fair. All Christians would agree with that statement. But most Christians would have a hard time telling you how fair it is to have Cain, the Bible's first murderer, who would have to have gone to "hell" immediately upon death, while at the same time justifying how the Devil himself is still on earth, walking about "as a roaring lion." That would mean Cain would have been burning thousands of years longer than the Devil himself. That would make God unfair. But the Bible doesn't teach this insidious doctrine.

    3. Man is not naturally immortal. Man must "put on immortality," according to the Bible. Genesis 2:7 says that "God formed man of the dust of the ground, and breathed into his nostrils the breath of life; and man became a living soul." The equation is DUST + BREATH = SOUL. The soul is not something separate from the body that gets assigned to a body and departs upon death. Therefore, the "soul that sinneth, it shall die." (Ezekiel 18:4) Where will the soul of the unrepentent sinner die? In the "second death" of Rev. 2:11 which is HELL.

  • 8 years ago

    I've never thought about this one before. Well if by some miracle I made it to Heaven and my Wife or even my Daughter went to Hell, I can imagine I'd be very upset. I suppose I would go to God and plead for them. I wonder if anyone has ever told God if their loved one can't be in heaven with them, then send them to Hell so at least they don't have suffer alone?

    That's some next level sh*t right there!

  • A B2
    Lv 7
    8 years ago

    Yes see the parable of Lazarus.

    But people in heaven have more

    to do than visit people in the hell

    as they know that nothing can

    be done to save them or to

    diminish their suffer.

  • Anonymous
    8 years ago

    Yeah I heard about something like this between Lazarus and his master who is burning in Hell. The king seen Lazarus and aked for a drink of water from Lazarus in Heaven.

  • 8 years ago

    LOL good question!

    Personally I don't really beleive in Hell and Heaven but hypothetically speaking I would say it depends on how bad what the person did is and if they deserve to see the people and also if the people in heaven want to see them then I think they should be allowed to.

    Very interesting though!!

  • ?
    Lv 7
    8 years ago

    Hell worst torment is being seperated from GOD and those who found faith in CHRIST.

    You also have that option once you know of Jesus. You don't want seperation then find out who is really your LORD and Savior, Jesus in Heaven or yourself living frail and limited time on earth.

  • buddha
    Lv 4
    5 years ago

    uncertain what i think of ... for the checklist, in Jesus' parable of Lazarus and the rich guy, the rich guy (burning in hell) is in a position to establish Lazarus interior the bosom of Abraham in heaven, yet in accordance to the myth, Lazarus isn't able to flow the huge gulf between heaven and hell to minister to the rich guy in hell. this is all in Luke, financial ruin sixteen:19-31. of course this is "in common terms a parable."

  • Anonymous
    8 years ago


  • 8 years ago

    No. People in heaven are unaware of people in hell, and vice verse.

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