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Why do you think mass shootings don't occur in countries where guns are illegal?

In today's news 27 people were shot in a Connecticut elementary school including student of the school ranging from k-4 grade. My question is why doesn't China or Japan - where guns are illegal - have to endure tragedies like this amongst it's citizens, but America does?

Looking for serious answers

8 Answers

  • ?
    Lv 7
    8 years ago
    Favorite Answer

    Simple: band guns.

    1) Look at the facts ( and you'll see America ranks in the bottom half of nations with 13,000 murders per year. That's 4.2 people per 100,000. In comparison Japan is #4 and had just over 400 murders (that's 0.3%!).

    2) The "there will always be psychopaths" argument is invalid. Let's swap the situation: imagine you are trying to lose weight. In one country, it is acceptable to eat whatever you want. In another country unhealthy foods are illegal and extremely frowned upon. It's America's casual view on guns that tell children subconsciously (or not so subconsciously!) that guns are perfectly acceptable.

    3) Look at the some of the countries with the lowest murder rates: Japan, Singapore and Indonesia. These countries have between 0.1 and 0.6 guns per 100 people. In comparison, America has 89 guns per 100 people. If you look at every country with lower murder rates than America even some 'dodgy' countries (according to redneck Americans) like China, Syria, Iraq, UAE, Saudi Arabia, Russia, Afganistan, Iran (etc) you will find they ALL have significantly lower murder rates.

    4) Of all the countries above America, 75% are developed and maybe only 5-8 of those 100 countries allow guns. If you look at the countries below America, guns are legal virtually everywhere.

    You only have to look around, you don't even have to look at the facts. I live in the UK and there has NEVER been a shooting in the UK in neither my generation or my parent's generation. All murders are either family/gang related and usually only one person dies. We have NEVER had these random shootings. America has several every year. The main reason is 2). There are psychopaths in EVERY country, but why is it America is the ONLY developed country that has them? In such a conservative country, guns are viewed so leniently. What do you do? Sign a petition calling for guns to be banned! It will take time to actually see any effects, but within a few generations when guns become more taboo there be virtually no shootings.

  • Anonymous
    8 years ago

    XZYYZ is right. Today there was a stabbing of elementary kids in China for some reason. Apparently it is some sort of reoccuring thing today. Mass shootings probably don't happen because guns ARE illegal. But that doesn't mean there isn't violence. I'd personally rather be shot than stabbed.

    I'm not sticking up for these monsters in any way but what do you want to bet the shooter didn't have a concealed weapons permit? How much do you want to bet he wouldn't have done the same thing if guns were illegal? Especially knowing that guns ARE illegal and knowing that no honest, law abiding citizen would be able to shoot him back. Just food for thought.

    Obviously we disagree on the gun laws but we do agree that this is a disgusting tragedy and the gun laws do need some serious cleaning up.

  • ?
    Lv 4
    5 years ago

    One of the Colorado victims had weeks earlier survived a similar incident in an Ontario, Canada mall...which proves the point that when guns are banned, only criminals have guns. But guns aren't the only weapon in the world. Earlier this yr in Australia, a family of 8 was murdered by arson by a jealous ex-boyfriend. And don't get me to talking about mass murders in the third-world...

  • 8 years ago

    And a bunch of people in Tokyo were murdered when some lunatics set off Sirin nerve gas on the subway. Also, in China, the local neighborhood committee can grab a woman and force her to have an abortion if she is having a second child that has not been approved by the State. Take that same woman and give her a legal Glock .40 and you may just have a different result.

  • Anonymous
    8 years ago

    They don't have as many freedom's over there, so they can violate them a bit more heavily and stop firearms from existing. Japan, is a small island, so it's hard to get guns on it if there are non in the loop. But no guns doesn't mean no murder. In Japan a guy went nuts with a truck and ran people over, then hopped out and stabbed tons of people with a butcher knife. Now compare that with the mall shooting, only 2 people died.--- Guns aren't the problem, and we can't make them go away in america, since we're right next to mexico, and we have too many freedoms.

  • ?
    Lv 6
    8 years ago

    They just Murder by filling cars with TNT and Blowing everyone up! There was a case in Connecticut where two career losers beat a prominent Doctor half to death and burned his wife and two daughters alive? They didn't use guns!!

  • 8 years ago

    Britian's crime rate has double since they banned fire arms in 95'. China still has murders. D.C. leads in the country in crime without guns.

    What sense do you get that guns are the only problem in the world?

  • xyzzy
    Lv 7
    8 years ago

    They do. But in China they just cut them. Friday 22 children were slashed by a man at their school. See link below.

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